The Reach Tower 12 Middle Floor FLAT K

Saleable: 411(sq. ft) @$9805

Gross: 560(sq. ft) @$7196

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Grand Del Sol Block 1 1/F FLAT G
$6.18M +238%

Saleable: 744(sq. ft) @$8306

Gross: 888(sq. ft) @$6959

  • Land Registry


Sereno Verde Phase 5 Reach Summit Tower 2 21/F FLAT E
$3.25M -27%

Saleable: 267(sq. ft) @$12172

  • Land Registry


The Reach Tower 1 16/F FLAT F
$3.20M -7%

Saleable: 355(sq. ft) @$9014

Gross: 492(sq. ft) @$6504

  • Land Registry


Sereno Verde Phase 4 La Pradera Tower 11 11/F FLAT A
$5.48M -9%

Saleable: 607(sq. ft) @$9028

Gross: 799(sq. ft) @$6859

  • Land Registry


The Reach Tower 10 15/F FLAT G
$4.36M -32%

Saleable: 440(sq. ft) @$9909

Gross: 598(sq. ft) @$7291

  • Land Registry


Sereno Verde Phase 5 Reach Summit Tower 1 2/F FLAT M
$3.12M -28%

Saleable: 282(sq. ft) @$11057

  • Land Registry


Villa Premiere Block 3 8/F FLAT H
$5.47M -17%

Saleable: 552(sq. ft) @$9906

Gross: 697(sq. ft) @$7845

  • Land Registry


Sereno Verde Phase 5 Reach Summit Tower 2 8/F FLAT E
$3.09M -25%

Saleable: 267(sq. ft) @$11573

  • Land Registry


The Reach Tower 11 15/F FLAT C
$5.60M -23%

Saleable: 660(sq. ft) @$8485

Gross: 900(sq. ft) @$6222

  • Land Registry


The Parkland The Parkland 7/F FLAT H

Saleable: 488(sq. ft) @$9133

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


The Reach Tower 13 6/F FLAT G
$4.26M +4%

Saleable: 426(sq. ft) @$10000

Gross: 577(sq. ft) @$7383

  • Land Registry


The Reach Tower 11 5/F FLAT A
$6.40M -3%

Saleable: 743(sq. ft) @$8611

Gross: 1014(sq. ft) @$6310

  • Land Registry


Sereno Verde Phase 3 La Pradera Tower 17 8/F FLAT C
$6.20M +21%

Saleable: 778(sq. ft) @$7969

Gross: 995(sq. ft) @$6231

  • Land Registry


Villa Premiere Block 2 6/F FLAT E
$4.98M +159%

Saleable: 552(sq. ft) @$9022

Gross: 697(sq. ft) @$7145

  • Land Registry


The Reach Tower 9 6/F FLAT J
$4.20M +2%

Saleable: 440(sq. ft) @$9545

Gross: 596(sq. ft) @$7047

  • Land Registry


Sereno Verde Phase 5 Reach Summit Tower 2 12/F FLAT F
$3.03M -27%

Saleable: 270(sq. ft) @$11222

  • Land Registry


Villa Premiere Block 2 12/F FLAT F
$5.10M +187%

Saleable: 531(sq. ft) @$9605

Gross: 670(sq. ft) @$7612

  • Land Registry


Sereno Verde Phase 1 Block 2 16/F FLAT F
$5.10M -21%

Saleable: 561(sq. ft) @$9091

Gross: 767(sq. ft) @$6649

  • Land Registry


Residence 譽88 Tower 1 8/F FLAT H
$5.05M -21%

Saleable: 477(sq. ft) @$10587

Gross: 623(sq. ft) @$8106

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Au Tau Transaction Records

Au Tau 784 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
18/12/2024 Au Tau
The Reach
Tower 12 Middle Floor FLAT K
4.03M 411sq. ft. / 560sq. ft. $9805 / $7196 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
12/12/2024 Au Tau
Grand Del Sol
Block 1 1/F FLAT G
6.18M 744sq. ft. / 888sq. ft. $8306 / $6959 12/10/2001 1.83M / +238%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Au Tau
Sereno Verde Phase 5 Reach Summit
Tower 2 21/F FLAT E
3.25M 267sq. ft. / -- $12172 / -- 21/02/2019 4.44M / -27%
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Au Tau
The Reach
Tower 1 16/F FLAT F
3.2M 355sq. ft. / 492sq. ft. $9014 / $6504 07/03/2013 3.44M / -7%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Au Tau
Sereno Verde Phase 4 La Pradera
Tower 11 11/F FLAT A
5.48M 607sq. ft. / 799sq. ft. $9028 / $6859 31/08/2017 6M / -9%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Au Tau
The Reach
Tower 10 15/F FLAT G
4.36M 440sq. ft. / 598sq. ft. $9909 / $7291 06/12/2021 6.4M / -32%
Land Registry
05/12/2024 Au Tau
Sereno Verde Phase 5 Reach Summit
Tower 1 2/F FLAT M
3.12M 282sq. ft. / -- $11057 / -- 01/03/2019 4.32M / -28%
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Au Tau
Villa Premiere
Block 3 8/F FLAT H
5.47M 552sq. ft. / 697sq. ft. $9906 / $7845 29/01/2021 6.55M / -17%
Land Registry
29/11/2024 Au Tau
Sereno Verde Phase 5 Reach Summit
Tower 2 8/F FLAT E
3.09M 267sq. ft. / -- $11573 / -- 28/11/2018 4.11M / -25%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Au Tau
The Reach
Tower 11 15/F FLAT C
5.6M 660sq. ft. / 900sq. ft. $8485 / $6222 24/12/2019 7.3M / -23%
Land Registry
26/11/2024 Au Tau
The Parkland
The Parkland 7/F FLAT H
4.46M 488sq. ft. / -- $9133 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
20/11/2024 Au Tau
The Reach
Tower 13 6/F FLAT G
4.26M 426sq. ft. / 577sq. ft. $10000 / $7383 30/05/2014 4.1M / +4%
Land Registry
18/11/2024 Au Tau
The Reach
Tower 11 5/F FLAT A
6.4M 743sq. ft. / 1014sq. ft. $8611 / $6310 11/03/2014 6.6M / -3%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Au Tau
Sereno Verde Phase 3 La Pradera
Tower 17 8/F FLAT C
6.2M 778sq. ft. / 995sq. ft. $7969 / $6231 02/04/2014 5.14M / +21%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Au Tau
Villa Premiere
Block 2 6/F FLAT E
4.98M 552sq. ft. / 697sq. ft. $9022 / $7145 29/09/1999 1.92M / +159%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Au Tau
The Reach
Tower 9 6/F FLAT J
4.2M 440sq. ft. / 596sq. ft. $9545 / $7047 06/03/2024 4.11M / +2%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Au Tau
Sereno Verde Phase 5 Reach Summit
Tower 2 12/F FLAT F
3.03M 270sq. ft. / -- $11222 / -- 31/01/2019 4.18M / -27%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Au Tau
Villa Premiere
Block 2 12/F FLAT F
5.1M 531sq. ft. / 670sq. ft. $9605 / $7612 15/12/2000 1.78M / +187%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Au Tau
Sereno Verde Phase 1
Block 2 16/F FLAT F
5.1M 561sq. ft. / 767sq. ft. $9091 / $6649 06/06/2019 6.48M / -21%
Land Registry
06/11/2024 Au Tau
Residence 譽88
Tower 1 8/F FLAT H
5.05M 477sq. ft. / 623sq. ft. $10587 / $8106 25/01/2021 6.4M / -21%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.