King Nga Court King Yuet House (Block B) 9/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$9711

Gross: 710(sq. ft) @$7577

  • Land Registry


Tai Wo Estate Hei Wo House (Block 1) 27/F FLAT 15
  • Land Registry


Serenity Park Phase 1 Block 11 20/F FLAT H
$4.58M +16%

Saleable: 400(sq. ft) @$11450

Gross: 530(sq. ft) @$8642

  • Land Registry


Wan Tau Tong Estate Wan Lam House (Block 2) 29/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 445(sq. ft) @$6292

  • Land Registry


Hong Lok Building Hong Lok Building G/F FLAT E
  • Land Registry


Tai Po Building Tai Po Building 16/F FLAT B

Saleable: 468(sq. ft) @$7479

  • Land Registry


Shun King Building Shun King Building 17/F FLAT B
$3.55M +56%

Saleable: 431(sq. ft) @$8237

Gross: 551(sq. ft) @$6443

  • Land Registry


Serenity Park Phase 1 Block 3 20/F FLAT A
$4.65M +74%

Saleable: 440(sq. ft) @$10568

Gross: 585(sq. ft) @$7949

  • Land Registry


88 Square 88 Square 9/F FLAT C
$2.90M -38%

Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$9603

Gross: 448(sq. ft) @$6473

  • Land Registry


Serenity Park Phase 1 Block 6 2/F FLAT A
$4.68M -13%

Saleable: 440(sq. ft) @$10636

Gross: 583(sq. ft) @$8027

  • Land Registry


Parc Versailles Phase 1 Block 9 2/F FLAT D
$9.68M +24%

Saleable: 1005(sq. ft) @$9632

Gross: 1183(sq. ft) @$8183

  • Land Registry


Classical Gardens Phase 1 Block 16 5/F FLAT E
$6.20M +131%

Saleable: 681(sq. ft) @$9104

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$7506

  • Land Registry


Leader Building Leader Building 3/F FLAT B
$3.00M -8%

Saleable: 325(sq. ft) @$9231

Gross: 495(sq. ft) @$6061

  • Land Registry


Mei (Mee) Lee Building Mei (Mee) Lee Building 7/F FLAT E

Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$7112

Gross: 555(sq. ft) @$5946

  • Land Registry


Elegance Garden Block 3 5/F FLAT F

Saleable: 431(sq. ft) @$8770

Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$7354

  • Land Registry


Serenity Park Phase 1 Block 2 15/F FLAT G
$3.95M +55%

Saleable: 355(sq. ft) @$11127

Gross: 478(sq. ft) @$8264

  • Land Registry


Tai Wo Estate Fook Wo House (Block 11) 6/F FLAT 19

Saleable: 443(sq. ft) @$4515

  • Land Registry


King Nga Court King Yuet House (Block B) 20/F FLAT 4

Saleable: 645(sq. ft) @$7690

Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$6005

  • Land Registry


Uptown Plaza Block 4 19/F FLAT D
$5.93M +107%

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$12753

Gross: 559(sq. ft) @$10608

  • Land Registry


Tai Po Building Tai Po Building 12/F FLAT F
$2.70M +260%

Saleable: 354(sq. ft) @$7627

Gross: 480(sq. ft) @$5625

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Tai Po Market / Tai Wo Transaction Records

Tai Po Market / Tai Wo 1264 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
06/03/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
King Nga Court
King Yuet House (Block B) 9/F FLAT 6
5.38M 554sq. ft. / 710sq. ft. $9711 / $7577 -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/03/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Tai Wo Estate
Hei Wo House (Block 1) 27/F FLAT 15
2.2M -- / -- -- / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
05/03/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Serenity Park Phase 1
Block 11 20/F FLAT H
4.58M 400sq. ft. / 530sq. ft. $11450 / $8642 22/08/2014 3.94M / +16%
Land Registry
05/03/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Wan Tau Tong Estate
Wan Lam House (Block 2) 29/F FLAT 6
2.8M 445sq. ft. / -- $6292 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
03/03/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Hong Lok Building
Hong Lok Building G/F FLAT E
32.65M -- / -- -- / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Tai Po Building
Tai Po Building 16/F FLAT B
3.5M 468sq. ft. / -- $7479 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Shun King Building
Shun King Building 17/F FLAT B
3.55M 431sq. ft. / 551sq. ft. $8237 / $6443 31/07/2012 2.27M / +56%
Land Registry
26/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Serenity Park Phase 1
Block 3 20/F FLAT A
4.65M 440sq. ft. / 585sq. ft. $10568 / $7949 11/04/2011 2.68M / +74%
Land Registry
24/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
88 Square
88 Square 9/F FLAT C
2.9M 302sq. ft. / 448sq. ft. $9603 / $6473 27/08/2018 4.68M / -38%
Land Registry
21/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Serenity Park Phase 1
Block 6 2/F FLAT A
4.68M 440sq. ft. / 583sq. ft. $10636 / $8027 14/10/2022 5.4M / -13%
Land Registry
21/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Parc Versailles Phase 1
Block 9 2/F FLAT D
9.68M 1005sq. ft. / 1183sq. ft. $9632 / $8183 27/05/2016 7.8M / +24%
Land Registry
20/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Classical Gardens Phase 1
Block 16 5/F FLAT E
6.2M 681sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $9104 / $7506 22/10/1998 2.68M / +131%
Land Registry
20/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Leader Building
Leader Building 3/F FLAT B
3M 325sq. ft. / 495sq. ft. $9231 / $6061 25/01/2021 3.25M / -8%
Land Registry
19/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Mei (Mee) Lee Building
Mei (Mee) Lee Building 7/F FLAT E
3.3M 464sq. ft. / 555sq. ft. $7112 / $5946 -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Elegance Garden
Block 3 5/F FLAT F
3.78M 431sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. $8770 / $7354 -- -- / --
Land Registry
17/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Serenity Park Phase 1
Block 2 15/F FLAT G
3.95M 355sq. ft. / 478sq. ft. $11127 / $8264 23/04/2012 2.55M / +55%
Land Registry
17/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Tai Wo Estate
Fook Wo House (Block 11) 6/F FLAT 19
2M 443sq. ft. / -- $4515 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
17/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
King Nga Court
King Yuet House (Block B) 20/F FLAT 4
4.96M 645sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. $7690 / $6005 -- -- / --
Land Registry
14/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Uptown Plaza
Block 4 19/F FLAT D
5.93M 465sq. ft. / 559sq. ft. $12753 / $10608 11/06/2010 2.86M / +107%
Land Registry
14/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo
Tai Po Building
Tai Po Building 12/F FLAT F
2.7M 354sq. ft. / 480sq. ft. $7627 / $5625 16/10/1996 750K / +260%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.