Parc Palais Tower 2 18/F FLAT B
$25.50M +43%

Saleable: 1074(sq. ft) @$23743

Gross: 1423(sq. ft) @$17920

  • Land Registry


Parc Palais Tower 6 21/F FLAT C
$23.56M +131%

Saleable: 1341(sq. ft) @$17569

Gross: 1757(sq. ft) @$13409

  • Land Registry


King's Park Hill Tower 4 (No. 70) 3/F FLAT B
$23.68M +21%

Saleable: 1215(sq. ft) @$19490

Gross: 1846(sq. ft) @$12828

  • Land Registry


King's Park Villa Block 6 21/F FLAT A
$19.80M +1%

Saleable: 1215(sq. ft) @$16296

Gross: 1434(sq. ft) @$13808

  • Land Registry


King's Park Villa Block 2 1/F FLAT B
$16.28M +74%

Saleable: 1231(sq. ft) @$13225

Gross: 1452(sq. ft) @$11212

  • Land Registry


King's Park Hill House 2 G/F-2/F HOUSE 2
$62.30M +407%

Saleable: 2333(sq. ft) @$26704

Gross: 3313(sq. ft) @$18805

  • Land Registry


Parc Palais Tower 8 15/F FLAT D
$12.59M -3%

Saleable: 829(sq. ft) @$15185

Gross: 1089(sq. ft) @$11559

  • Land Registry


King's Park Hill Tower 2 (No. 72) 2/F FLAT B
$22.00M -2%

Saleable: 1215(sq. ft) @$18107

Gross: 1841(sq. ft) @$11950

  • Land Registry


Parc Palais Tower 8 32/F FLAT A
$26.50M +85%

Saleable: 1321(sq. ft) @$20061

Gross: 1731(sq. ft) @$15309

  • Land Registry


The Regalia Tower 2 5/F FLAT A
$12.00M +17%

Saleable: 887(sq. ft) @$13529

Gross: 1110(sq. ft) @$10811

  • Land Registry


King's Park Villa Block 3 1/F FLAT C
$13.28M +155%

Saleable: 948(sq. ft) @$14008

Gross: 1128(sq. ft) @$11773

  • Land Registry


King's Park Villa Block 5 7/F FLAT A
$14.00M -30%

Saleable: 1136(sq. ft) @$12324

Gross: 1331(sq. ft) @$10518

  • Land Registry


Parc Palais Tower 2 32/F FLAT A
$68.50M -13%

Saleable: 1920(sq. ft) @$35677

Gross: 2537(sq. ft) @$27000

  • Land Registry


Parc Palais Tower 8 20/F FLAT A
$28.00M +46%

Saleable: 1321(sq. ft) @$21196

Gross: 1731(sq. ft) @$16176

  • Land Registry


The Regalia Tower 5 2/F FLAT C
$14.38M +90%

Saleable: 1038(sq. ft) @$13854

Gross: 1305(sq. ft) @$11019

  • Land Registry


Parc Palais Tower 1 23/F FLAT C
$28.08M +25%

Saleable: 1343(sq. ft) @$20908

Gross: 1762(sq. ft) @$15936

  • Land Registry


The Regalia Tower 5 20/F FLAT C
$14.80M +31%

Saleable: 1038(sq. ft) @$14258

Gross: 1305(sq. ft) @$11341

  • Land Registry


Parc Palais Tower 6 20/F FLAT B
$14.00M -3%

Saleable: 777(sq. ft) @$18018

Gross: 1011(sq. ft) @$13848

  • Land Registry


The Regalia Tower 3 16/F FLAT B
$13.80M +9%

Saleable: 791(sq. ft) @$17446

Gross: 995(sq. ft) @$13869

  • Land Registry


The Regalia Tower 2 8/F FLAT D
$12.90M +211%

Saleable: 859(sq. ft) @$15017

Gross: 1075(sq. ft) @$12000

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

King's Park Transaction Records

King's Park 77 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
06/12/2024 King's Park
Parc Palais
Tower 2 18/F FLAT B
25.5M 1074sq. ft. / 1423sq. ft. $23743 / $17920 24/02/2008 17.8M / +43%
