Minton Court Minton Court 2/F NO. 63
$18.00M +14%

Saleable: 1020(sq. ft) @$17647

Gross: 1350(sq. ft) @$13333

  • Land Registry


Butler Towers Block EF 16/F FLAT E
$30.68M -4%

Saleable: 1492(sq. ft) @$20563

Gross: 1650(sq. ft) @$18594

  • Land Registry


Dukes Place Dukes Place 3/F FLAT A

Saleable: 3976(sq. ft) @$53320

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Cavendish Heights Block 1 20/F FLAT A

Saleable: 1806(sq. ft) @$34441

Gross: 2242(sq. ft) @$27743

  • Land Registry


Cavendish Heights Block 1 26/F FLAT A
$64.80M +310%

Saleable: 1806(sq. ft) @$35880

Gross: 2242(sq. ft) @$28903

  • Land Registry


Mount Butler Lodge 12 Mount Butler Drive NO. 12 NO. 12
$80.88M +244%

Saleable: 1580(sq. ft) @$51190

Gross: 4500(sq. ft) @$17973

  • Land Registry


Wing On Towers Block 2 15/F FLAT A
$30.80M +137%

Saleable: 1260(sq. ft) @$24444

Gross: 1650(sq. ft) @$18667

  • Land Registry


Cavendish Heights Block 5 16/F FLAT A

Saleable: 1439(sq. ft) @$29048

Gross: 1819(sq. ft) @$22980

  • Land Registry


Cavendish Heights Block 8 2/F FLAT B
$34.88M +9%

Saleable: 1300(sq. ft) @$26831

Gross: 1620(sq. ft) @$21531

  • Land Registry


Cavendish Heights Block 8 5/F FLAT A
$38.00M +100%

Saleable: 1300(sq. ft) @$29231

Gross: 1620(sq. ft) @$23457

  • Land Registry


Dukes Place Dukes Place 11/F FLAT B

Saleable: 4440(sq. ft) @$72072

  • Land Registry


Dukes Place Dukes Place 3/F FLAT A

Saleable: 4078(sq. ft) @$68171

  • Land Registry


Cavendish Heights Block 4 6/F FLAT A
$45.80M +322%

Saleable: 1439(sq. ft) @$31828

Gross: 1819(sq. ft) @$25179

  • Land Registry


2 - 6a Wilson Road No. 2A 2/F NO. 2A
$39.00M +59%

Saleable: 1262(sq. ft) @$30903

Gross: 1550(sq. ft) @$25161

  • Land Registry


Cavendish Heights Block 1 17/F FLAT A

Saleable: 1806(sq. ft) @$30454

Gross: 2242(sq. ft) @$24532

  • Land Registry


Cavendish Heights Block 4 8/F FLAT B

Saleable: 1439(sq. ft) @$31272

Gross: 1819(sq. ft) @$24739

  • Land Registry


Cavendish Heights Block 8 22/F FLAT A
$50.80M +153%

Saleable: 1300(sq. ft) @$39077

Gross: 1620(sq. ft) @$31358

  • Land Registry


Dukes Place Dukes Place

Saleable: 4102(sq. ft) @$70000

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Cavendish Heights Block 8 2/F FLAT B

Saleable: 1300(sq. ft) @$24615

Gross: 1620(sq. ft) @$19753

  • Land Registry


Wing On Towers Block 2 6/F FLAT B
$26.88M +18%

Saleable: 1260(sq. ft) @$21333

Gross: 1650(sq. ft) @$16291

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Jardine's Transaction Records

Jardine's 32 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
21/01/2025 Jardine's
Minton Court
Minton Court 2/F NO. 63
18M 1020sq. ft. / 1350sq. ft. $17647 / $13333 28/09/2007 15.8M / +14%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Jardine's
Butler Towers
Block EF 16/F FLAT E
30.68M 1492sq. ft. / 1650sq. ft. $20563 / $18594 26/05/2022 32M / -4%
Land Registry
22/10/2024 Jardine's
Dukes Place
Dukes Place 3/F FLAT A
212M 3976sq. ft. / -- $53320 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
23/07/2024 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 1 20/F FLAT A
62.2M 1806sq. ft. / 2242sq. ft. $34441 / $27743 -- -- / --
Land Registry
02/07/2024 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 1 26/F FLAT A
64.8M 1806sq. ft. / 2242sq. ft. $35880 / $28903 05/08/2002 15.8M / +310%
Land Registry
17/05/2024 Jardine's
Mount Butler Lodge
12 Mount Butler Drive NO. 12 NO. 12
80.88M 1580sq. ft. / 4500sq. ft. $51190 / $17973 20/11/1999 23.5M / +244%
Land Registry
08/05/2024 Jardine's
Wing On Towers
Block 2 15/F FLAT A
30.8M 1260sq. ft. / 1650sq. ft. $24444 / $18667 22/08/2006 13M / +137%
Land Registry
06/05/2024 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 5 16/F FLAT A
41.8M 1439sq. ft. / 1819sq. ft. $29048 / $22980 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/04/2024 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 8 2/F FLAT B
34.88M 1300sq. ft. / 1620sq. ft. $26831 / $21531 05/01/2023 32M / +9%
Land Registry
04/01/2024 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 8 5/F FLAT A
38M 1300sq. ft. / 1620sq. ft. $29231 / $23457 03/04/1997 19M / +100%
Land Registry
15/08/2023 Jardine's
Dukes Place
Dukes Place 11/F FLAT B
320M 4440sq. ft. / -- $72072 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
15/08/2023 Jardine's
Dukes Place
Dukes Place 3/F FLAT A
278M 4078sq. ft. / -- $68171 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
15/08/2023 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 4 6/F FLAT A
45.8M 1439sq. ft. / 1819sq. ft. $31828 / $25179 25/11/1999 10.85M / +322%
Land Registry
27/06/2023 Jardine's
2 - 6a Wilson Road
No. 2A 2/F NO. 2A
39M 1262sq. ft. / 1550sq. ft. $30903 / $25161 20/03/2015 24.5M / +59%
Land Registry
09/06/2023 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 1 17/F FLAT A
55M 1806sq. ft. / 2242sq. ft. $30454 / $24532 -- -- / --
Land Registry
08/05/2023 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 4 8/F FLAT B
45M 1439sq. ft. / 1819sq. ft. $31272 / $24739 -- -- / --
Land Registry
16/03/2023 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 8 22/F FLAT A
50.8M 1300sq. ft. / 1620sq. ft. $39077 / $31358 04/06/2009 20.1M / +153%
Land Registry
07/02/2023 Jardine's
Dukes Place
Dukes Place
287.14M 4102sq. ft. / -- $70000 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
17/01/2023 Jardine's
Cavendish Heights
Block 8 2/F FLAT B
32M 1300sq. ft. / 1620sq. ft. $24615 / $19753 -- -- / --
Land Registry
08/12/2022 Jardine's
Wing On Towers
Block 2 6/F FLAT B
26.88M 1260sq. ft. / 1650sq. ft. $21333 / $16291 04/03/2014 22.8M / +18%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.