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For Rent

Stunning 3-Storey House Located In Shui Hau With Private Car Park

Lantau Shui Hau [Village House] Whole Building

$36000 -2.78%


5+ Room(s) 
4 Bathroom(s)

Years Built


Residential  Village House
Area unverified
With Carpark
Open Kitchen
With Servant Room
River View
Pet Allowed

Property Description

Private outdoor car park space next to the house
Nice garden/patio
Pet friendly
Stunning 3-storey house in Shui Hau with spacious living areas, ideal for families seeking a serene and scenic home. 1/F features an open-plan kitchen, laundry room, and helper's bedroom with ensuite. 2/F floor offers a sitting room, balcony, and two bedrooms with ensuites. 3/F has a master bedroom with ensuite, built-in wardrobes, and balcony. Private car park, side access, and patio overlooking a river at the back. Roof partially covered with solar panels.
Perfect blend of comfort and natural beauty.

Property ID

KW231205R(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

251 days ago

Expiry Date


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Rent Transaction
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Lantau Shui Hau [Village House] Whole Building
Lantau Shui Hau [Village House] Whole Building
Lantau Shui Hau [Village House] Whole Building
Lantau Shui Hau [Village House] Whole Building
Lantau Shui Hau [Village House] Whole Building
The listing is expired, it is for reference only.
For Rent

Stunning 3-Storey House Located In Shui Hau With Private Car Park

Shui Hau [Village House]
Whole Building
$36000 -2.78%


5+ Room(s) 
4 Bathroom(s)

Years Built


Residential  Village House
Area unverified
With Carpark
Open Kitchen
With Servant Room
River View
Pet Allowed

Property ID(Provided by Agent):KW231205R

House730 ID:7737637

Property Description
Private outdoor car park space next to the house
Nice garden/patio
Pet friendly
Stunning 3-storey house in Shui Hau with spacious living areas, ideal for families seeking a serene and scenic home. 1/F features an open-plan kitchen, laundry room, and helper's bedroom with ensuite. 2/F floor offers a sitting room, balcony, and two bedrooms with ensuites. 3/F has a master bedroom with ensuite, built-in wardrobes, and balcony. Private car park, side access, and patio overlooking a river at the back. Roof partially covered with solar panels.
Perfect blend of comfort and natural beauty.
For Rent
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
251 days ago
Expiry Date
Property Listing expired, contact information has been hidden
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