Saleable: 699(sq. ft) @$25986
Saleable: 1724(sq. ft) @$47158
Saleable: 1129(sq. ft) @$17715
Gross: 1313(sq. ft) @$15232
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 643(sq. ft) @$16641
Gross: 887(sq. ft) @$12063
Saleable: 643(sq. ft) @$16485
Gross: 887(sq. ft) @$11950
Saleable: 835(sq. ft) @$13772
Gross: 1100(sq. ft) @$10455
Saleable: 497(sq. ft) @$8831
Gross: 650(sq. ft) @$6752
Saleable: 1103(sq. ft) @$21532
Gross: 1211(sq. ft) @$19612
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 940(sq. ft) @$16489
Gross: 1088(sq. ft) @$14246
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 1309(sq. ft) @$18946
Gross: 1600(sq. ft) @$15500
Saleable: 755(sq. ft) @$11589
Gross: 1100(sq. ft) @$7955
Saleable: 1129(sq. ft) @$17963
Gross: 1313(sq. ft) @$15446
Saleable: 1097(sq. ft) @$15314
Gross: 1400(sq. ft) @$12000
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 1330(sq. ft) @$18421
Gross: 1560(sq. ft) @$15705
Saleable: 1073(sq. ft) @$17241
Gross: 1250(sq. ft) @$14800
Saleable: 976(sq. ft) @$12193
Gross: 1118(sq. ft) @$10644
Saleable: 617(sq. ft) @$31874
Saleable: 437(sq. ft) @$19405
Gross: 603(sq. ft) @$14063
Saleable: 1116(sq. ft) @$17473
Gross: 1225(sq. ft) @$15918
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
17/01/2025 | Happy Valley | The Aster The Aster 3/F FLAT D | 18.16M | 699sq. ft. / -- | $25986 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
17/01/2025 | Happy Valley | The Leighton Hill Tower 6 6/F FLAT B | 81.3M | 1724sq. ft. / -- | $47158 / -- | 25/11/2000 | 17.82M / +356% | Land Registry |
16/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Villa Rocha Block A 4/F FLAT 2 | 20M | 1129sq. ft. / 1313sq. ft. | $17715 / $15232 | 25/03/1996 | 8.55M / +134% | Land Registry |
15/01/2025 | Happy Valley | V Happy Valley V Happy Valley Middle Floor FLAT B | 5.6M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
15/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Greenway Terrace Block 2 22/F FLAT B | 10.7M | 643sq. ft. / 887sq. ft. | $16641 / $12063 | 01/09/1999 | 4.45M / +140% | Land Registry |
15/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Greenway Terrace Block 2 22/F FLAT A | 10.6M | 643sq. ft. / 887sq. ft. | $16485 / $11950 | 08/07/1999 | 4.5M / +136% | Land Registry |
14/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Vivian's Court Vivian's Court 1/F FLAT A | 11.5M | 835sq. ft. / 1100sq. ft. | $13772 / $10455 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
14/01/2025 | Happy Valley | 58 Village Road 58 Village Road 5/F FLAT B | 4.39M | 497sq. ft. / 650sq. ft. | $8831 / $6752 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
13/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block D (Vicwood Court) Upper Floor FLAT 12 | 23.75M | 1103sq. ft. / 1211sq. ft. | $21532 / $19612 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
13/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Silver Star Court Silver Star Court Middle Floor FLAT A | 15.5M | 940sq. ft. / 1088sq. ft. | $16489 / $14246 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
13/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Happy Villa Happy Villa 6/F FLAT B | 24.8M | 1309sq. ft. / 1600sq. ft. | $18946 / $15500 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
07/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Fortune Building Fortune Building 3/F FLAT A (NO. 10) | 8.75M | 755sq. ft. / 1100sq. ft. | $11589 / $7955 | 07/02/2013 | 10M / -13% | Land Registry |
06/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Villa Rocha Block B 18/F FLAT 2 | 20.28M | 1129sq. ft. / 1313sq. ft. | $17963 / $15446 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Waiga Mansion Waiga Mansion Upper Floor NO. 6 | 16.8M | 1097sq. ft. / 1400sq. ft. | $15314 / $12000 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
03/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Ventris Place Block B 4/F FLAT 3 | 24.5M | 1330sq. ft. / 1560sq. ft. | $18421 / $15705 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/01/2025 | Happy Valley | Unique Villa Unique Villa 9/F NO. 12 (FLAT B) | 18.5M | 1073sq. ft. / 1250sq. ft. | $17241 / $14800 | 29/05/2015 | 19.88M / -7% | Land Registry |
31/12/2024 | Happy Valley | Yuk Sing Building Yuk Sing Building 15/F FLAT A | 11.9M | 976sq. ft. / 1118sq. ft. | $12193 / $10644 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/12/2024 | Happy Valley | The Aster The Aster 28/F FLAT C | 19.67M | 617sq. ft. / -- | $31874 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
30/12/2024 | Happy Valley | Fairview Court Fairview Court 22/F FLAT A | 8.48M | 437sq. ft. / 603sq. ft. | $19405 / $14063 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
27/12/2024 | Happy Valley | Villa Lotto Block D (Vicwood Court) 5/F FLAT 14 | 19.5M | 1116sq. ft. / 1225sq. ft. | $17473 / $15918 | 12/09/1995 | 7.15M / +173% | Land Registry |