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Price reduced % - Low to High
Gross Area
Saleable Area
GFA ~250sq.ft.
Middle Floor
Elegant Decoration
Near Shopping Mall
Building View
$5900 -8.47%
Rent $5400
GFA 260sq.ft.
Middle Floor
Rent $4880
GFA 210sq.ft.
Elegant Decoration
24 Hours Entrance
Independent Toilet
Independent Air Conditioner
Rent $4900
GFA 560sq.ft.
Building View
Simple Decoration
24 Hours Entrance
Independent Air Conditioner
Rent $7800
GFA 520sq.ft.
Simple Decoration
24 Hours Entrance
Independent Air Conditioner
Building View
Rent $7500
SA ~320sq.ft.
GFA ~600sq.ft.
Upper Floor
$8200 -4.88%
Rent $7800
GFA 270sq.ft.
Rent $5480
GFA ~250sq.ft.
Luxury Decoration
Independent Toilet
Independent Air Conditioner
24 Hours Entrance
Rent $5500
SA ~270sq.ft.
GFA ~560sq.ft.
Independent Air Conditioner
24 Hours Entrance
Rent $7780
GFA 210sq.ft.
Elegant Decoration
24 Hours Entrance
Independent Toilet
Independent Air Conditioner
$4900 -2.04%
Rent $4800
GFA ~750sq.ft.
$9600 -13.54%
Rent $8300
GFA ~200sq.ft.
Simple Decoration
24 Hours Entrance
Independent Air Conditioner
Rent $2800
GFA ~10779sq.ft.
Lower Floor
Rent $107.79 K
SA 10799sq.ft.
Lower Floor
$107.99K -7.4%
Rent $100 K
GFA 210sq.ft.
Elegant Decoration
24 Hours Entrance
Independent Toilet
Independent Air Conditioner
Rent $4900
GFA ~480sq.ft.
Rent $7500
GFA 490sq.ft.
Rent $7500
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有內廁 有熱水器 包上網 電子鎖 近郵局
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有內廁 有熱水器 包上網 電子鎖 近郵局
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可做分間 近地鐵 盡量幫你傾條件價錢 包租 二房東
有內廁 有熱水器 包上網 電子鎖 近郵局
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