Saleable: 1177(sq. ft) @$22127
Gross: 1580(sq. ft) @$16484
Saleable: 11505(sq. ft) @$73446
Saleable: 2634(sq. ft) @$33333
Gross: 3195(sq. ft) @$27480
Saleable: 2840(sq. ft) @$51761
Gross: 4331(sq. ft) @$33941
Saleable: 1657(sq. ft) @$19614
Gross: 1714(sq. ft) @$18961
Saleable: 1657(sq. ft) @$19614
Gross: 1714(sq. ft) @$18961
Saleable: 9415(sq. ft) @$76193
Saleable: 4773(sq. ft) @$67077
Saleable: 1831(sq. ft) @$27826
Gross: 2412(sq. ft) @$21124
Saleable: 2528(sq. ft) @$40269
Gross: 3000(sq. ft) @$33933
Saleable: 3823(sq. ft) @$68000
Saleable: 1177(sq. ft) @$24027
Gross: 1580(sq. ft) @$17898.73
Saleable: 6312(sq. ft) @$78914
Saleable: 3680(sq. ft) @$67935
Gross: 4869(sq. ft) @$51345
Saleable: 4773(sq. ft) @$76891
Saleable: 3727(sq. ft) @$73518
Saleable: 9550(sq. ft) @$93403
Saleable: 9694(sq. ft) @$95626
Saleable: 12073(sq. ft) @$95585
Saleable: 2769(sq. ft) @$65005
Gross: 4100(sq. ft) @$43902
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
20/11/2024 | Shouson Hill | Country Villa Block 2 1/F FLAT A | 26.04M | 1177sq. ft. / 1580sq. ft. | $22127 / $16484 | 21/06/1997 | 12M / +117% | Land Registry |
01/11/2024 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 2 NO. 15 HOUSE 2 | 845M | 11505sq. ft. / -- | $73446 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
30/10/2024 | Shouson Hill | The Hazelton House 3 NO. 6 HOUSE 3 | 87.8M | 2634sq. ft. / 3195sq. ft. | $33333 / $27480 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
02/10/2024 | Shouson Hill | No. 1 Shouson Hill Road East House 19 NO. 1 HOUSE 19 | 147M | 2840sq. ft. / 4331sq. ft. | $51761 / $33941 | 01/09/2016 | 148.8M / -1% | Land Registry |
03/09/2024 | Shouson Hill | Unicorn Gardens Block K-L 3/F FLAT K | 32.5M | 1657sq. ft. / 1714sq. ft. | $19614 / $18961 | 10/09/2007 | 19.5M / +67% | Land Registry |
03/09/2024 | Shouson Hill | Unicorn Gardens Block I-J 3/F FLAT J | 32.5M | 1657sq. ft. / 1714sq. ft. | $19614 / $18961 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
12/08/2024 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 3 NO. 15 HOUSE 3 | 717.36M | 9415sq. ft. / -- | $76193 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
30/07/2024 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 12 NO. 15 HOUSE 12 | 320.16M | 4773sq. ft. / -- | $67077 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
04/07/2024 | Shouson Hill | Joy Garden Block A-E NO. 13 FLAT B | 50.95M | 1831sq. ft. / 2412sq. ft. | $27826 / $21124 | 13/06/2006 | 15.3M / +233% | Land Registry |
21/06/2024 | Shouson Hill | Jade Crest Block E NO. 35E NO. 35E | 101.8M | 2528sq. ft. / 3000sq. ft. | $40269 / $33933 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
22/05/2024 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 8 NO. 15 HOUSE 8 | 259.96M | 3823sq. ft. / -- | $68000 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
05/04/2024 | Shouson Hill | Country Villa Block 1 1-/F FLAT A | 28.28M | 1177sq. ft. / 1580sq. ft. | $24027 / $17898.73 | 28/04/2017 | 33.3M / -15% | Land Registry |
05/03/2024 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 5 NO. 15 HOUSE 5 | 498.11M | 6312sq. ft. / -- | $78914 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
23/06/2023 | Shouson Hill | Bay Villas House 71 G/F-2/F HOUSE 71 | 250M | 3680sq. ft. / 4869sq. ft. | $67935 / $51345 | 06/02/2004 | 68.2M / +267% | Land Registry |
21/04/2023 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 12 NO. 15 HOUSE 12 | 367M | 4773sq. ft. / -- | $76891 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/04/2023 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 9 NO. 15 HOUSE 9 | 274M | 3727sq. ft. / -- | $73518 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/04/2023 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 6 NO. 15 HOUSE 6 | 892M | 9550sq. ft. / -- | $93403 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/04/2023 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 3 NO. 15 HOUSE 3 | 927M | 9694sq. ft. / -- | $95626 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/04/2023 | Shouson Hill | No.15 Shouson House 2 NO. 15 HOUSE 2 | 1154M | 12073sq. ft. / -- | $95585 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
31/03/2023 | Shouson Hill | Shouson Peak House 17D NO. 9-19 HOUSE 17D | 180M | 2769sq. ft. / 4100sq. ft. | $65005 / $43902 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |