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For Rent

New Decoration In Central And Sheung Wan Close Mtr

Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor



Open Style 

Years Built


Residential  Chinese Mansion
Open Kitchen
Elegant Decoration
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

Property Description

Included rates, government rent and management fee
Central & Sheung Wan District, 277 Des Voeux Road Central【No Commission For Tenant】
within 30sec from Sheung Wan MTR Station, super beautiful location, newly renovated, complete facilities, very convenient transportation
🧍🏼‍♂️Standard Room: open plan living area with kitchenette and bedroom, a Indie. bathroom
👫Family Suite: 1 bedroom, 1 living room, Indie. kitchen, and separate toilet and shower stall
Basic equipment : induction cooker, air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine , TV, table with chair, water heater, bed with mattress, free wifi
Indie. elec. and water meter
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Property ID




House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

34 days ago

Expiry Date


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Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
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Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan) No.277 Des Voeux Road Central Lower Floor
The listing is expired, it is for reference only.
For Rent

New Decoration In Central And Sheung Wan Close Mtr

No.277 Des Voeux Road Central
Lower Floor
Single Building (Sheung Wan & Sai Wan)


Open Style 

Years Built


Residential  Chinese Mansion
Open Kitchen
Elegant Decoration
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

House730 ID:8160139

Property Description
Central & Sheung Wan District, 277 Des Voeux Road Central【No Commission For Tenant】
within 30sec from Sheung Wan MTR Station, super beautiful location, newly renovated, complete facilities, very convenient transportation
🧍🏼‍♂️Standard Room: open plan living area with kitchenette and bedroom, a Indie. bathroom
👫Family Suite: 1 bedroom, 1 living room, Indie. kitchen, and separate toilet and shower stall
Basic equipment : induction cooker, air conditioner, refrigerator, washing machine , TV, table with chair, water heater, bed with mattress, free wifi
Indie. elec. and water meter
*Whatsapp Me
For Rent
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
34 days ago
Expiry Date
Property Listing expired, contact information has been hidden
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