Saleable: 510(sq. ft) @$14275
Gross: 655(sq. ft) @$11115
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$14426
Gross: 686(sq. ft) @$9883
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 490(sq. ft) @$14184
Gross: 643(sq. ft) @$10809
Saleable: 537(sq. ft) @$13501
Gross: 722(sq. ft) @$10042
Saleable: 588(sq. ft) @$15306
Gross: 784(sq. ft) @$11480
Saleable: 963(sq. ft) @$13499
Gross: 1295(sq. ft) @$10039
Saleable: 445(sq. ft) @$15011
Gross: 635(sq. ft) @$10520
Saleable: 505(sq. ft) @$14752
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$10719
Saleable: 1168(sq. ft) @$17979
Gross: 1593(sq. ft) @$13183
Saleable: 494(sq. ft) @$12874
Gross: 664(sq. ft) @$9578
Saleable: 509(sq. ft) @$14047
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$10288
Saleable: 513(sq. ft) @$15146
Gross: 684(sq. ft) @$11360
Saleable: 518(sq. ft) @$11583
Gross: 643(sq. ft) @$9331
Saleable: 523(sq. ft) @$11472
Gross: 658(sq. ft) @$9119
Saleable: 510(sq. ft) @$15098
Gross: 680(sq. ft) @$11324
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$15343
Gross: 759(sq. ft) @$11199
Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$15170
Gross: 684(sq. ft) @$11111
Saleable: 698(sq. ft) @$14756
Gross: 920(sq. ft) @$11196
Saleable: 499(sq. ft) @$14329
Gross: 662(sq. ft) @$10801
Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$14970
Gross: 684(sq. ft) @$10965
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
20/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Liberte Block 2 Lower Floor FLAT E | 7.28M | 510sq. ft. / 655sq. ft. | $14275 / $11115 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
20/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Banyan Garden Phase 1 Tower 3 Lower Floor FLAT C | 6.78M | 470sq. ft. / 686sq. ft. | $14426 / $9883 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
19/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Liberte Block 8 9/F FLAT H | 6.95M | 490sq. ft. / 643sq. ft. | $14184 / $10809 | 05/11/2010 | 4.12M / +69% | Land Registry |
18/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Banyan Garden Phase 3 Tower 5 55/F FLAT D | 7.25M | 537sq. ft. / 722sq. ft. | $13501 / $10042 | 17/11/2014 | 6.76M / +7% | Land Registry |
18/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Aqua Marine Tower 1 37/F FLAT H | 9M | 588sq. ft. / 784sq. ft. | $15306 / $11480 | 17/12/2019 | 11.5M / -22% | Land Registry |
17/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | One West Kowloon Tower 2 29/F FLAT D | 13M | 963sq. ft. / 1295sq. ft. | $13499 / $10039 | 30/01/2013 | 12.89M / +1% | Land Registry |
16/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 2 Tower 7 41/F FLAT E | 6.68M | 445sq. ft. / 635sq. ft. | $15011 / $10520 | 21/06/2004 | 2.44M / +173% | Land Registry |
10/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Banyan Garden Phase 3 Tower 5 33/F FLAT G | 7.45M | 505sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $14752 / $10719 | 22/01/2016 | 6M / +24% | Land Registry |
10/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Aqua Marine Tower 2 49/F FLAT B | 21M | 1168sq. ft. / 1593sq. ft. | $17979 / $13183 | 07/05/2015 | 20.31M / +3% | Land Registry |
10/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Aqua Marine Tower 2 5/F FLAT F | 6.36M | 494sq. ft. / 664sq. ft. | $12874 / $9578 | 09/05/2014 | 5.08M / +25% | Land Registry |
09/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Banyan Garden Phase 3 Tower 5 50/F FLAT G | 7.15M | 509sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $14047 / $10288 | 07/06/2006 | 2.72M / +163% | Land Registry |
09/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Liberte Block 6 36/F FLAT F | 7.77M | 513sq. ft. / 684sq. ft. | $15146 / $11360 | 25/06/2018 | 9.35M / -17% | Land Registry |
06/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Liberte Block 8 33/F FLAT A | 6M | 518sq. ft. / 643sq. ft. | $11583 / $9331 | 10/10/2002 | 2.07M / +190% | Land Registry |
06/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 3 21/F FLAT E | 6M | 523sq. ft. / 658sq. ft. | $11472 / $9119 | 19/01/2004 | 2.09M / +187% | Land Registry |
06/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Aqua Marine Tower 6 40/F FLAT D | 7.7M | 510sq. ft. / 680sq. ft. | $15098 / $11324 | 08/06/2009 | 3.15M / +144% | Land Registry |
04/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 2 Tower 6 (Belle Mer) 41/F FLAT A | 8.5M | 554sq. ft. / 759sq. ft. | $15343 / $11199 | 03/05/2005 | 4.71M / +81% | Land Registry |
03/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 49/F FLAT F | 7.6M | 501sq. ft. / 684sq. ft. | $15170 / $11111 | 01/08/2007 | 2.72M / +179% | Land Registry |
02/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Liberte Block 5 16/F FLAT H | 10.3M | 698sq. ft. / 920sq. ft. | $14756 / $11196 | 17/04/2002 | 2.59M / +298% | Land Registry |
02/12/2024 | Four Little Dragons | Aqua Marine Tower 1 33/F FLAT C | 7.15M | 499sq. ft. / 662sq. ft. | $14329 / $10801 | 05/02/2008 | 3.4M / +110% | Land Registry |
29/11/2024 | Four Little Dragons | The Pacifica Phase 1 Tower 2 36/F FLAT F | 7.5M | 501sq. ft. / 684sq. ft. | $14970 / $10965 | 28/12/2009 | 3.54M / +112% | Land Registry |