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For Rent

Braemar Hill Mans

North Point Mid-Levels Braemar Hill Mansions Block 1 Middle Floor

$59900 -10.18%


1 Room(s) 
2 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

46 years

Residential  Estate
With Carpark
With Servant Room
Club Facilities
Elegant Decoration
Sea View

Property Description

Included rates, government rent and management fee
3 bedrooms, 1 ensuite, 1 maid's room, 1 car park space
This older style development is surrounded by the greenery of the nearby Country Park, with trails linking to all the major hiking areas of Hong Kong Island. Many units still have open harbour views, others look to the hills. It is adjacent to the Chinese
For buy or for rent , please call or whatapp us on 94999010 / 28877218 for more available listings. where a member of our team will be delighted to help.

Property ID

582116(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

94 days ago

Expiry Date


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Rent Transaction
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North Point Mid-Levels Braemar Hill Mansions Middle Floor
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North Point Mid-Levels Braemar Hill Mansions Middle Floor
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North Point Mid-Levels Braemar Hill Mansions Middle Floor
North Point Mid-Levels Braemar Hill Mansions Middle Floor
North Point Mid-Levels Braemar Hill Mansions Middle Floor
The listing is expired, it is for reference only.
For Rent

Braemar Hill Mans

Braemar Hill Mansions
Block 1 Middle Floor
North Point Mid-Levels BLOCK 1
$59900 -10.18%


1 Room(s) 
2 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

46 years

Residential  Estate
With Carpark
With Servant Room
Club Facilities
Elegant Decoration
Sea View

Property ID(Provided by Agent):582116

House730 ID:8031585

Property Description
3 bedrooms, 1 ensuite, 1 maid's room, 1 car park space
This older style development is surrounded by the greenery of the nearby Country Park, with trails linking to all the major hiking areas of Hong Kong Island. Many units still have open harbour views, others look to the hills. It is adjacent to the Chinese
For buy or for rent , please call or whatapp us on 94999010 / 28877218 for more available listings. where a member of our team will be delighted to help.
For Rent
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
94 days ago
Expiry Date
Property Listing expired, contact information has been hidden
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