For Sale

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Tai Kok Tsui Metro Harbour View Phase I Tower 3 Upper Floor B室

Avg. Price/sq. ft. in this estate $16358/sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 

Years Built

21 years

Residential  Estate
8 Fuk Lee Street

Property Description

大型屋食肆林立 步行幾分鐘到西鐵站 間隔實用 梗廚 明窗 管理費便宜

Property ID

T036032(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

4 days ago

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Tai Kok Tsui Metro Harbour View Upper Floor
For Sale

減息在前 趁低吸納 業主割愛 把握機會還價 有匙即看

Metro Harbour View
Phase I
Tower 3 Upper Floor B室
Tai Kok Tsui 8 Fuk Lee Street
Avg. Price/sq. ft. in this estate $16358/sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 

Years Built

21 years

Residential  Estate

Property ID(Provided by Agent):T036032

House730 ID:8238637

Instant Property Valuation
Instant Property Valuation

I/We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Instant Property Valuation of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and agree to be bound by the same.The Instant Property Valuation of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited is provided by entrusted third party and for reference only.

Property Description
大型屋食肆林立 步行幾分鐘到西鐵站 間隔實用 梗廚 明窗 管理費便宜
For Sale
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
4 days ago
Expiry Date
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