Sai Kung Garden Block 1 4/F FLAT C
$5.05M +8%

Saleable: 504(sq. ft) @$10020

Gross: 666(sq. ft) @$7583

  • Land Registry


Sai Kung Mansion (Building) Block A 7/F FLAT A1

Saleable: 457(sq. ft) @$11313

Gross: 556(sq. ft) @$9299

  • Land Registry


Eternal Court Eternal Court 2/F FLAT B
  • Land Registry


Sai Kung Town Centre Block C 8/F FLAT B
$3.20M +87%

Saleable: 292(sq. ft) @$10959

Gross: 398(sq. ft) @$8040

  • Land Registry


67 Man Nin Street 67 Man Nin Street 1/F NO. 67
$4.80M +85%

Saleable: 691(sq. ft) @$6946

  • Land Registry


No. 94man Nin Street No. 94 Man Nin Street 3/F NO. 94

Saleable: 691(sq. ft) @$6078

  • Land Registry


Sai Kung Mansion (Building) Block B 10/F FLAT B7

Saleable: 532(sq. ft) @$9962

Gross: 632(sq. ft) @$8386

  • Land Registry


Sai Kung Garden Block 2 6/F FLAT A
$4.50M +190%

Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$9574

Gross: 638(sq. ft) @$7053

  • Land Registry


No. 133 Portofino House 3 NO. 133 HOUSE 3

Saleable: 2641(sq. ft) @$21560

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Kat Cheung Building Kat Cheung Building 4/F FLAT C (NO. 42)
$2.95M -9%

Saleable: 422(sq. ft) @$6991

  • Land Registry


Lakeside Garden Tower 6 8/F FLAT C

Saleable: 448(sq. ft) @$9888

  • Land Registry


Park Mediterranean Tower 3 G/F FLAT C
$7.00M -26%

Saleable: 589(sq. ft) @$11885

  • Land Registry


Sai Kung Garden Block 2 9/F FLAT F
$5.80M +193%

Saleable: 570(sq. ft) @$10175

Gross: 776(sq. ft) @$7474

  • Land Registry


No. 7 Man Nin Street No. 7 Man Nin Street 1/F NO. 7
$6.00M +19%

Saleable: 691(sq. ft) @$8683

  • Land Registry


Lakeside Garden Tower 2 2/F FLAT C

Saleable: 448(sq. ft) @$9308

  • Land Registry


Lakeside Garden Tower 10 7/F FLAT G

Saleable: 432(sq. ft) @$9722

  • Land Registry


Park Mediterranean Tower 3 2/F FLAT P
$5.28M -28%

Saleable: 527(sq. ft) @$10019

  • Land Registry


1794B Po Tung Road 1794B Po Tung Road 2/F NO. 1794B
  • Land Registry


68 Po Tung Road 68 Po Tung Road 4/F NO. 68
$5.60M +79%

Saleable: 691(sq. ft) @$8104

  • Land Registry


Sai Kung Garden Block 1 3/F FLAT F
$5.50M +158%

Saleable: 570(sq. ft) @$9649

Gross: 776(sq. ft) @$7088

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Sai Kung Transaction Records

Sai Kung 107 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
06/01/2025 Sai Kung
Sai Kung Garden
Block 1 4/F FLAT C
5.05M 504sq. ft. / 666sq. ft. $10020 / $7583 03/11/2016 4.67M / +8%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Sai Kung
Sai Kung Mansion (Building)
Block A 7/F FLAT A1
5.17M 457sq. ft. / 556sq. ft. $11313 / $9299 -- -- / --
Land Registry
17/12/2024 Sai Kung
Eternal Court
Eternal Court 2/F FLAT B
1.5M -- / -- -- / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Sai Kung
Sai Kung Town Centre
Block C 8/F FLAT B
3.2M 292sq. ft. / 398sq. ft. $10959 / $8040 09/05/2011 1.71M / +87%
Land Registry
22/11/2024 Sai Kung
67 Man Nin Street
67 Man Nin Street 1/F NO. 67
4.8M 691sq. ft. / -- $6946 / -- 14/04/2010 2.6M / +85%
Land Registry
19/11/2024 Sai Kung
No. 94man Nin Street
No. 94 Man Nin Street 3/F NO. 94
4.2M 691sq. ft. / -- $6078 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
08/10/2024 Sai Kung
Sai Kung Mansion (Building)
Block B 10/F FLAT B7
5.3M 532sq. ft. / 632sq. ft. $9962 / $8386 -- -- / --
Land Registry
02/10/2024 Sai Kung
Sai Kung Garden
Block 2 6/F FLAT A
4.5M 470sq. ft. / 638sq. ft. $9574 / $7053 22/06/2002 1.55M / +190%
Land Registry
26/09/2024 Sai Kung
No. 133 Portofino
House 3 NO. 133 HOUSE 3
56.94M 2641sq. ft. / -- $21560 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
05/09/2024 Sai Kung
Kat Cheung Building
Kat Cheung Building 4/F FLAT C (NO. 42)
2.95M 422sq. ft. / -- $6991 / -- 31/07/2017 3.25M / -9%
Land Registry
05/08/2024 Sai Kung
Lakeside Garden
Tower 6 8/F FLAT C
4.43M 448sq. ft. / -- $9888 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Sai Kung
Park Mediterranean
Tower 3 G/F FLAT C
7M 589sq. ft. / -- $11885 / -- 14/05/2021 9.4M / -26%
Land Registry
19/07/2024 Sai Kung
Sai Kung Garden
Block 2 9/F FLAT F
5.8M 570sq. ft. / 776sq. ft. $10175 / $7474 21/11/2006 1.98M / +193%
Land Registry
12/07/2024 Sai Kung
No. 7 Man Nin Street
No. 7 Man Nin Street 1/F NO. 7
6M 691sq. ft. / -- $8683 / -- 07/07/2014 5.05M / +19%
Land Registry
21/06/2024 Sai Kung
Lakeside Garden
Tower 2 2/F FLAT C
4.17M 448sq. ft. / -- $9308 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/06/2024 Sai Kung
Lakeside Garden
Tower 10 7/F FLAT G
4.2M 432sq. ft. / -- $9722 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
11/06/2024 Sai Kung
Park Mediterranean
Tower 3 2/F FLAT P
5.28M 527sq. ft. / -- $10019 / -- 01/11/2019 7.37M / -28%
Land Registry
14/05/2024 Sai Kung
1794B Po Tung Road
1794B Po Tung Road 2/F NO. 1794B
3.9M -- / -- -- / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/05/2024 Sai Kung
68 Po Tung Road
68 Po Tung Road 4/F NO. 68
5.6M 691sq. ft. / -- $8104 / -- 02/04/2013 3.13M / +79%
Land Registry
17/04/2024 Sai Kung
Sai Kung Garden
Block 1 3/F FLAT F
5.5M 570sq. ft. / 776sq. ft. $9649 / $7088 18/08/2009 2.13M / +158%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.