Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$14530
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$9560
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$16755
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$11024
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$15662
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$10305
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$14762
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$10436
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$18627
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$13168
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$16656
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$10959
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$17285
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$11373
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$17384
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$11438
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$16807
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$11881
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$15126
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$10693
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$15126
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$10693
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$16527
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$11683
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$15126
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$10693
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$16527
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$11683
Saleable: 357(sq. ft) @$16891
Gross: 505(sq. ft) @$11941
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$22351
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$14706
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$21689
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$14270
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$23510
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$15468
Saleable: 302(sq. ft) @$22947
Gross: 459(sq. ft) @$15098
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
27/11/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 10/F FLAT 1 | 4.39M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $14530 / $9560 | 15/02/2005 | 1.5M / +193% | Land Registry |
26/09/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block B 19/F FLAT 2 | 5.06M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $16755 / $11024 | 28/03/2018 | 6.84M / -26% | Land Registry |
30/08/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 6/F FLAT 6 | 4.73M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $15662 / $10305 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/08/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 8/F FLAT 3 | 5.27M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $14762 / $10436 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
23/08/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block B 42/F FLAT 7 | 6.65M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $18627 / $13168 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
11/07/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block B 18/F FLAT 1 | 5.03M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $16656 / $10959 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
28/06/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 28/F FLAT 2 | 5.22M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $17285 / $11373 | 09/09/1999 | 1.45M / +260% | Land Registry |
28/06/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block B 30/F FLAT 2 | 5.25M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $17384 / $11438 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
12/06/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 34/F FLAT 3 | 6M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $16807 / $11881 | 14/03/2006 | 1.83M / +228% | Land Registry |
11/06/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 21/F FLAT 4 | 5.4M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $15126 / $10693 | 22/10/2009 | 3.38M / +60% | Land Registry |
24/05/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 11/F FLAT 4 | 5.4M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $15126 / $10693 | 16/08/2016 | 5.5M / -2% | Land Registry |
20/05/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 35/F FLAT 8 | 5.9M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $16527 / $11683 | 21/04/2010 | 3.5M / +69% | Land Registry |
09/04/2024 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block B 24/F FLAT 3 | 5.4M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $15126 / $10693 | 09/02/2007 | 1.85M / +192% | Land Registry |
21/12/2023 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 29/F FLAT 8 | 5.9M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $16527 / $11683 | 21/11/2002 | 1.2M / +392% | Land Registry |
21/09/2023 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 39/F FLAT 8 | 6.03M | 357sq. ft. / 505sq. ft. | $16891 / $11941 | 03/08/2017 | 6.6M / -9% | Land Registry |
09/05/2023 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block B 31/F FLAT 5 | 6.75M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $22351 / $14706 | 02/02/2011 | 4.22M / +60% | Land Registry |
25/11/2022 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 31/F FLAT 5 | 6.55M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $21689 / $14270 | 20/03/1997 | 2.88M / +127% | Land Registry |
13/05/2022 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block B 26/F FLAT 6 | 7.1M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $23510 / $15468 | 19/08/2009 | 2.95M / +141% | Land Registry |
16/02/2022 | Wan Chai | Causeway Centre Block C 31/F FLAT 6 | 6.93M | 302sq. ft. / 459sq. ft. | $22947 / $15098 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |