Royal Palms Phase B Angel Island Avenue House 15 HOUSE 15

Saleable: 1495(sq. ft) @$8027

Gross: 2044(sq. ft) @$5871

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Palm Springs Phase 1D Paloma Lilac House 5 LILAC PATH HOUSE 5
$8.02M +160%

Saleable: 1016(sq. ft) @$7894

Gross: 1463(sq. ft) @$5482

  • Land Registry


Royal Palms Phase A Marin Avenue House 16 MARIN AVEN HOUSE 16
$12.26M +4%

Saleable: 1348(sq. ft) @$9095

Gross: 1965(sq. ft) @$6239

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park 8th Street River North No. 39 (s.o ss.190) RIVER NORT HOUSE 39
$9.35M +72%

Saleable: 1035(sq. ft) @$9034

Gross: 1050(sq. ft) @$8905

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section M, 4th Street No. 61 (s.m ss.317) HOUSE 61

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$9198

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$9176

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Fairview Park Lychee Road South No. 63 (s.p ss. 20) HOUSE 63 HOUSE 63
$11.88M +32%

Saleable: 1035(sq. ft) @$11478

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section D, 2nd Street No. 19 (s.d ss.124) SECTION D HOUSE 19
$7.62M +17%

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$8986

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$8965

  • Land Registry


Royal Palms Phase B San Franscisco Avenue House 3 SAN FRANSC HOUSE 3
$12.38M -1%

Saleable: 1348(sq. ft) @$9184

Gross: 1965(sq. ft) @$6300

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park 11th Street River North No. 30 (s.n ss.125) RIVER NORT HOUSE 30
$8.20M +31%

Saleable: 891(sq. ft) @$9203

Gross: 1150(sq. ft) @$7130

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section D, 4th Street No. 40 (s.d ss.249) SECTION D HOUSE 40
$9.50M -26%

Saleable: 950(sq. ft) @$10000

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park D段(第四街) 4 街〈獨立屋〉

Saleable: 846(sq. ft) @$10934

Gross: 1138(sq. ft) @$8129

  • Market Info
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Fairview Park Section M, 3rd Street No. 34 (s.m ss.209) SECTION M HOUSE 34
$9.80M +194%

Saleable: 1035(sq. ft) @$9469

Gross: 1050(sq. ft) @$9333

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section L, 5th Street No. 78 (s.l ss. 72) SECTION L HOUSE 78
$8.05M +227%

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$9493

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$9471

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section C, 7th Street No. 30 (s.c ss.161) SECTION C HOUSE 30
$10.80M +157%

Saleable: 1035(sq. ft) @$10435

Gross: 1050(sq. ft) @$10286

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section L, 4th Street No. 21 (s.l ss.150) SECTION L HOUSE 21
$8.28M -28%

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$9764

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$9741

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section J, 1st Street No. 77 (s.j ss. 77) SECTION J HOUSE 77

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$10236

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$10212

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section D, 2nd Street No. 61 (s.d ss.145) SECTION D HOUSE 61
$8.86M -16%

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$10448

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$10424

  • Land Registry


Fairview Park Section H, 2nd Street No. 41 (s.h ss.141) SECTION H HOUSE 41
$7.60M +145%

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$8962

Gross: 850(sq. ft) @$8941

  • Land Registry


Palm Springs Phase 1C Westwood Kapok House 13 KAPOK PATH HOUSE 13

Saleable: 1377(sq. ft) @$8715

Gross: 2014(sq. ft) @$5958

  • Land Registry


Palm Springs Phase 1E Arcadia Narcissus House 40 NARCISSUS HOUSE 40
$11.04M +32%

Saleable: 1380(sq. ft) @$8000

Gross: 2014(sq. ft) @$5482

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Palm Springs / Fairview Transaction Records

