The Horizon Court B Tower 2 11/F FLAT C

Saleable: 1179(sq. ft) @$16646

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Mayfair By The Sea II Tower 10 5/F FLAT C
$11.88M +15%

Saleable: 1073(sq. ft) @$11072

  • Land Registry


Centra Horizon Tower 5 16/F FLAT B
$3.50M -17%

Saleable: 245(sq. ft) @$14286

  • Land Registry


Centra Horizon Tower 10 18/F FLAT J

Saleable: 810(sq. ft) @$17042

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Centra Horizon Tower 7 17/F FLAT F
$6.60M -30%

Saleable: 582(sq. ft) @$11340

  • Land Registry


St Martin Phase 1 Tower 2 18/F FLAT B2
$8.30M -43%

Saleable: 605(sq. ft) @$13719

  • Land Registry


Ontolo Tower 6A 1/F FLAT C
$7.50M +2%

Saleable: 566(sq. ft) @$13251

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 1 Tower 6 7/F FLAT C
$12.20M -11%

Saleable: 1098(sq. ft) @$11111

Gross: 1435(sq. ft) @$8502

  • Land Registry


Mayfair By The Sea I Tower 20 9/F FLAT C
$10.00M +21%

Saleable: 907(sq. ft) @$11025

  • Land Registry


Centra Horizon Tower 5 16/F FLAT E

Saleable: 1022(sq. ft) @$16101

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


St Martin Phase 1 Tower 1 G/F FLAT A3

Saleable: 588(sq. ft) @$20717

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Ontolo Tower 7B 16/F FLAT C

Saleable: 451(sq. ft) @$17612

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Centra Horizon Tower 7 3/F FLAT C
$3.48M -8%

Saleable: 243(sq. ft) @$14321

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces Tower 10 9/F FLAT B
$14.50M -22%

Saleable: 1403(sq. ft) @$10335

Gross: 1873(sq. ft) @$7742

  • Land Registry


Providence Bay Phase 1 Tower 6 5/F FLAT B
$23.28M -12%

Saleable: 1706(sq. ft) @$13646

Gross: 2178(sq. ft) @$10689

  • Land Registry


Centra Horizon Tower 2 7/F FLAT D

Saleable: 1866(sq. ft) @$15782

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Mayfair By The Sea II Tower 9 15/F FLAT D
$8.60M +4%

Saleable: 716(sq. ft) @$12011

  • Land Registry


Centra Horizon Tower 5 G/F FLAT F
$6.00M -23%

Saleable: 435(sq. ft) @$13793

  • Land Registry


The Horizon Court B Tower 2 5/F FLAT B
$6.13M -24%

Saleable: 504(sq. ft) @$12159

  • Land Registry


St Martin Phase 1 Tower 3 5/F FLAT A6
$9.88M -31%

Saleable: 732(sq. ft) @$13497

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Pak Shek Kok Transaction Records

Pak Shek Kok 1043 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
05/03/2025 Pak Shek Kok
The Horizon
Court B Tower 2 11/F FLAT C
19.63M 1179sq. ft. / -- $16646 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
05/03/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Mayfair By The Sea II
Tower 10 5/F FLAT C
11.88M 1073sq. ft. / -- $11072 / -- 18/07/2014 10.36M / +15%
Land Registry
28/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Centra Horizon
Tower 5 16/F FLAT B
3.5M 245sq. ft. / -- $14286 / -- 20/05/2019 4.22M / -17%
Land Registry
26/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Centra Horizon
Tower 10 18/F FLAT J
13.8M 810sq. ft. / -- $17042 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
26/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Centra Horizon
Tower 7 17/F FLAT F
6.6M 582sq. ft. / -- $11340 / -- 25/06/2019 9.45M / -30%
Land Registry
26/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
St Martin Phase 1
Tower 2 18/F FLAT B2
8.3M 605sq. ft. / -- $13719 / -- 29/03/2019 14.52M / -43%
Land Registry
25/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Tower 6A 1/F FLAT C
7.5M 566sq. ft. / -- $13251 / -- 02/08/2019 7.35M / +2%
Land Registry
24/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 1
Tower 6 7/F FLAT C
12.2M 1098sq. ft. / 1435sq. ft. $11111 / $8502 12/11/2011 13.67M / -11%
Land Registry
21/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Mayfair By The Sea I
Tower 20 9/F FLAT C
10M 907sq. ft. / -- $11025 / -- 27/06/2014 8.25M / +21%
Land Registry
21/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Centra Horizon
Tower 5 16/F FLAT E
16.46M 1022sq. ft. / -- $16101 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
21/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
St Martin Phase 1
Tower 1 G/F FLAT A3
12.18M 588sq. ft. / -- $20717 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
20/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Tower 7B 16/F FLAT C
7.94M 451sq. ft. / -- $17612 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
19/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Centra Horizon
Tower 7 3/F FLAT C
3.48M 243sq. ft. / -- $14321 / -- 06/05/2019 3.78M / -8%
Land Registry
19/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 3 The Graces
Tower 10 9/F FLAT B
14.5M 1403sq. ft. / 1873sq. ft. $10335 / $7742 12/11/2013 18.53M / -22%
Land Registry
19/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Providence Bay Phase 1
Tower 6 5/F FLAT B
23.28M 1706sq. ft. / 2178sq. ft. $13646 / $10689 12/11/2011 26.5M / -12%
Land Registry
14/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Centra Horizon
Tower 2 7/F FLAT D
29.45M 1866sq. ft. / -- $15782 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
11/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Mayfair By The Sea II
Tower 9 15/F FLAT D
8.6M 716sq. ft. / -- $12011 / -- 11/07/2014 8.24M / +4%
Land Registry
11/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
Centra Horizon
Tower 5 G/F FLAT F
6M 435sq. ft. / -- $13793 / -- 10/05/2019 7.81M / -23%
Land Registry
10/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
The Horizon
Court B Tower 2 5/F FLAT B
6.13M 504sq. ft. / -- $12159 / -- 11/03/2019 8.04M / -24%
Land Registry
10/02/2025 Pak Shek Kok
St Martin Phase 1
Tower 3 5/F FLAT A6
9.88M 732sq. ft. / -- $13497 / -- 01/04/2019 14.27M / -31%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.