For Sale

Silverstrand Sea View Villa House

Clear Water Bay Clear Water Bay Villa House Whole Building



3 Room(s) 
3 Bathroom(s)

Years Built


Residential  House
With Carpark
With Garden
Sea View
Elegant Decoration

Property Description

Silverstrand sea view villa house, prime location,
Sea view on all levels, with garden & roof,
With management, 2 indeed car parking spaces.

- Specializing in village houses and luxury houses in Sai Kung, Clear Water Bay, Tai Mong Tsai and Sai Sha Road!
- Feel free to call me for inquiries and appointments to view properties.
- I have rich experience in the real estate industry and can provide you with professional analysis and attentive service.

Property ID

SSB602(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


Listing/Renew Date


Record Update

10 days ago

Expiry Date


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For Sale

Silverstrand Sea View Villa House

Clear Water Bay Villa House
Whole Building
Clear Water Bay


3 Room(s) 
3 Bathroom(s)

Years Built


Residential  House
With Carpark
With Garden
Sea View
Elegant Decoration

Property ID(Provided by Agent):SSB602

House730 ID:8230817

Property Description
Silverstrand sea view villa house, prime location,
Sea view on all levels, with garden & roof,
With management, 2 indeed car parking spaces.

- Specializing in village houses and luxury houses in Sai Kung, Clear Water Bay, Tai Mong Tsai and Sai Sha Road!
- Feel free to call me for inquiries and appointments to view properties.
- I have rich experience in the real estate industry and can provide you with professional analysis and attentive service.
For Sale
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
10 days ago
Expiry Date
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