The Merton Tower 2 51/F FLAT F
$8.98M +6%

Saleable: 474(sq. ft) @$18945

Gross: 638(sq. ft) @$14075

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 3 48/F FLAT D
$9.90M -14%

Saleable: 530(sq. ft) @$18679

Gross: 692(sq. ft) @$14306

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 2 16/F FLAT F
$8.60M +70%

Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$18298

Gross: 638(sq. ft) @$13480

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 3 42/F FLAT B
$13.35M +187%

Saleable: 619(sq. ft) @$21567

Gross: 802(sq. ft) @$16646

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 2 36/F FLAT A
$9.95M +137%

Saleable: 507(sq. ft) @$19625

Gross: 697(sq. ft) @$14275

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 1 18/F FLAT E
$8.38M +133%

Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$17830

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$12716

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 1 29/F FLAT D
$8.68M -12%

Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$18468

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$13171

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 3 10/F FLAT E
$7.13M +174%

Saleable: 471(sq. ft) @$15138

Gross: 615(sq. ft) @$11593

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 1 48/F FLAT B
$14.50M +133%

Saleable: 663(sq. ft) @$21870

Gross: 886(sq. ft) @$16366

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 1 27/F FLAT D
$8.18M +41%

Saleable: 470(sq. ft) @$17404

Gross: 659(sq. ft) @$12413

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 2 56/F FLAT C
$7.18M +99%

Saleable: 474(sq. ft) @$15148

Gross: 638(sq. ft) @$11254

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 1 18/F FLAT B
$13.08M +152%

Saleable: 660(sq. ft) @$19818

Gross: 886(sq. ft) @$14763

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 2 33/F FLAT G
$9.68M +41%

Saleable: 490(sq. ft) @$19755

Gross: 666(sq. ft) @$14535

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 3 23/F FLAT E
$8.45M +84%

Saleable: 471(sq. ft) @$17941

Gross: 615(sq. ft) @$13740

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 3 19/F FLAT A
$9.02M +213%

Saleable: 482(sq. ft) @$18714

Gross: 629(sq. ft) @$14340

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 2 27/F FLAT A
$9.88M +25%

Saleable: 507(sq. ft) @$19487

Gross: 697(sq. ft) @$14175

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 1 39/F FLAT A
$13.99M +37%

Saleable: 651(sq. ft) @$21490

Gross: 887(sq. ft) @$15772

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 2 53/F FLAT G
$9.68M +45%

Saleable: 490(sq. ft) @$19760

Gross: 666(sq. ft) @$14538

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 3 37/F FLAT G
$10.10M +51%

Saleable: 530(sq. ft) @$19057

Gross: 692(sq. ft) @$14595

  • Land Registry


The Merton Tower 1 56/F FLAT G
$14.00M +133%

Saleable: 663(sq. ft) @$21116

Gross: 886(sq. ft) @$15801

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

93 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
13/01/2025 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 2 51/F FLAT F
8.98M 474sq. ft. / 638sq. ft. $18945 / $14075 08/06/2015 8.5M / +6%
Land Registry
06/01/2025 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 3 48/F FLAT D
9.9M 530sq. ft. / 692sq. ft. $18679 / $14306 27/03/2020 11.55M / -14%
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 2 16/F FLAT F
8.6M 470sq. ft. / 638sq. ft. $18298 / $13480 08/10/2010 5.07M / +70%
Land Registry
30/12/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 3 42/F FLAT B
13.35M 619sq. ft. / 802sq. ft. $21567 / $16646 12/01/2005 4.65M / +187%
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 2 36/F FLAT A
9.95M 507sq. ft. / 697sq. ft. $19625 / $14275 12/01/2005 4.19M / +137%
Land Registry
05/12/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 1 18/F FLAT E
8.38M 470sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $17830 / $12716 30/06/2009 3.6M / +133%
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 1 29/F FLAT D
8.68M 470sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $18468 / $13171 16/04/2018 9.88M / -12%
Land Registry
02/12/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 3 10/F FLAT E
7.13M 471sq. ft. / 615sq. ft. $15138 / $11593 13/01/2006 2.6M / +174%
Land Registry
28/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 1 48/F FLAT B
14.5M 663sq. ft. / 886sq. ft. $21870 / $16366 10/10/2007 6.22M / +133%
Land Registry
21/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 1 27/F FLAT D
8.18M 470sq. ft. / 659sq. ft. $17404 / $12413 29/06/2011 5.8M / +41%
Land Registry
19/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 2 56/F FLAT C
7.18M 474sq. ft. / 638sq. ft. $15148 / $11254 21/04/2007 3.61M / +99%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 1 18/F FLAT B
13.08M 660sq. ft. / 886sq. ft. $19818 / $14763 25/08/2006 5.2M / +152%
Land Registry
15/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 2 33/F FLAT G
9.68M 490sq. ft. / 666sq. ft. $19755 / $14535 22/03/2011 6.86M / +41%
Land Registry
14/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 3 23/F FLAT E
8.45M 471sq. ft. / 615sq. ft. $17941 / $13740 09/08/2010 4.58M / +84%
Land Registry
14/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 3 19/F FLAT A
9.02M 482sq. ft. / 629sq. ft. $18714 / $14340 12/01/2005 2.88M / +213%
Land Registry
12/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 2 27/F FLAT A
9.88M 507sq. ft. / 697sq. ft. $19487 / $14175 17/06/2016 7.92M / +25%
Land Registry
08/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 1 39/F FLAT A
13.99M 651sq. ft. / 887sq. ft. $21490 / $15772 15/03/2012 10.2M / +37%
Land Registry
06/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 2 53/F FLAT G
9.68M 490sq. ft. / 666sq. ft. $19760 / $14538 28/01/2011 6.7M / +45%
Land Registry
04/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 3 37/F FLAT G
10.1M 530sq. ft. / 692sq. ft. $19057 / $14595 02/03/2012 6.7M / +51%
Land Registry
01/11/2024 Kennedy Town
The Merton
Tower 1 56/F FLAT G
14M 663sq. ft. / 886sq. ft. $21116 / $15801 16/05/2007 6M / +133%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.