Ocean Shores Phase 2 Tower 7 40/F FLAT A
$8.65M +133%

Saleable: 639(sq. ft) @$13537

Gross: 879(sq. ft) @$9841

  • Land Registry


Metro Town Phase 2 Le Point Tower 10 46/F FLAT C
$9.25M +42%

Saleable: 731(sq. ft) @$12654

Gross: 974(sq. ft) @$9497

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores Phase 3 Tower 11 19/F FLAT D
$7.55M +234%

Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$13628

Gross: 724(sq. ft) @$10428

  • Land Registry


Metro Town Phase 2 Le Point Tower 10 Lower Floor FLAT H

Saleable: 651(sq. ft) @$12624

Gross: 882(sq. ft) @$9317

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Metro Town Phase 2 Le Point Tower 6 31/F FLAT G
$6.00M +133%

Saleable: 536(sq. ft) @$11194

Gross: 674(sq. ft) @$8902

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores Phase 3 Tower 15 3/F FLAT E
$6.40M +170%

Saleable: 545(sq. ft) @$11743

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$9412

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores Phase 1 Tower 1 49/F FLAT G
$6.50M +53%

Saleable: 512(sq. ft) @$12695

Gross: 690(sq. ft) @$9420

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores Phase 1 Tower 1 49/F FLAT H
$7.30M +72%

Saleable: 516(sq. ft) @$14147

Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$10504

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores Phase 1 Tower 5 25/F FLAT H
$6.63M +19%

Saleable: 513(sq. ft) @$12924

Gross: 690(sq. ft) @$9609

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores Phase 3 Tower 11 Lower Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 573(sq. ft) @$13176

Gross: 716(sq. ft) @$10545

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Ocean Shores Phase 3 Tower 13 39/F FLAT E
$10.75M +25%

Saleable: 751(sq. ft) @$14314

Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$10936

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores Phase 1 Tower 1 Middle Floor FLAT G

Saleable: 512(sq. ft) @$12246

Gross: 690(sq. ft) @$9087

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Ocean Shores Phase 1 Tower 1 Middle Floor FLAT H

Saleable: 516(sq. ft) @$13333

Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$9899

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Ocean Shores Phase 2 Tower 10 Middle Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 498(sq. ft) @$14217

Gross: 683(sq. ft) @$10366

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Ocean Shores Phase 1 Tower 1 45/F FLAT E
$11.00M +157%

Saleable: 781(sq. ft) @$14085

Gross: 1049(sq. ft) @$10486

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores 3期 15 座 Lower Floor FLAT E

Saleable: 503(sq. ft) @$12724

Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$9412

  • Market Info
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Ocean Shores Phase 3 Tower 11 1/F FLAT C
$6.70M +247%

Saleable: 530(sq. ft) @$12642

Gross: 712(sq. ft) @$9410

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores 1期 03座 Upper Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 811(sq. ft) @$13663

Gross: 1064(sq. ft) @$10414

  • Market Info
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Ocean Shores Phase 1 Tower 6 1/F FLAT D
$9.38M +134%

Saleable: 765(sq. ft) @$12261

Gross: 1028(sq. ft) @$9125

  • Land Registry


Ocean Shores 2期 10 座 Upper Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 498(sq. ft) @$14659

Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$10504

  • Market Info
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Tiu Keng Leng Transaction Records

Tiu Keng Leng 941 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
19/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 2
Tower 7 40/F FLAT A
8.65M 639sq. ft. / 879sq. ft. $13537 / $9841 06/06/2007 3.72M / +133%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Metro Town Phase 2 Le Point
Tower 10 46/F FLAT C
9.25M 731sq. ft. / 974sq. ft. $12654 / $9497 04/10/2011 6.5M / +42%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 3
Tower 11 19/F FLAT D
7.55M 554sq. ft. / 724sq. ft. $13628 / $10428 13/08/2003 2.26M / +234%
Land Registry
13/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Metro Town Phase 2 Le Point
Tower 10 Lower Floor FLAT H
8.22M 651sq. ft. / 882sq. ft. $12624 / $9317 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
13/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Metro Town Phase 2 Le Point
Tower 6 31/F FLAT G
6M 536sq. ft. / 674sq. ft. $11194 / $8902 30/08/2006 2.58M / +133%
Land Registry
13/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 3
Tower 15 3/F FLAT E
6.4M 545sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $11743 / $9412 23/07/2007 2.37M / +170%
Land Registry
11/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 1
Tower 1 49/F FLAT G
6.5M 512sq. ft. / 690sq. ft. $12695 / $9420 01/12/2010 4.25M / +53%
Land Registry
11/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 1
Tower 1 49/F FLAT H
7.3M 516sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. $14147 / $10504 01/12/2010 4.25M / +72%
Land Registry
11/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 1
Tower 5 25/F FLAT H
6.63M 513sq. ft. / 690sq. ft. $12924 / $9609 03/10/2013 5.55M / +19%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 3
Tower 11 Lower Floor FLAT D
7.55M 573sq. ft. / 716sq. ft. $13176 / $10545 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
10/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 3
Tower 13 39/F FLAT E
10.75M 751sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. $14314 / $10936 07/01/2013 8.62M / +25%
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 1
Tower 1 Middle Floor FLAT G
6.27M 512sq. ft. / 690sq. ft. $12246 / $9087 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
09/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 1
Tower 1 Middle Floor FLAT H
6.88M 516sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. $13333 / $9899 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
09/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 2
Tower 10 Middle Floor FLAT A
7.08M 498sq. ft. / 683sq. ft. $14217 / $10366 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
09/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 1
Tower 1 45/F FLAT E
11M 781sq. ft. / 1049sq. ft. $14085 / $10486 08/03/2000 4.27M / +157%
Land Registry
08/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores 3期
15 座 Lower Floor FLAT E
6.4M 503sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. $12724 / $9412 -- -- / --
Market Info
06/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 3
Tower 11 1/F FLAT C
6.7M 530sq. ft. / 712sq. ft. $12642 / $9410 16/09/2003 1.93M / +247%
Land Registry
05/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores 1期
03座 Upper Floor FLAT D
11.08M 811sq. ft. / 1064sq. ft. $13663 / $10414 -- -- / --
Market Info
05/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores Phase 1
Tower 6 1/F FLAT D
9.38M 765sq. ft. / 1028sq. ft. $12261 / $9125 23/03/2005 4.01M / +134%
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Tiu Keng Leng
Ocean Shores 2期
10 座 Upper Floor FLAT D
7.3M 498sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. $14659 / $10504 -- -- / --
Market Info
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.