For Sale

A must-have for investment. The owner is in a hurr

Kowloon Station The Harbourside Tower 1 Lower Floor

Avg. Price/sq. ft. in this estate $24899/sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 
2 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

21 years

Residential  Estate
Luxury Decoration
Near MTR
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance
Near Shopping Mall
Sea View
1 Austin Road West

Property Description

Real estate specialist Kelvin Yau: 63798081 

The strongest network, 10 stores connected to form a large number of real estate sources

[Simple Nordic style decoration]
[Style decoration is difficult to find in the market]
[Convenient transportation and beautiful environment]
[Perfect elevator management of the mansion]
[Everything is available in shopping malls nearby]
[Welcome to call/Whatsapp for inquiries]

* Our company has a wide customer base and a large number of customers*
* We serve our customers with all our heart and loyalty*
* Specialize in real estate in Yau T

Property ID

057461(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

6 days ago

Expiry Date


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Instant Property Valuation

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Kowloon Station The Harbourside Lower Floor
Kowloon Station The Harbourside Lower Floor
Kowloon Station The Harbourside Lower Floor
Kowloon Station The Harbourside Lower Floor
For Sale

A must-have for investment. The owner is in a hurr

The Harbourside
Tower 1 Lower Floor
Kowloon Station 1 Austin Road West
Avg. Price/sq. ft. in this estate $24899/sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 
2 Bathroom(s)

Years Built

21 years

Residential  Estate
Luxury Decoration
Near MTR
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance
Near Shopping Mall
Sea View

Property ID(Provided by Agent):057461

House730 ID:8235252

Instant Property Valuation
Instant Property Valuation

I/We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Instant Property Valuation of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and agree to be bound by the same.The Instant Property Valuation of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited is provided by entrusted third party and for reference only.

Property Description
Real estate specialist Kelvin Yau: 63798081 

The strongest network, 10 stores connected to form a large number of real estate sources

[Simple Nordic style decoration]
[Style decoration is difficult to find in the market]
[Convenient transportation and beautiful environment]
[Perfect elevator management of the mansion]
[Everything is available in shopping malls nearby]
[Welcome to call/Whatsapp for inquiries]

* Our company has a wide customer base and a large number of customers*
* We serve our customers with all our heart and loyalty*
* Specialize in real estate in Yau T
For Sale
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
6 days ago
Expiry Date
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