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Yee Hing Court



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Yee Hing Court
Yee Hing Court


13 Tak Hing Street

怡興閣位於德興街13號, 於1985年10月 起入伙。怡興閣有1座, 提供50個單位。小學校網為31,中學校網為油尖旺區。

連傢電【怡興閣】精選推介 1房1廳 地鐵上蓋 位置優越
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 316sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

City View

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Near Shopping Mall

Rent $14800

【怡興閣】1分鐘地鐵 空間大 傢電提供 歡迎約睇
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 316sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Luxury Decoration

Near MTR

With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

Near Shopping Mall

Rent $14800

【怡興閣】精選推介 1房1廳 地鐵上蓋 位置優越 歡迎約看
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 316sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

City View

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Near Shopping Mall

Rent $14800

佐敦4房*大廳 歡迎學生合租【怡興閣】包全屋家電 拎包入住 地鐵上蓋 電梯洋樓
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 600sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Luxury Decoration

City View

With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

Rent $29000

大單位放租【怡興閣】罕見4房 優質單位 歡迎家庭或學生
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 600sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Building View

Luxury Decoration

With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

Rent $29000

豪裝4房 2分鐘到地鐵【怡興閣】周邊配套齊 歡迎約睇
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 600sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

Luxury Decoration

With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

Near Shopping Mall

Rent $29000

*旺中帶靜 罕有大碼企理4房 鄰近地鐵 拔萃女書院 歡迎約睇
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 624sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

City View

Elegant Decoration

Near MTR

Near Shopping Mall

Rent $29000

靚裝【怡興閣】629呎4房 齊家電秒到地鐵站 即租即住
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 624sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

City View

Luxury Decoration

Near MTR

With Furniture & Electrical Appliance

Near Shopping Mall

Rent $29000

【怡興閣】豪華靚裝 入牆傢俬 唔好走寶 歡迎約睇
Jordan Yee Hing Court

SA 624sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  Stand-alone Building

City View

Luxury Decoration

Near Shopping Mall

Near MTR

Rent $29000

Jordan Yee Hing Court

GFA 625sq.ft.


4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor

Residential  House

Rent $29000

Estate-Yee Hing Court

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Jordan Yee Hing Court Lower Floor House730-[8177353] 8
連傢電【怡興閣】精選推介 1房1廳 地鐵上蓋 位置優越
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 316sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Near Shopping Mall
Jordan Yee Hing Court Lower Floor House730-[8116477] 10
【怡興閣】1分鐘地鐵 空間大 傢電提供 歡迎約睇
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 316sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Luxury Decoration
Near MTR
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance
Near Shopping Mall
Jordan Yee Hing Court Lower Floor House730-[8111268] 8
【怡興閣】精選推介 1房1廳 地鐵上蓋 位置優越 歡迎約看
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 316sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Near Shopping Mall
Jordan Yee Hing Court Middle Floor House730-[8103378] 18
佐敦4房*大廳 歡迎學生合租【怡興閣】包全屋家電 拎包入住 地鐵上蓋 電梯洋樓
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 600sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Luxury Decoration
City View
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance
Jordan Yee Hing Court Middle Floor House730-[8093289] 17
大單位放租【怡興閣】罕見4房 優質單位 歡迎家庭或學生
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 600sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Building View
Luxury Decoration
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance
Jordan Yee Hing Court Middle Floor House730-[8092038] 14
豪裝4房 2分鐘到地鐵【怡興閣】周邊配套齊 歡迎約睇
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 600sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
Luxury Decoration
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance
Near Shopping Mall
Jordan Yee Hing Court Middle Floor House730-[8090458] 7
*旺中帶靜 罕有大碼企理4房 鄰近地鐵 拔萃女書院 歡迎約睇
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 624sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Elegant Decoration
Near MTR
Near Shopping Mall
Jordan Yee Hing Court Middle Floor House730-[8088808] 18
靚裝【怡興閣】629呎4房 齊家電秒到地鐵站 即租即住
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 624sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Luxury Decoration
Near MTR
With Furniture & Electrical Appliance
Near Shopping Mall
Jordan Yee Hing Court Middle Floor House730-[8088693] 18
【怡興閣】豪華靚裝 入牆傢俬 唔好走寶 歡迎約睇
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
3 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
SA 624sq.ft.
Residential Stand-alone Building
City View
Luxury Decoration
Near Shopping Mall
Near MTR
Jordan Yee Hing Court Middle Floor House730-[8088451] 18
Jordan Yee Hing Court 
4 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Middle Floor
GFA 625sq.ft.
Residential House
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