租金上升 息口下降 難得$7,xxx/呎, 即買即收租
Property Description
Rents are rising, interest rates are falling by $7,xxx/sq. ft., buy-and-pay lease is $20K
Large single-sided units connected to high floors have many windows and open sea views.Best Buy, Best Buy in the market, Spacious, 90% usable area, large shopping center, in the town center, Silence environment Best for first home buyer, convenient transportation, open and fresh air, with good floor plan, Spacious area
Accurate selection Competitive price
A lot of quality choices
Professional Service ️
Welcome for inquiries
Ms. Wong 52032605
M029992(Provided by Property Agent)
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Record Update
153 days ago
Golden State (Property Agency) Limited
Rents are rising, interest rates are falling by $7,xxx/sq. ft., buy-and-pay lease is $20K
Large single-sided units connected to high floors have many windows and open sea views.Best Buy, Best Buy in the market, Spacious, 90% usable area, large shopping center, in the town center, Silence environment Best for first home buyer, convenient transportation, open and fresh air, with good floor plan, Spacious area
Accurate selection Competitive price
A lot of quality choices
Professional Service ️
Welcome for inquiries
Ms. Wong 52032605