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For Sale

DOUBLE COVE Phase 3 Double Cove Starview Prime - B

Ma On Shan Double Cove Phase 3 Double Cove Starview Prime 25座 Middle Floor FLAT C

$7.90M -12.66%


2 Room(s) 

Years Built

8 years

Residential  Estate
Pet Allowed
Club Facilities
8 Wu Kai Sha Road

Property Description

大型屋苑, 2房間隔 四正實用, 景觀開揚, 星級會所, 設施齊備, 連接商場, 周邊配套完善, 鄰近巴士, 馬鐵總站, 連接屯馬線, 交通四通八達, 歡迎致電/ whatsApp 查詢

Property ID

CR10764415(Provided by Property Agent)



House730 ID


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Record Update

1 days ago

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AI Decor
For Sale

DOUBLE COVE Phase 3 Double Cove Starview Prime - B

Double Cove
Phase 3 Double Cove Starview Prime
25座 Middle Floor FLAT C
Ma On Shan 8 Wu Kai Sha Road
$7.90M -12.66%


2 Room(s) 

Years Built

8 years

Residential  Estate
Pet Allowed
Club Facilities

Property ID(Provided by Agent):CR10764415

House730 ID:7923726

Instant Property Valuation
Instant Property Valuation

I/We have read and understood the Terms and Conditions of Instant Property Valuation of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited and agree to be bound by the same.The Instant Property Valuation of Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited is provided by entrusted third party and for reference only.

Property Description
大型屋苑, 2房間隔 四正實用, 景觀開揚, 星級會所, 設施齊備, 連接商場, 周邊配套完善, 鄰近巴士, 馬鐵總站, 連接屯馬線, 交通四通八達, 歡迎致電/ whatsApp 查詢
For Sale
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
1 days ago
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