Hang Tung Building Block B Lower Floor FLAT B10

Saleable: 368(sq. ft) @$8152

Gross: 370(sq. ft) @$8108

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Flower Villa Flower Villa 13/F FLAT A
$7.08M -12%

Saleable: 535(sq. ft) @$13234

Gross: 730(sq. ft) @$9699

  • Land Registry


Fok Kwan Building Fok Kwan Building 11/F FLAT C (NO. 8)
$3.00M -6%

Saleable: 290(sq. ft) @$10345

  • Land Registry


Yiu Chung Building Yiu Chung Building 8/F NO. 368A
$2.98M -1%

Saleable: 356(sq. ft) @$8371

  • Land Registry


Kai Wan Building Kai Wan Building 4/F FLAT C

Saleable: 220(sq. ft) @$8636

Gross: 337(sq. ft) @$5638

  • Land Registry


Cambo House Cambo House 12/F FLAT B (NO. 184)

Saleable: 616(sq. ft) @$8084

  • Land Registry


Novi Novi 25/F FLAT F
$3.00M -37%

Saleable: 226(sq. ft) @$13274

  • Land Registry


Springfield Court Springfield Court 11/F FLAT A
$8.50M +10%

Saleable: 647(sq. ft) @$13138

Gross: 783(sq. ft) @$10856

  • Land Registry


Amber House Amber House 6/F FLAT B

Saleable: 407(sq. ft) @$9287

Gross: 487(sq. ft) @$7762

  • Land Registry


  • Land Registry


Eliza Building Eliza Building 9/F FLAT B

Saleable: 363(sq. ft) @$11019

  • Land Registry


Chun Yee Building Chun Yee Building 17/F FLAT C (NO. 733 FRONT)
$4.23M +112%
  • Land Registry


67 Lai Chi Kok Road 67 Lai Chi Kok Road 8/F FLAT C

Saleable: 520(sq. ft) @$5769

  • Land Registry


Ming Fat Mansion Ming Fat Mansion 8/F FLAT A

Saleable: 791(sq. ft) @$6953

  • Land Registry


Elize Park Elize Park 17/F FLAT B

Saleable: 243(sq. ft) @$26469

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Bijou Apartments Bijou Apartments 12/F FLAT E
$6.16M +201%

Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$14843

Gross: 606(sq. ft) @$10165

  • Land Registry


Shu Yee Mansion Shu Yee Mansion 8/F NO. 179 (FRONT)

Saleable: 746(sq. ft) @$7239

  • Land Registry


Sai Yeung Building Sai Yeung Building 3/F NO. 194A

Saleable: 328(sq. ft) @$7436

  • Land Registry


The Celebrity The Celebrity 30/F NO. 164A
$7.80M -17%

Saleable: 568(sq. ft) @$13732

Gross: 962(sq. ft) @$8108

  • Land Registry


Cosmopolitan Centre Cosmopolitan Centre 11/F FLAT 18

Saleable: 477(sq. ft) @$8071

Gross: 600(sq. ft) @$6417

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Prince Edward Transaction Records

Prince Edward 696 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
06/03/2025 Prince Edward
Hang Tung Building
Block B Lower Floor FLAT B10
3M 368sq. ft. / 370sq. ft. $8152 / $8108 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
05/03/2025 Prince Edward
Flower Villa
Flower Villa 13/F FLAT A
7.08M 535sq. ft. / 730sq. ft. $13234 / $9699 24/04/2023 8M / -12%
Land Registry
04/03/2025 Prince Edward
Fok Kwan Building
Fok Kwan Building 11/F FLAT C (NO. 8)
3M 290sq. ft. / -- $10345 / -- 27/04/2017 3.2M / -6%
Land Registry
03/03/2025 Prince Edward
Yiu Chung Building
Yiu Chung Building 8/F NO. 368A
2.98M 356sq. ft. / -- $8371 / -- 28/11/2014 3.02M / -1%
Land Registry
28/02/2025 Prince Edward
Kai Wan Building
Kai Wan Building 4/F FLAT C
1.9M 220sq. ft. / 337sq. ft. $8636 / $5638 -- -- / --
Land Registry
28/02/2025 Prince Edward
Cambo House
Cambo House 12/F FLAT B (NO. 184)
4.98M 616sq. ft. / -- $8084 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
26/02/2025 Prince Edward
Novi 25/F FLAT F
3M 226sq. ft. / -- $13274 / -- 25/08/2017 4.77M / -37%
Land Registry
25/02/2025 Prince Edward
Springfield Court
Springfield Court 11/F FLAT A
8.5M 647sq. ft. / 783sq. ft. $13138 / $10856 06/10/2014 7.75M / +10%
Land Registry
21/02/2025 Prince Edward
Amber House
Amber House 6/F FLAT B
3.78M 407sq. ft. / 487sq. ft. $9287 / $7762 -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/02/2025 Prince Edward
4M -- / -- -- / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/02/2025 Prince Edward
Eliza Building
Eliza Building 9/F FLAT B
4M 363sq. ft. / -- $11019 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/02/2025 Prince Edward
Chun Yee Building
Chun Yee Building 17/F FLAT C (NO. 733 FRONT)
4.23M -- / -- -- / -- 08/07/2014 2M / +112%
Land Registry
13/02/2025 Prince Edward
67 Lai Chi Kok Road
67 Lai Chi Kok Road 8/F FLAT C
3M 520sq. ft. / -- $5769 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
13/02/2025 Prince Edward
Ming Fat Mansion
Ming Fat Mansion 8/F FLAT A
5.5M 791sq. ft. / -- $6953 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/02/2025 Prince Edward
Elize Park
Elize Park 17/F FLAT B
6.43M 243sq. ft. / -- $26469 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
12/02/2025 Prince Edward
Bijou Apartments
Bijou Apartments 12/F FLAT E
6.16M 415sq. ft. / 606sq. ft. $14843 / $10165 29/09/2003 2.05M / +201%
Land Registry
12/02/2025 Prince Edward
Shu Yee Mansion
Shu Yee Mansion 8/F NO. 179 (FRONT)
5.4M 746sq. ft. / -- $7239 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
11/02/2025 Prince Edward
Sai Yeung Building
Sai Yeung Building 3/F NO. 194A
2.44M 328sq. ft. / -- $7436 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
07/02/2025 Prince Edward
The Celebrity
The Celebrity 30/F NO. 164A
7.8M 568sq. ft. / 962sq. ft. $13732 / $8108 03/06/2015 9.38M / -17%
Land Registry
07/02/2025 Prince Edward
Cosmopolitan Centre
Cosmopolitan Centre 11/F FLAT 18
3.85M 477sq. ft. / 600sq. ft. $8071 / $6417 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.