For Sale

Whether you have a building or not, regardless of

Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor A室

Avg. Price/sq. ft. in this estate $15063/sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 
1 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

20 years

Residential  Estate
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Club Facilities
Mountain View
Pet Allowed
Closed Kitchen
18 Farm Road

Property Description

There's a key! 

Address: No. 18 Nong Po Road
Date of occupation: 07/2004
Number of units: 324
Number of floors: 41
Number of units per floor: 8
School network: Kowloon District School Network No. 34
Developer: Sun Hung Kai Properties Development Co., Ltd.
Management Company:
Property Facilities: The property club covers an area of 26,000 square feet, including a "day and night" themed platform garden, a 25-meter swimming pool, children's playroom, sauna, fitness room, Game room, children's library, quiet garden, special water spring, luminous children's playground, steam roo

Property ID

FRA7(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

69 days ago

Expiry Date


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Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor House730-8054220
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
Ma Tau Wai No. 18 Farm Road Lower Floor
For Sale

Whether you have a building or not, regardless of

No. 18 Farm Road
Lower Floor A室
Ma Tau Wai 18 Farm Road
Avg. Price/sq. ft. in this estate $15063/sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 
1 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

20 years

Residential  Estate
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Club Facilities
Mountain View
Pet Allowed
Closed Kitchen

Property ID(Provided by Agent):FRA7

House730 ID:8054220

Instant Property Valuation
Property Description
There's a key! 

Address: No. 18 Nong Po Road
Date of occupation: 07/2004
Number of units: 324
Number of floors: 41
Number of units per floor: 8
School network: Kowloon District School Network No. 34
Developer: Sun Hung Kai Properties Development Co., Ltd.
Management Company:
Property Facilities: The property club covers an area of 26,000 square feet, including a "day and night" themed platform garden, a 25-meter swimming pool, children's playroom, sauna, fitness room, Game room, children's library, quiet garden, special water spring, luminous children's playground, steam roo
For Sale
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
69 days ago
Expiry Date
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