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For Sale

Miami Beach Towers Tower 3 268 Wu Chui Road

Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers

Avg. Price/sq. ft. in this estate $9087/sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 

Years Built

33 years

Residential  Estate
Sea View
Elegant Decoration
Club Facilities
268 Wu Chui Road

Property Description

Welcome to your enquire 
we do the house estate service which is location all around in HONG KONG
AND we are also provide as the following service which is optional of the HK house estate trade

1)the nearest update of the deal history
2)the highly recommend of the second hand unit
3)the role of the deal transaction
4)bank valuation , finance test calculation, details of down payment , free mortgage referral
5)lawyer firm referral and free lawyer enquire
6)free delivery for house preview and update blank new information all around in HK

Property ID

CFY790(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

6 days ago

Expiry Date


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Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier Miami Beach Towers
The listing is expired, it is for reference only.
For Sale

Miami Beach Towers Tower 3 268 Wu Chui Road

Miami Beach Towers
Tuen Mun Ferry Pier 268 Wu Chui Road
Avg. Price/sq. ft. in this estate $9087/sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 

Years Built

33 years

Residential  Estate
Sea View
Elegant Decoration
Club Facilities

Property ID(Provided by Agent):CFY790

House730 ID:8202975

Property Description
Welcome to your enquire 
we do the house estate service which is location all around in HONG KONG
AND we are also provide as the following service which is optional of the HK house estate trade

1)the nearest update of the deal history
2)the highly recommend of the second hand unit
3)the role of the deal transaction
4)bank valuation , finance test calculation, details of down payment , free mortgage referral
5)lawyer firm referral and free lawyer enquire
6)free delivery for house preview and update blank new information all around in HK
For Sale
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
6 days ago
Expiry Date
Property Listing expired, contact information has been hidden
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