Saleable: 410(sq. ft) @$8488
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$7102
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 410(sq. ft) @$9805
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$8204
Saleable: 272(sq. ft) @$11029
Gross: 343(sq. ft) @$8746
Saleable: 410(sq. ft) @$8976
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$7510
Saleable: 452(sq. ft) @$6637
Saleable: 394(sq. ft) @$8579
Saleable: 269(sq. ft) @$10781
Gross: 337(sq. ft) @$8605
Gross: 384(sq. ft) @$7813
Saleable: 452(sq. ft) @$9071
Gross: 550(sq. ft) @$7455
Saleable: 269(sq. ft) @$10409
Gross: 337(sq. ft) @$8309
Saleable: 234(sq. ft) @$12607
Gross: 249(sq. ft) @$11847
Saleable: 410(sq. ft) @$9756
Gross: 490(sq. ft) @$8163
Saleable: 233(sq. ft) @$12017
Gross: 250(sq. ft) @$11200
Saleable: 254(sq. ft) @$11142
Gross: 311(sq. ft) @$9100
Saleable: 394(sq. ft) @$9645
Saleable: 254(sq. ft) @$11024
Gross: 311(sq. ft) @$9003
Saleable: 224(sq. ft) @$12946
Gross: 242(sq. ft) @$11983
Saleable: 396(sq. ft) @$10303
Gross: 482(sq. ft) @$8465
Saleable: 391(sq. ft) @$9591
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
10/03/2025 | Shek Kip Mei | Ample Building Ample Building Lower Floor FLAT F | 3.48M | 410sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $8488 / $7102 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
21/02/2025 | Shek Kip Mei | Ample Building Ample Building 10/F FLAT C | 4.02M | 410sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $9805 / $8204 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
11/02/2025 | Shek Kip Mei | Pak Yuk Lau Pak Yuk Lau 6/F FLAT F | 3M | 272sq. ft. / 343sq. ft. | $11029 / $8746 | 28/06/1996 | 1.02M / +196% | Land Registry |
20/12/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Ample Building Ample Building 8/F FLAT J | 3.68M | 410sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $8976 / $7510 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
22/11/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Fook Tin Building Fook Tin Building G/F FLAT 52 | 680K | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
22/11/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Nam Cheong Commercial Building Nam Cheong Commercial Building 8/F FLAT 10 | 3M | 452sq. ft. / -- | $6637 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
12/08/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Nam Cheong Commercial Building Nam Cheong Commercial Building 5/F FLAT 5 | 3.38M | 394sq. ft. / -- | $8579 / -- | 06/07/2018 | 4.8M / -30% | Land Registry |
05/08/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Pak Yuk Lau Pak Yuk Lau 6/F FLAT E | 2.9M | 269sq. ft. / 337sq. ft. | $10781 / $8605 | 27/01/2014 | 2.55M / +14% | Land Registry |
30/07/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Tin Fung Lau Tin Fung Lau 7/F FLAT L | 3M | -- / 384sq. ft. | -- / $7813 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
09/07/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Ample Building Ample Building 4/F FLAT A | 4.1M | 452sq. ft. / 550sq. ft. | $9071 / $7455 | 01/09/2020 | 5.16M / -21% | Land Registry |
05/07/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Tin Fung Lau Tin Fung Lau 7/F FLAT E | 2.8M | 269sq. ft. / 337sq. ft. | $10409 / $8309 | 28/07/2017 | 2.56M / +9% | Land Registry |
03/07/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Kam Yuck Building Kam Yuck Building 8/F FLAT T | 2.95M | 234sq. ft. / 249sq. ft. | $12607 / $11847 | 14/11/2014 | 2M / +48% | Land Registry |
14/06/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Ample Building Ample Building 10/F FLAT O | 4M | 410sq. ft. / 490sq. ft. | $9756 / $8163 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
14/06/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Kam Yuck Building Kam Yuck Building 7/F FLAT E | 2.8M | 233sq. ft. / 250sq. ft. | $12017 / $11200 | 04/08/2020 | 3.3M / -15% | Land Registry |
13/06/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Po Tin Building Po Tin Building 5/F FLAT H | 2.83M | 254sq. ft. / 311sq. ft. | $11142 / $9100 | 29/05/2003 | 480K / +490% | Land Registry |
05/06/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Nam Cheong Commercial Building Nam Cheong Commercial Building 5/F FLAT 3 | 3.8M | 394sq. ft. / -- | $9645 / -- | 02/05/2007 | 860K / +342% | Land Registry |
24/04/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Po Tin Building Po Tin Building 8/F FLAT H | 2.8M | 254sq. ft. / 311sq. ft. | $11024 / $9003 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/03/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Kam Yuck Building Kam Yuck Building 6/F FLAT H | 2.9M | 224sq. ft. / 242sq. ft. | $12946 / $11983 | 29/09/2017 | 2.7M / +7% | Land Registry |
06/02/2024 | Shek Kip Mei | Ample Building Ample Building 7/F FLAT H | 4.08M | 396sq. ft. / 482sq. ft. | $10303 / $8465 | 24/02/2010 | 1.37M / +199% | Land Registry |
19/12/2023 | Shek Kip Mei | Nam Cheong Commercial Building Nam Cheong Commercial Building 8/F FLAT 20 | 3.75M | 391sq. ft. / -- | $9591 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |