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For Rent

Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village No.113,G/F:700’+500’ GDN

Village House(Tsuen Wan District) Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village Ground Floor



1 Room(s) 
1 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

1980 years

Residential  Village House
Area unverified
汀九村村屋113 號地下連花園

Property Description

Rent Start Date:2024-07-16
Tsuen Wan Ting Kau  village house on the Ground floor (near the elevator) 700sq feet with Garden 500 sq feet: 1bedroom, 1 toilet, dinning and living room and 1 maid room 
-can live in, be a classroom, or be a private club house, be a party room
-Kitchen and bathroom,
-Air conditioner, water heater, induction cooker, microwave oven, washing machine, refrigerator
-No agency fee
-Convenient transportation(only a short distance from Tuen Wan MTR and Tsuen Wan West MTR Station around 10 minutes bus ride time)
-Monthly rent: $18,000

Property ID

Ch1232346(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

64 days ago

Expiry Date


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Village House(Tsuen Wan District) Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village Ground Floor
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Village House(Tsuen Wan District) Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village Ground Floor
Village House(Tsuen Wan District) Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village Ground Floor
Village House(Tsuen Wan District) Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village Ground Floor
Village House(Tsuen Wan District) Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village Ground Floor
The listing is expired, it is for reference only.
For Rent

Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village No.113,G/F:700’+500’ GDN

Tuen Wan Ting Kau Village
Ground Floor
Village House(Tsuen Wan District) 汀九村村屋113 號地下連花園


1 Room(s) 
1 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

1980 years

Residential  Village House
Area unverified

Property ID(Provided by Agent):Ch1232346

House730 ID:8057669

Property Description
Tsuen Wan Ting Kau  village house on the Ground floor (near the elevator) 700sq feet with Garden 500 sq feet: 1bedroom, 1 toilet, dinning and living room and 1 maid room 
-can live in, be a classroom, or be a private club house, be a party room
-Kitchen and bathroom,
-Air conditioner, water heater, induction cooker, microwave oven, washing machine, refrigerator
-No agency fee
-Convenient transportation(only a short distance from Tuen Wan MTR and Tsuen Wan West MTR Station around 10 minutes bus ride time)
-Monthly rent: $18,000
For Rent
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
64 days ago
Expiry Date
Property Listing expired, contact information has been hidden
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