Palm Springs / Fairview 277 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
11/03/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Royal Palms Phase B Angel Island Avenue
House 15 HOUSE 15
12M 1495sq. ft. / 2044sq. ft. $8027 / $5871 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
06/03/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Palm Springs Phase 1D Paloma Lilac
8.02M 1016sq. ft. / 1463sq. ft. $7894 / $5482 01/11/2003 3.09M / +160%
Land Registry
04/03/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Royal Palms Phase A Marin Avenue
12.26M 1348sq. ft. / 1965sq. ft. $9095 / $6239 10/11/2016 11.8M / +4%
Land Registry
04/03/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park 8th Street River North
No. 39 (s.o ss.190) RIVER NORT HOUSE 39
9.35M 1035sq. ft. / 1050sq. ft. $9034 / $8905 29/05/1997 5.44M / +72%
Land Registry
28/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section M, 4th Street
No. 61 (s.m ss.317) HOUSE 61
7.8M 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $9198 / $9176 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
28/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Lychee Road South
No. 63 (s.p ss. 20) HOUSE 63 HOUSE 63
11.88M 1035sq. ft. / -- $11478 / -- 28/05/2014 9M / +32%
Land Registry
27/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section D, 2nd Street
No. 19 (s.d ss.124) SECTION D HOUSE 19
7.62M 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $8986 / $8965 19/10/2012 6.5M / +17%
Land Registry
27/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Royal Palms Phase B San Franscisco Avenue
12.38M 1348sq. ft. / 1965sq. ft. $9184 / $6300 12/01/2017 12.5M / -1%
Land Registry
24/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park 11th Street River North
No. 30 (s.n ss.125) RIVER NORT HOUSE 30
8.2M 891sq. ft. / 1150sq. ft. $9203 / $7130 07/06/2012 6.28M / +31%
Land Registry
21/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section D, 4th Street
No. 40 (s.d ss.249) SECTION D HOUSE 40
9.5M 950sq. ft. / -- $10000 / -- 29/03/2019 12.8M / -26%
Land Registry
19/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park D段(第四街)
4 街〈獨立屋〉
9.25M 846sq. ft. / 1138sq. ft. $10934 / $8129 -- -- / --
Market Info
19/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section M, 3rd Street
No. 34 (s.m ss.209) SECTION M HOUSE 34
9.8M 1035sq. ft. / 1050sq. ft. $9469 / $9333 14/03/2000 3.34M / +194%
Land Registry
18/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section L, 5th Street
No. 78 (s.l ss. 72) SECTION L HOUSE 78
8.05M 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $9493 / $9471 26/06/2001 2.46M / +227%
Land Registry
17/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section C, 7th Street
No. 30 (s.c ss.161) SECTION C HOUSE 30
10.8M 1035sq. ft. / 1050sq. ft. $10435 / $10286 06/02/2007 4.2M / +157%
Land Registry
17/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section L, 4th Street
No. 21 (s.l ss.150) SECTION L HOUSE 21
8.28M 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $9764 / $9741 05/07/2019 11.5M / -28%
Land Registry
14/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section J, 1st Street
No. 77 (s.j ss. 77) SECTION J HOUSE 77
8.68M 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $10236 / $10212 -- -- / --
Land Registry
14/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section D, 2nd Street
No. 61 (s.d ss.145) SECTION D HOUSE 61
8.86M 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $10448 / $10424 13/07/2020 10.5M / -16%
Land Registry
14/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Fairview Park Section H, 2nd Street
No. 41 (s.h ss.141) SECTION H HOUSE 41
7.6M 848sq. ft. / 850sq. ft. $8962 / $8941 24/11/2006 3.1M / +145%
Land Registry
13/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Palm Springs Phase 1C Westwood Kapok
12M 1377sq. ft. / 2014sq. ft. $8715 / $5958 -- -- / --
Land Registry
11/02/2025 Palm Springs / Fairview
Palm Springs Phase 1E Arcadia Narcissus
11.04M 1380sq. ft. / 2014sq. ft. $8000 / $5482 18/03/2011 8.38M / +32%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.