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Mei Foo
22-24 Broadway
美孚新邨 (MEI FOO SUN CHUEN)位於九龍深水埗區荔枝角百老匯街、吉利徑、蘭秀街及萬事達廣場,是由新世界發展、美孚石油發展的大型分層住宅樓盤。樓盤共分為8期發展,建有99幢住宅大廈,一共提供13,149伙住宅單位,分別於1969年至1978年期間入伙。根據美孚新邨平面圖顯示,單位實用面積介乎429至1,435平方呎,間隔為1房至4房,非常適合大家庭入住。當中大部份單位以望屋苑樓景及內園景為主;部份向南及西南庭數可享荔枝角公園景致,甚至遠眺藍巴勒海峽。
根據近年美孚新邨(MEI FOO SUN CHUEN)成交記錄,放盤叫價為500萬至1,150萬元,而呎價則介乎9,132至12,720元。至於美孚新邨租盤,單位租金大約17,500至23,000元。
美孚新邨(MEI FOO SUN CHUEN)雖然不設住客會所,但是屋苑內有多個綠化空間及平台花園給予住客享受恬靜空間。附近亦有荔枝角公園、荔枝角公園泳池及體育館、饒宗頤文化館等可供公眾參觀及使用。
SA 438sq.ft.
GFA 584sq.ft.
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s) | Upper Floor
Garden View
Simple Decoration
Near Shopping Mall
Rent $16800
SA 460sq.ft.
GFA 609sq.ft.
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s) | Middle Floor
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near Shopping Mall
Rent $18000
SA 511sq.ft.
GFA 676sq.ft.
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s) | Lower Floor
Near Shopping Mall
City View
Simple Decoration
Rent $18000
SA 482sq.ft.
1 Room(s) | Middle Floor
Rent $16000
SA 556sq.ft.
2 Room(s)
Rent $19500
SA 511sq.ft.
2 Room(s)
Rent $19000
SA 516sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Lower Floor
With Lease Agreement
Rent $18000
SA 556sq.ft.
GFA 742sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Lower Floor
City View
Elegant Decoration
Rent $19500
SA 438sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Upper Floor
With Lease Agreement
Rent $16800
SA 555sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Middle Floor
Rent $18500
SA 454sq.ft.
1 Room(s) | Upper Floor
Rent $17800
SA 511sq.ft.
GFA 676sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Upper Floor
Rent $19800
SA ~637sq.ft.
GFA ~855sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Middle Floor
Rent $19000
SA 482sq.ft.
GFA 665sq.ft.
2 Room(s)
With Lease Agreement
Elegant Decoration
Rent $20000
SA 508sq.ft.
GFA 676sq.ft.
2 Room(s)
Garden View
Elegant Decoration
Rent $18800
SA 511sq.ft.
GFA 676sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Lower Floor
With Lease Agreement
Rent $18000
SA 507sq.ft.
GFA 676sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Upper Floor
With Lease Agreement
Rent $20000
SA 614sq.ft.
2 Room(s)
Rent $20000
SA ~516sq.ft.
GFA ~679sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Lower Floor
Rent $18000
SA ~460sq.ft.
GFA ~609sq.ft.
1 Room(s) | Upper Floor
Rent $18000
SA ~507sq.ft.
GFA ~676sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Middle Floor
Rent $19800
SA 511sq.ft.
2 Room(s) | Upper Floor
Rent $19800
GFA ~300sq.ft.
Rent $16800
蘭秀道高層 兩房開揚公園景 位置優
高層開揚 兩房近港鐡口
東南 兩房平租 近港鐡站 有匙即睇
Great Location
Convenient Transportation,Great Location,Near MTR
Quiet Environment
With Furniture, Electric appliances and Decoration
MEI FOO SUN CHUEN Phase 5 - 18-20 Nassau Street
Quiet Environment,Great Location
Best Price for Lease, Seek for Good Tenant
Quiet Environment,Great Location
MEI FOO SUN CHUEN Phase 3 - 57-59 Broadway
MEI FOO SUN CHUEN Phase 2 - 1-3 Glee Path
Good Property Management,Spacious Living Room and
Quiet Environment,Nice Decoration,Inner Garden Vie
Best Price for Lease, Seek for Good TenantQuiet En
Quiet Environment,Great Location
Convenient Transportation
MEI FOO SUN CHUEN Phase 4 - 117-119 Broadway
MEI FOO SUN CHUEN Phase 2 - 15-17 Glee Path
MEI FOO SUN CHUEN Phase 6 - 2-4 Humbert Street
With Furniture, Electric appliances and Decoration