Saleable: 771(sq. ft) @$18807
Gross: 976(sq. ft) @$14857
Saleable: 1083(sq. ft) @$24746
Gross: 1369(sq. ft) @$19576
Saleable: 646(sq. ft) @$23994
Gross: 821(sq. ft) @$18879
Saleable: 1190(sq. ft) @$25210
Gross: 1385(sq. ft) @$21661
Saleable: 625(sq. ft) @$20800
Gross: 783(sq. ft) @$16603
Saleable: 657(sq. ft) @$25114
Gross: 841(sq. ft) @$19620
Saleable: 657(sq. ft) @$25875
Gross: 841(sq. ft) @$20214
Saleable: 1104(sq. ft) @$31522
Gross: 1385(sq. ft) @$25126
Saleable: 761(sq. ft) @$27595
Gross: 931(sq. ft) @$22556
Saleable: 781(sq. ft) @$30474
Gross: 971(sq. ft) @$24511
Saleable: 646(sq. ft) @$25077
Gross: 821(sq. ft) @$19732
Saleable: 761(sq. ft) @$23653
Gross: 931(sq. ft) @$19334
Saleable: 652(sq. ft) @$22515
Gross: 783(sq. ft) @$18748
Saleable: 625(sq. ft) @$25280
Gross: 783(sq. ft) @$20179
Saleable: 646(sq. ft) @$25542
Gross: 821(sq. ft) @$20097
Saleable: 1104(sq. ft) @$33514
Gross: 1385(sq. ft) @$26715
Saleable: 761(sq. ft) @$25624
Gross: 931(sq. ft) @$20945
Saleable: 646(sq. ft) @$24768
Gross: 821(sq. ft) @$19488
Saleable: 625(sq. ft) @$26400
Gross: 783(sq. ft) @$21073
Saleable: 771(sq. ft) @$29572
Gross: 976(sq. ft) @$23361
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
18/12/2024 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 16/F FLAT C | 14.5M | 771sq. ft. / 976sq. ft. | $18807 / $14857 | 23/04/2007 | 8.7M / +67% | Land Registry |
11/12/2024 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 1 18/F FLAT A | 26.8M | 1083sq. ft. / 1369sq. ft. | $24746 / $19576 | 10/05/1996 | 13M / +106% | Land Registry |
09/12/2024 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 21/F FLAT D | 15.5M | 646sq. ft. / 821sq. ft. | $23994 / $18879 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
11/07/2024 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 4 27/F FLAT D | 30M | 1190sq. ft. / 1385sq. ft. | $25210 / $21661 | 30/08/2021 | 43.38M / -31% | Land Registry |
03/04/2024 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 2 23/F FLAT B | 13M | 625sq. ft. / 783sq. ft. | $20800 / $16603 | 25/02/2009 | 7.2M / +81% | Land Registry |
10/10/2023 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 2 22/F FLAT A | 16.5M | 657sq. ft. / 841sq. ft. | $25114 / $19620 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
18/07/2023 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 25/F FLAT A | 17M | 657sq. ft. / 841sq. ft. | $25875 / $20214 | 17/01/2011 | 12.8M / +33% | Land Registry |
07/07/2023 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 1 16/F FLAT D | 34.8M | 1104sq. ft. / 1385sq. ft. | $31522 / $25126 | 22/11/2001 | 8.18M / +325% | Land Registry |
12/06/2023 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 1 17/F FLAT B | 21M | 761sq. ft. / 931sq. ft. | $27595 / $22556 | 06/08/2014 | 15.5M / +35% | Land Registry |
19/05/2023 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 32/F FLAT C | 23.8M | 781sq. ft. / 971sq. ft. | $30474 / $24511 | 05/12/1996 | 11.35M / +110% | Land Registry |
23/03/2023 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 4/F FLAT D | 16.2M | 646sq. ft. / 821sq. ft. | $25077 / $19732 | 17/12/2014 | 12.8M / +27% | Land Registry |
17/02/2023 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 1 8/F FLAT B | 18M | 761sq. ft. / 931sq. ft. | $23653 / $19334 | 15/04/2010 | 12.18M / +48% | Land Registry |
15/02/2023 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 31/F FLAT B | 14.68M | 652sq. ft. / 783sq. ft. | $22515 / $18748 | 06/09/2006 | 6.6M / +122% | Land Registry |
24/08/2022 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 21/F FLAT B | 15.8M | 625sq. ft. / 783sq. ft. | $25280 / $20179 | 26/10/1999 | 5.9M / +168% | Land Registry |
10/08/2022 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 2 6/F FLAT D | 16.5M | 646sq. ft. / 821sq. ft. | $25542 / $20097 | 30/12/2021 | 17.5M / -6% | Land Registry |
07/07/2022 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 1 19/F FLAT D | 37M | 1104sq. ft. / 1385sq. ft. | $33514 / $26715 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
01/06/2022 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 1 15/F FLAT B | 19.5M | 761sq. ft. / 931sq. ft. | $25624 / $20945 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
31/05/2022 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 6/F FLAT D | 16M | 646sq. ft. / 821sq. ft. | $24768 / $19488 | 24/11/1998 | 6.5M / +146% | Land Registry |
26/04/2022 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 2 9/F FLAT B | 16.5M | 625sq. ft. / 783sq. ft. | $26400 / $21073 | 25/07/2018 | 14.8M / +11% | Land Registry |
21/04/2022 | Mid-Levels Central | Hillsborough Court Tower 3 6/F FLAT C | 22.8M | 771sq. ft. / 976sq. ft. | $29572 / $23361 | 26/11/2001 | 5.8M / +293% | Land Registry |