Saleable: 1239(sq. ft) @$12268
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 4078(sq. ft) @$17165
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 975(sq. ft) @$10646
Saleable: 673(sq. ft) @$16345
Gross: 900(sq. ft) @$12222
Saleable: 1844(sq. ft) @$17516
Gross: 2418(sq. ft) @$13358
Saleable: 1534(sq. ft) @$14863
Saleable: 990(sq. ft) @$19798
Gross: 1326(sq. ft) @$14781
Saleable: 1281(sq. ft) @$13700
Saleable: 2102(sq. ft) @$17602
Gross: 2795(sq. ft) @$13238
Saleable: 1459(sq. ft) @$17135
Saleable: 2913(sq. ft) @$42911
Saleable: 1337(sq. ft) @$8484
Gross: 1735(sq. ft) @$6538
Saleable: 3948(sq. ft) @$17857
Saleable: 844(sq. ft) @$11114
Gross: 1051(sq. ft) @$8925
Saleable: 1228(sq. ft) @$12785
Saleable: 932(sq. ft) @$10215
Saleable: 1179(sq. ft) @$9478
Gross: 1354(sq. ft) @$8253
Saleable: 612(sq. ft) @$10212
Saleable: 926(sq. ft) @$13499
Saleable: 1304(sq. ft) @$10123
Gross: 1478(sq. ft) @$8931
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
21/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Hillsea Court Hillsea Court Upper Floor FLAT A | 15.2M | 1239sq. ft. / -- | $12268 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
20/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Wiltshire Place House A HOUSE A | 70M | 4078sq. ft. / -- | $17165 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
16/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | 11 La Salle Road 11 La Salle Road 4/F FLAT A | 10.38M | 975sq. ft. / -- | $10646 / -- | 28/05/1997 | 3M / +246% | Land Registry |
13/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | The Palace The Palace 15/F FLAT C | 11M | 673sq. ft. / 900sq. ft. | $16345 / $12222 | 07/05/2018 | 15M / -27% | Land Registry |
13/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Dynasty Heights Dynasty Villa Dynasty Villa 11 (Block 8) 6-7/F DUPLEX 6 | 32.3M | 1844sq. ft. / 2418sq. ft. | $17516 / $13358 | 05/07/2002 | 12.2M / +165% | Land Registry |
13/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Parc Inverness Tower 5 2/F FLAT D | 22.8M | 1534sq. ft. / -- | $14863 / -- | 11/05/2017 | 28.9M / -21% | Land Registry |
10/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | One Beacon Hill Phase 3 Tower 12 5/F FLAT D | 19.6M | 990sq. ft. / 1326sq. ft. | $19798 / $14781 | 18/05/2005 | 11.3M / +73% | Land Registry |
10/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Luso Apartments Block C 3/F FLAT 41/43/45/47/49/51/53/55/57/59 | 17.55M | 1281sq. ft. / -- | $13700 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
10/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | The Grandeur Block 2 3/F FLAT B | 37M | 2102sq. ft. / 2795sq. ft. | $17602 / $13238 | 05/02/2013 | 51.58M / -28% | Land Registry |
09/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Parc Inverness Tower 5 2/F FLAT E | 25M | 1459sq. ft. / -- | $17135 / -- | 11/05/2017 | 32.08M / -22% | Land Registry |
08/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Mont Rouge House 8 NO. 9 HOUSE 8 | 125M | 2913sq. ft. / -- | $42911 / -- | 08/02/2021 | 159.5M / -22% | Land Registry |
07/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Villa Carlton Block 6 9/F FLAT B | 11.34M | 1337sq. ft. / 1735sq. ft. | $8484 / $6538 | 27/11/2001 | 6.59M / +72% | Land Registry |
07/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | La Salle Residence La Salle Residence 19 FLAT A | 70.5M | 3948sq. ft. / -- | $17857 / -- | 18/06/2024 | 66.5M / +6% | Land Registry |
07/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Beacon Heights Block 2 2/F FLAT C | 9.38M | 844sq. ft. / 1051sq. ft. | $11114 / $8925 | 08/01/2021 | 12.95M / -28% | Land Registry |
06/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | Devon Court Devon Court 5/F FLAT C | 15.7M | 1228sq. ft. / -- | $12785 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
06/01/2025 | Kowloon Tong | South Court South Court 6/F FLAT F | 9.52M | 932sq. ft. / -- | $10215 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
31/12/2024 | Kowloon Tong | Beacon Heights Block 7 5/F FLAT A | 11.18M | 1179sq. ft. / 1354sq. ft. | $9478 / $8253 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
31/12/2024 | Kowloon Tong | Phoenix Court Block E 3/F FLAT E3 | 6.25M | 612sq. ft. / -- | $10212 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/12/2024 | Kowloon Tong | Eastbourne Court Eastbourne Court 10/F FLAT A | 12.5M | 926sq. ft. / -- | $13499 / -- | 23/04/2010 | 9.46M / +32% | Land Registry |
24/12/2024 | Kowloon Tong | Beacon Heights Block 14 6/F FLAT D | 13.2M | 1304sq. ft. / 1478sq. ft. | $10123 / $8931 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |