Saleable: 365(sq. ft) @$8082
Gross: 552(sq. ft) @$5344
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 892(sq. ft) @$13565
Saleable: 892(sq. ft) @$12108
Saleable: 808(sq. ft) @$8267
Gross: 1051(sq. ft) @$6356
Saleable: 868(sq. ft) @$9908
Saleable: 555(sq. ft) @$6631
Gross: 667(sq. ft) @$5517
Saleable: 808(sq. ft) @$9406
Gross: 1051(sq. ft) @$7231
Saleable: 1150(sq. ft) @$12852
Saleable: 632(sq. ft) @$9019
Gross: 828(sq. ft) @$6884
Saleable: 632(sq. ft) @$6883
Gross: 794(sq. ft) @$5479
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$9319
Gross: 612(sq. ft) @$7157
Saleable: 365(sq. ft) @$8219
Gross: 537(sq. ft) @$5587
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$7793
Gross: 540(sq. ft) @$5167
Saleable: 517(sq. ft) @$11219
Gross: 690(sq. ft) @$8406
Saleable: 892(sq. ft) @$12108
Saleable: 517(sq. ft) @$10116
Gross: 690(sq. ft) @$7580
Saleable: 365(sq. ft) @$8356
Gross: 552(sq. ft) @$5525
Saleable: 637(sq. ft) @$7064
Gross: 791(sq. ft) @$5689
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 694(sq. ft) @$7421
Gross: 859(sq. ft) @$5995
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 570(sq. ft) @$8386
Gross: 683(sq. ft) @$6999
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
17/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Hong Kong Garden Phase 1 Block 1 Upper Floor FLAT F | 2.95M | 365sq. ft. / 552sq. ft. | $8082 / $5344 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
17/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | L'aquatique Block 2 17/F FLAT D2 | 12.1M | 892sq. ft. / -- | $13565 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
16/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | L'aquatique Block 2 8/F FLAT D2 | 10.8M | 892sq. ft. / -- | $12108 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
15/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 33/F FLAT D | 6.68M | 808sq. ft. / 1051sq. ft. | $8267 / $6356 | 08/08/2006 | 3.95M / +69% | Land Registry |
14/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | L'aquatique Block 1 1/F FLAT D1 | 8.6M | 868sq. ft. / -- | $9908 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
13/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Lido Garden Block 3 9/F FLAT D | 3.68M | 555sq. ft. / 667sq. ft. | $6631 / $5517 | 13/11/2020 | 5.48M / -33% | Land Registry |
10/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 3 Tower 3 15/F FLAT A | 7.6M | 808sq. ft. / 1051sq. ft. | $9406 / $7231 | 15/04/2014 | 6.8M / +12% | Land Registry |
09/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Anglers' Bay Tower 2 27/F FLAT A | 14.78M | 1150sq. ft. / -- | $12852 / -- | 01/08/2003 | 2.7M / +447% | Land Registry |
08/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Sea Crest Villa Phase 3 Block 9 19/F FLAT E | 5.7M | 632sq. ft. / 828sq. ft. | $9019 / $6884 | 08/03/2001 | 2.83M / +101% | Land Registry |
06/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Rhine Garden Block 3 2/F FLAT D | 4.35M | 632sq. ft. / 794sq. ft. | $6883 / $5479 | 10/03/1997 | 3.3M / +32% | Land Registry |
06/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Sea Crest Villa Phase 4 Block 11 15/F FLAT C | 4.38M | 470sq. ft. / 612sq. ft. | $9319 / $7157 | 26/08/2013 | 3.7M / +18% | Land Registry |
06/01/2025 | Sham Tseng | Hong Kong Garden Phase 1 Beverly Heights (Block 6) 14/F FLAT F | 3M | 365sq. ft. / 537sq. ft. | $8219 / $5587 | 18/08/2009 | 1.2M / +150% | Land Registry |
31/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Hong Kong Garden Phase 1 Beverly Heights (Block 6) 2/F FLAT A | 2.79M | 358sq. ft. / 540sq. ft. | $7793 / $5167 | 18/07/2012 | 1.6M / +74% | Land Registry |
31/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 1 Tower 7 52/F FLAT H | 5.8M | 517sq. ft. / 690sq. ft. | $11219 / $8406 | 03/08/2012 | 3.8M / +53% | Land Registry |
31/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | L'aquatique Block 2 10/F FLAT D2 | 10.8M | 892sq. ft. / -- | $12108 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
31/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Bellagio Phase 1 Tower 7 43/F FLAT H | 5.23M | 517sq. ft. / 690sq. ft. | $10116 / $7580 | 22/08/2003 | 1.49M / +252% | Land Registry |
31/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Hong Kong Garden Phase 1 Block 1 14/F FLAT C | 3.05M | 365sq. ft. / 552sq. ft. | $8356 / $5525 | 09/05/2011 | 2.08M / +47% | Land Registry |
27/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Rhine Garden Block 2 Upper Floor FLAT D | 4.5M | 637sq. ft. / 791sq. ft. | $7064 / $5689 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
27/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Rhine Garden Block 2 Upper Floor FLAT E | 5.15M | 694sq. ft. / 859sq. ft. | $7421 / $5995 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
24/12/2024 | Sham Tseng | Lido Garden Block 1 22/F FLAT A | 4.78M | 570sq. ft. / 683sq. ft. | $8386 / $6999 | 20/07/2012 | 3.57M / +34% | Land Registry |