Saleable: 450(sq. ft) @$6000
Saleable: 606(sq. ft) @$10941
Gross: 729(sq. ft) @$9095
Saleable: 378(sq. ft) @$7407
Saleable: 443(sq. ft) @$5372
Saleable: 505(sq. ft) @$5347
Saleable: 340(sq. ft) @$10500
Gross: 429(sq. ft) @$8322
Saleable: 276(sq. ft) @$7065
Saleable: 712(sq. ft) @$7022
Gross: 1000(sq. ft) @$5000
Saleable: 288(sq. ft) @$9028
Saleable: 575(sq. ft) @$7826
Saleable: 441(sq. ft) @$15873
Gross: 584(sq. ft) @$11986
Saleable: 237(sq. ft) @$10127
Gross: 333(sq. ft) @$7207
Saleable: 356(sq. ft) @$7022
Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$11811
Gross: 844(sq. ft) @$9796
Saleable: 274(sq. ft) @$9307
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$9536
Gross: 400(sq. ft) @$7200
Saleable: 314(sq. ft) @$9554
Gross: 360(sq. ft) @$8333
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
24/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | 349 Shanghai Street 349 Shanghai Street 3/F NO. 349 | 2.7M | 450sq. ft. / -- | $6000 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 2 2/F FLAT H | 6.63M | 606sq. ft. / 729sq. ft. | $10941 / $9095 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Cheng Hong Building Cheng Hong Building 6/F FLAT 4 | 2.8M | 378sq. ft. / -- | $7407 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
18/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Wing Wah Building Wing Wah Building 3/F FLAT D (NO. 39) | 2.38M | 443sq. ft. / -- | $5372 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
14/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | 59A-59C Public Square Street 59A-59C Public Square Street 2/F NO. 142 | 2.7M | 505sq. ft. / -- | $5347 / -- | 22/06/2021 | 3.13M / -14% | Land Registry |
13/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Shun On Building Shun On Building 13/F FLAT A | 3.57M | 340sq. ft. / 429sq. ft. | $10500 / $8322 | 18/02/1997 | 1.67M / +114% | Land Registry |
13/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Hing Wah Building Hing Wah Building 2/F FLAT H | 1.95M | 276sq. ft. / -- | $7065 / -- | 26/04/2018 | 2.95M / -34% | Land Registry |
11/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Kam Wah Building Kam Wah Building 12/F FLAT B | 5M | 712sq. ft. / 1000sq. ft. | $7022 / $5000 | 13/10/1997 | 2.96M / +69% | Land Registry |
07/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | SUNBEAM COMMERCIAL BUILDING SUNBEAM COMMERCIAL BUILDING 8/F | 38M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
04/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Winner Building Winner Building 5/F FLAT B | 2.6M | 288sq. ft. / -- | $9028 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
04/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Kam Tong Building Kam Tong Building 8/F FLAT G (FLAT 8) | 4.5M | 575sq. ft. / -- | $7826 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | ARTHUR COMMERCIAL BUILDING ARTHUR COMMERCIAL BUILDING 20/F FLAT A | 2M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/02/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | No. 8 Waterloo Road Block 2 40/F FLAT C | 7M | 441sq. ft. / 584sq. ft. | $15873 / $11986 | 18/03/2013 | 5.95M / +18% | Land Registry |
24/01/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Lai Shing Building Lai Shing Building 16/F FLAT B (NO. 17) | 5M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/01/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Shun Fung Building Shun Fung Building 11/F FLAT C | 2.4M | 237sq. ft. / 333sq. ft. | $10127 / $7207 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
23/01/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Hing Wah Building Hing Wah Building 4/F FLAT C | 2.5M | 356sq. ft. / -- | $7022 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/01/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Prosperous Garden Block 4 15/F FLAT G | 8.27M | 700sq. ft. / 844sq. ft. | $11811 / $9796 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
17/01/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Wing Sheung Building Wing Sheung Building 7/F FLAT C | 2.55M | 274sq. ft. / -- | $9307 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
16/01/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Kam Fai Building Kam Fai Building 15/F FLAT D | 2.88M | 302sq. ft. / 400sq. ft. | $9536 / $7200 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/01/2025 | Yau Ma Tei | Kam Wah Building Block A 7/F FLAT A1 | 3M | 314sq. ft. / 360sq. ft. | $9554 / $8333 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |