Wonderland Villas Block 15 14/F FLAT A
$6.80M +26%

Saleable: 705(sq. ft) @$9645

Gross: 991(sq. ft) @$6862

  • Land Registry


Wah Yuen Chuen Wah Yee Court (Block 2) 18/F FLAT D
$4.10M +3%

Saleable: 504(sq. ft) @$8135

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 21 16/F FLAT B

Saleable: 1789(sq. ft) @$11951

Gross: 2214(sq. ft) @$9657

  • Land Registry


Wah Yuen Chuen Wah Lai Court (Block 3) 16/F FLAT C

Saleable: 537(sq. ft) @$7821

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 14 24/F FLAT B

Saleable: 1179(sq. ft) @$8651

Gross: 1605(sq. ft) @$6355

  • Land Registry


Regency Park Tower 1 6/F FLAT A

Saleable: 1139(sq. ft) @$11238

Gross: 1461(sq. ft) @$8761

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 15 27/F FLAT B

Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$11143

Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$7935

  • Land Registry


Wah Yuen Chuen Wah Lai Court (Block 3) 29/F FLAT D

Saleable: 510(sq. ft) @$9020

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 17 19/F FLAT C
$5.33M +129%

Saleable: 567(sq. ft) @$9400

Gross: 739(sq. ft) @$7212

  • Land Registry


Wah Yuen Chuen Wah Lai Court (Block 3) 9/F FLAT A

Saleable: 535(sq. ft) @$7439

  • Land Registry


Wah Yuen Chuen Wah Yee Court (Block 2) 14/F FLAT D
$3.85M +112%

Saleable: 504(sq. ft) @$7639

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 15 14/F FLAT B

Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$9000

Gross: 983(sq. ft) @$6409

  • Land Registry


Wah Yuen Chuen Wah Shun Court (Block 5) 27/F FLAT B

Saleable: 657(sq. ft) @$7610

  • Land Registry


Regency Park Tower 6 11/F FLAT A

Saleable: 1260(sq. ft) @$12302

Gross: 1619(sq. ft) @$9574

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 5 13/F FLAT A
$6.28M +26%

Saleable: 676(sq. ft) @$9290

Gross: 972(sq. ft) @$6461

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 16 21/F FLAT A
$6.33M -33%

Saleable: 706(sq. ft) @$8966

Gross: 1000(sq. ft) @$6330

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 19 5/F FLAT C
$7.05M -26%

Saleable: 783(sq. ft) @$9004

Gross: 908(sq. ft) @$7764

  • Land Registry


Wah Yuen Chuen Wah Lai Court (Block 3) 11/F FLAT A

Saleable: 535(sq. ft) @$7215

  • Land Registry


Wah Yuen Chuen Wah Chi Court (Block 4) 25/F FLAT A

Saleable: 549(sq. ft) @$7410

  • Land Registry


Wonderland Villas Block 6 10/F FLAT A
$7.41M +49%

Saleable: 813(sq. ft) @$9114

Gross: 1079(sq. ft) @$6867

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Wah King Transaction Records

Wah King 110 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
21/01/2025 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 15 14/F FLAT A
6.8M 705sq. ft. / 991sq. ft. $9645 / $6862 19/10/2012 5.4M / +26%
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Wah King
Wah Yuen Chuen
Wah Yee Court (Block 2) 18/F FLAT D
4.1M 504sq. ft. / -- $8135 / -- 08/07/2013 4M / +3%
Land Registry
16/12/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 21 16/F FLAT B
21.38M 1789sq. ft. / 2214sq. ft. $11951 / $9657 -- -- / --
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Wah King
Wah Yuen Chuen
Wah Lai Court (Block 3) 16/F FLAT C
4.2M 537sq. ft. / -- $7821 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
27/11/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 14 24/F FLAT B
10.2M 1179sq. ft. / 1605sq. ft. $8651 / $6355 -- -- / --
Land Registry
30/10/2024 Wah King
Regency Park
Tower 1 6/F FLAT A
12.8M 1139sq. ft. / 1461sq. ft. $11238 / $8761 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/10/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 15 27/F FLAT B
7.8M 700sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. $11143 / $7935 03/10/2012 7.8M / +0%
Land Registry
25/10/2024 Wah King
Wah Yuen Chuen
Wah Lai Court (Block 3) 29/F FLAT D
4.6M 510sq. ft. / -- $9020 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/09/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 17 19/F FLAT C
5.33M 567sq. ft. / 739sq. ft. $9400 / $7212 21/04/2005 2.33M / +129%
Land Registry
19/09/2024 Wah King
Wah Yuen Chuen
Wah Lai Court (Block 3) 9/F FLAT A
3.98M 535sq. ft. / -- $7439 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
11/09/2024 Wah King
Wah Yuen Chuen
Wah Yee Court (Block 2) 14/F FLAT D
3.85M 504sq. ft. / -- $7639 / -- 03/11/2006 1.82M / +112%
Land Registry
29/08/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 15 14/F FLAT B
6.3M 700sq. ft. / 983sq. ft. $9000 / $6409 -- -- / --
Land Registry
29/08/2024 Wah King
Wah Yuen Chuen
Wah Shun Court (Block 5) 27/F FLAT B
5M 657sq. ft. / -- $7610 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
15/08/2024 Wah King
Regency Park
Tower 6 11/F FLAT A
15.5M 1260sq. ft. / 1619sq. ft. $12302 / $9574 -- -- / --
Land Registry
30/07/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 5 13/F FLAT A
6.28M 676sq. ft. / 972sq. ft. $9290 / $6461 30/11/2010 5M / +26%
Land Registry
25/07/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 16 21/F FLAT A
6.33M 706sq. ft. / 1000sq. ft. $8966 / $6330 03/07/2019 9.38M / -33%
Land Registry
18/07/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 19 5/F FLAT C
7.05M 783sq. ft. / 908sq. ft. $9004 / $7764 30/07/2021 9.5M / -26%
Land Registry
17/07/2024 Wah King
Wah Yuen Chuen
Wah Lai Court (Block 3) 11/F FLAT A
3.86M 535sq. ft. / -- $7215 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/07/2024 Wah King
Wah Yuen Chuen
Wah Chi Court (Block 4) 25/F FLAT A
4.07M 549sq. ft. / -- $7410 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/06/2024 Wah King
Wonderland Villas
Block 6 10/F FLAT A
7.41M 813sq. ft. / 1079sq. ft. $9114 / $6867 19/07/2010 4.97M / +49%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.