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Same Estate Same Area
For Rent

Great Location,Quiet Environment

Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Tower 3 Upper Floor FLAT D



2 Room(s) 

Years Built

31 years

Residential  Estate
Club Facilities
Mountain View
Shuttle Bus
With Lease Agreement
Elegant Decoration
18 Old Peak Road

Property Description

Deluxe Decoration,  Mountain View Good Property Management, Convenient Transportation

Property ID

TGD538(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

44 days ago

Expiry Date


Recent Transaction

Buy Transaction
Rent Transaction
Contract/Reg. Date Address Price Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross)


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Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
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Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
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Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
Mid-Levels Central Hillsborough Court Upper Floor
The listing is expired, it is for reference only.
For Rent

Great Location,Quiet Environment

Hillsborough Court
Tower 3 Upper Floor FLAT D
Mid-Levels Central 18 Old Peak Road


2 Room(s) 

Years Built

31 years

Residential  Estate
Club Facilities
Mountain View
Shuttle Bus
With Lease Agreement
Elegant Decoration

Property ID(Provided by Agent):TGD538

House730 ID:8060356

Property Description
Deluxe Decoration,  Mountain View Good Property Management, Convenient Transportation
For Rent
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
44 days ago
Expiry Date
Property Listing expired, contact information has been hidden
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There is no relevant transaction data for this housing estate, so the transaction of nearby housing estates is provided for reference

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