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For Rent

Village house near Tai Po city

Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po 161 Middle Floor

$16800 -4.76%


3 Room(s) 
1 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

8 years

Residential  Village House
Mountain View
Elegant Decoration
Pet Allowed
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

Property Description

Rent Start Date:2024-05-05
Included rates, government rent and management fee
1/F, No. 161, Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po
700 square feet, three bedrooms and one bathroom
Whole house renovated
First row of village houses (five steps out of the door and you will get on the minibus)

Special price $16800
If you pay the rent in one lump sum
*50% off for half a year*
*10% off for one year*
All-inclusive management fee rates
If the tenant turns over in May, you can make an appointment to view it in the evening or on Saturday.
Welcome to make an appointment for viewing

Comes with free Thousand Feet Garden Farmhouse

Close to the MTR, front row, super open view, independent wall,

Property ID




House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

145 days ago

Expiry Date


Recent Transaction

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Rent Transaction
Contract/Reg. Date Address Price Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross)


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Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
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Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
Village House(Tai Po District) Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po Middle Floor
The listing is expired, it is for reference only.
For Rent

Village house near Tai Po city

Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po
161 Middle Floor
Village House(Tai Po District) 大埔上碗窑村161號2樓
$16800 -4.76%


3 Room(s) 
1 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

8 years

Residential  Village House
Mountain View
Elegant Decoration
Pet Allowed
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

House730 ID:7917086

Property Description
1/F, No. 161, Sheung Wanyu, Tai Po
700 square feet, three bedrooms and one bathroom
Whole house renovated
First row of village houses (five steps out of the door and you will get on the minibus)

Special price $16800
If you pay the rent in one lump sum
*50% off for half a year*
*10% off for one year*
All-inclusive management fee rates
If the tenant turns over in May, you can make an appointment to view it in the evening or on Saturday.
Welcome to make an appointment for viewing

Comes with free Thousand Feet Garden Farmhouse

Close to the MTR, front row, super open view, independent wall,
For Rent
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
145 days ago
Expiry Date
Property Listing expired, contact information has been hidden
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