Land Registry
05/12/2024 King's Park
Parc Palais
Tower 6 21/F FLAT C
23.56M 1341sq. ft. / 1757sq. ft. $17569 / $13409 18/03/2004 10.2M / +131%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 King's Park
King's Park Hill
Tower 4 (No. 70) 3/F FLAT B
23.68M 1215sq. ft. / 1846sq. ft. $19490 / $12828 09/03/2006 19.5M / +21%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 King's Park
King's Park Villa
Block 6 21/F FLAT A
19.8M 1215sq. ft. / 1434sq. ft. $16296 / $13808 05/12/1997 19.68M / +1%
Land Registry
14/11/2024 King's Park
King's Park Villa
Block 2 1/F FLAT B
16.28M 1231sq. ft. / 1452sq. ft. $13225 / $11212 04/09/2009 9.38M / +74%
Land Registry
25/10/2024 King's Park
King's Park Hill
House 2 G/F-2/F HOUSE 2
62.3M 2333sq. ft. / 3313sq. ft. $26704 / $18805 12/03/2004 12.28M / +407%
Land Registry
20/09/2024 King's Park
Parc Palais
Tower 8 15/F FLAT D
12.59M 829sq. ft. / 1089sq. ft. $15185 / $11559 05/10/2012 12.93M / -3%
Land Registry
05/09/2024 King's Park
King's Park Hill
Tower 2 (No. 72) 2/F FLAT B
22M 1215sq. ft. / 1841sq. ft. $18107 / $11950 28/08/2008 22.38M / -2%
Land Registry
29/08/2024 King's Park
Parc Palais
Tower 8 32/F FLAT A
26.5M 1321sq. ft. / 1731sq. ft. $20061 / $15309 30/06/2005 14.36M / +85%
Land Registry
02/08/2024 King's Park
The Regalia
Tower 2 5/F FLAT A
12M 887sq. ft. / 1110sq. ft. $13529 / $10811 14/09/1996 10.24M / +17%
Land Registry
26/07/2024 King's Park
King's Park Villa
Block 3 1/F FLAT C
13.28M 948sq. ft. / 1128sq. ft. $14008 / $11773 18/02/2002 5.2M / +155%
Land Registry
21/06/2024 King's Park
King's Park Villa
Block 5 7/F FLAT A
14M 1136sq. ft. / 1331sq. ft. $12324 / $10518 17/09/2021 20M / -30%
Land Registry
11/06/2024 King's Park
Parc Palais
Tower 2 32/F FLAT A
68.5M 1920sq. ft. / 2537sq. ft. $35677 / $27000 21/11/2018 78.5M / -13%
Land Registry
04/06/2024 King's Park
Parc Palais
Tower 8 20/F FLAT A
28M 1321sq. ft. / 1731sq. ft. $21196 / $16176 23/01/2008 19.2M / +46%
Land Registry
10/05/2024 King's Park
The Regalia
Tower 5 2/F FLAT C
14.38M 1038sq. ft. / 1305sq. ft. $13854 / $11019 10/07/1998 7.57M / +90%
Land Registry
09/05/2024 King's Park
Parc Palais
Tower 1 23/F FLAT C
28.08M 1343sq. ft. / 1762sq. ft. $20908 / $15936 04/08/2010 22.5M / +25%
Land Registry
08/05/2024 King's Park
The Regalia
Tower 5 20/F FLAT C
14.8M 1038sq. ft. / 1305sq. ft. $14258 / $11341 15/06/1998 11.29M / +31%
Land Registry
29/04/2024 King's Park
Parc Palais
Tower 6 20/F FLAT B
14M 777sq. ft. / 1011sq. ft. $18018 / $13848 07/08/2014 14.38M / -3%
Land Registry
17/04/2024 King's Park
The Regalia
Tower 3 16/F FLAT B
13.8M 791sq. ft. / 995sq. ft. $17446 / $13869 17/01/2017 12.68M / +9%
Land Registry
12/04/2024 King's Park
The Regalia
Tower 2 8/F FLAT D
12.9M 859sq. ft. / 1075sq. ft. $15017 / $12000 09/09/2002 4.15M / +211%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.