Property Price Trend Index

This Week * 137.02
Prervious Week - 0.27%
Previous Month - 1.09%
  • HK 138.03 - 0.73% - 1.74%
  • KLN 134.07 - 1.19% + 0.32%
  • NTE 149.32 + 0.18% - 2.63%
  • NTW 125.22 + 1.15% - 1.05%

*The Centa-City Leading Index CCL is released every Friday - The latest2025/02/28 (reflecting the property prices expected to sign in a formal agreement for sale and purchase from 2025/02/17 - 2025/02/23)

Note: The above data is compiled based on a series of component housing estate prices

Property Price Index
Property Price Trend
Top-Ranked Estate Transactions (Feb)
Total Volume
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
Taikoo Shing $14051 -1.35% 18 $17551M
South Horizons $12202 -9.7% 16 $11650M
Lei King Wan $12843 +8.89% 7 $5702M
Kornhill $12783 +5.64% 6 $3820M
Kwan Yick Building $9955 -2.99% 6 $2006M
Heng Fa Chuen $10699 -8.91% 5 $2801M
Nan Fung Sun Chuen $11817 -10.8% 5 $2505M
Sham Wan Towers $16134 +3.81% 4 $3390M
Tai On Building $7626 -4.98% 4 $1074M
Braemar Hill Mansions $19300 3 $6864M
Latest Trans
  • Island Resort Tower 3 Upper Floor FLAT G
    Centaline Website
  • $5.90M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 455(sq. ft) @$12967
  • Gross: 646(sq. ft) @$9133 28/02/2025
  • Ping Yan Court Block B (Ping Yin House) Middle Floor FLAT 9
    Centaline Website
  • $3.39M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 376(sq. ft) @$9011 28/02/2025
  • Discovery Bay Phase 11 Siena One Block 58 Middle Floor FLAT A
    Centaline Website
  • $10.50M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 968(sq. ft) @$10847
  • Gross: 1248(sq. ft) @$8413 28/02/2025
  • Tai Po Centre Phase 4 Block 6 Middle Floor FLAT B
    Centaline Website
  • $3.80M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 371(sq. ft) @$10243
  • Gross: 517(sq. ft) @$7350 28/02/2025
  • Laguna Verde Phase 4 Laguna Grande Tower 17 Middle Floor FLAT A
    Centaline Website
  • $16.30M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 1113(sq. ft) @$14645
  • Gross: 1479(sq. ft) @$11021 28/02/2025
  • Kiu Hing Mansion Kiu Hing Mansion Upper Floor FLAT H
    Centaline Website
  • $5.38M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 518(sq. ft) @$10386 28/02/2025
  • Indi Home Indi Home Lower Floor FLAT 8
    Ricacorp Website
  • $5.67M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 420(sq. ft) @$13495
  • Gross: 586(sq. ft) @$9672 28/02/2025
  • Fairview Park Section M, 4th Street No. 61 (s.m ss.317) HOUSE 61
    Centaline Website
  • $7.80M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$9198
  • Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$9176 28/02/2025
  • Kingswood Villas Phase 5 Lynwood Court Block 10 Lower Floor FLAT B
    Ricacorp Website
  • $4.80M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 630(sq. ft) @$7619
  • Gross: 811(sq. ft) @$5919 28/02/2025
  • Summit Terrace Block 2 Lower Floor FLAT C
    Centaline Website
  • $5.15M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 455(sq. ft) @$11319
  • Gross: 619(sq. ft) @$8320 28/02/2025

The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Property Price Index

Property Price Trend

Top-Ranked Estate Transactions (Feb)

