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For Rent


Central THE CENTER 中環中心 Upper Floor




Years Built

26 years

Area unverified
Sea View
Elegant Decoration
Near Shopping Mall
24 Hours CCTV
24 Hours Entrance
99 Queen's Road Central

Property Description

Nice Decoration Sea View Far View Vacant & Move-in Heavy Pedestrian Flows Fully Facilities Grade A Building Bright Lobby Glass Curtain Wall Spacious with Windows

Property ID

219ZSC(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

143 days ago

Expiry Date


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Central THE CENTER Upper Floor Estate/Building Outlook
Central THE CENTER Upper Floor Estate/Building Outlook
Central THE CENTER Upper Floor Estate/Building Outlook
Central THE CENTER Upper Floor Estate/Building Outlook
Central THE CENTER Upper Floor Estate/Building Outlook
Central THE CENTER Upper Floor Estate/Building Outlook
The listing is expired, it is for reference only.
For Rent


中環中心 Upper Floor
Central 99 Queen's Road Central



Years Built

26 years

Area unverified
Sea View
Elegant Decoration
Near Shopping Mall
24 Hours CCTV
24 Hours Entrance

Property ID(Provided by Agent):219ZSC

House730 ID:7963640

Property Description
Nice Decoration Sea View Far View Vacant & Move-in Heavy Pedestrian Flows Fully Facilities Grade A Building Bright Lobby Glass Curtain Wall Spacious with Windows
For Rent
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
143 days ago
Expiry Date
Property Listing expired, contact information has been hidden
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