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Taikoo Shing
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$14051 -1.35% 18 Records $17551M
Mei Foo Sun Chuen
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9539 +0.65% 19 Records $10845M
Lohas Park
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12048 +0.69% 31 Records $55888M
Kingswood Villas
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$7973 +0.21% 26 Records $11309M
South Horizons
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12202 -9.7% 16 Records $11650M
Whampoa Garden
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12047 -2.83% 18 Records $12379M
Ocean Shores
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13179 -2.82% 17 Records $11522M
Discovery Bay
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$8122 -5.98% 14 Records $10646M
Lei King Wan
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12843 +8.89% 7 Records $5702M
Amoy Gardens
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11316 -3.09% 10 Records $3820M
The Metro City
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12579 -7.5% 14 Records $6951M
Fairview Park
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9634 -3.01% 13 Records $11275M
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12783 +5.64% 6 Records $3820M
Nga Tsin Wai Building
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$8972 +3.51% 9 Records $4646M
Double Cove
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13825 +3.82% 12 Records $10322M
Tsuen Wan Centre
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9173 +0.61% 13 Records $3824M
Kwan Yick Building
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9955 -2.99% 6 Records $2006M
Banyan Garden
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$14095 -5.67% 8 Records $5855M
City One Shatin
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12632 -0.88% 11 Records $5160M
Caribbean Coast
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9747 +0.77% 12 Records $8782M
Heng Fa Chuen
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$10699 -8.91% 5 Records $2801M
Cullinan West
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$18283 -7.21% 6 Records $6766M
The Beaumount
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9747 -2.21% 7 Records $3821M
Yoho Town
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12972 +1.97% 12 Records $7120M
Nan Fung Sun Chuen
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11817 -10.8% 5 Records $2505M
Grand Waterfront
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$14427 -3.64% 6 Records $4441M
Flora Plaza
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9773 -4.6% 7 Records $2939M
Ocean Pride
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$17017 -7.06% 8 Records $7270M
Sham Wan Towers
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$16134 +3.81% 4 Records $3390M
Hop Chung House
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11561 +1.63% 6 Records $3313M
Golden Lion Garden
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$10999 +2.27% 7 Records $2186M
The Visionary
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11587 -0.97% 6 Records $6943M
Tai On Building
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$7626 -4.98% 4 Records $1074M
Laguna City
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$10805 +2.33% 6 Records $2658M
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$10932 -8.44% 7 Records $2113M
Park Yoho
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9819 +1.26% 6 Records $5905M
Braemar Hill Mansions
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$19300 +null% 3 Records $6864M
Richland Gardens
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9077 +2.06% 6 Records $2344M
The Wings
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$17200 +2.39% 6 Records $6921M
Hong Kong Garden
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$6917 -12.44% 6 Records $2581M

Latest Trans

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* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
28/02/2025 Siu Sai Wan Tower 3 Upper Floor FLAT G $5.90M 455sq. ft. / 646sq. ft. $12967 / $9133 -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/02/2025 Tin Shui Wai Block B (Ping Yin House) Middle Floor FLAT 9 $3.39M 376sq. ft. / -- $9011 / -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/02/2025 Discovery Bay Block 58 Middle Floor FLAT A $10.50M 968sq. ft. / 1248sq. ft. $10847 / $8413 -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/02/2025 Tai Po Town Centre Block 6 Middle Floor FLAT B $3.80M 371sq. ft. / 517sq. ft. $10243 / $7350 -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/02/2025 Laguna Tower 17 Middle Floor FLAT A $16.30M 1113sq. ft. / 1479sq. ft. $14645 / $11021 -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/02/2025 North Point Mid-Levels / Braemar Hill Kiu Hing Mansion Upper Floor FLAT H $5.38M 518sq. ft. / -- $10386 / -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/02/2025 Tsuen Wan West Indi Home Lower Floor FLAT 8 $5.67M 420sq. ft. / 586sq. ft. $13495 / $9672 -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
28/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview No. 61 (s.m ss.317) HOUSE 61 $7.80M 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $9198 / $9176 -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/02/2025 Tin Shui Wai Block 10 Lower Floor FLAT B $4.80M 630sq. ft. / 811sq. ft. $7619 / $5919 -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
28/02/2025 Tsuen King Circuit Block 2 Lower Floor FLAT C $5.15M 455sq. ft. / 619sq. ft. $11319 / $8320 -- / --
Centaline Website*


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The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.