Saleable: 642(sq. ft) @$17134
Gross: 808(sq. ft) @$13614
Saleable: 633(sq. ft) @$14028
Gross: 797(sq. ft) @$11142
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$16272
Gross: 589(sq. ft) @$12818
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$14871
Gross: 589(sq. ft) @$11715
Saleable: 639(sq. ft) @$16870
Gross: 804(sq. ft) @$13408
Saleable: 633(sq. ft) @$16240
Gross: 797(sq. ft) @$12898
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$15237
Gross: 589(sq. ft) @$12003
Saleable: 634(sq. ft) @$15142
Gross: 797(sq. ft) @$12045
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$18966
Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$14966
Saleable: 639(sq. ft) @$16901
Gross: 804(sq. ft) @$13433
Saleable: 633(sq. ft) @$15482
Gross: 797(sq. ft) @$12296
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$18966
Gross: 588(sq. ft) @$14966
Saleable: 642(sq. ft) @$16355
Gross: 808(sq. ft) @$12995
Saleable: 633(sq. ft) @$16588
Gross: 797(sq. ft) @$13174
Saleable: 642(sq. ft) @$17134
Gross: 808(sq. ft) @$13614
Saleable: 639(sq. ft) @$19562
Gross: 804(sq. ft) @$15547
Saleable: 642(sq. ft) @$19315
Gross: 808(sq. ft) @$15347
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$18060
Gross: 589(sq. ft) @$14228
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$18966
Gross: 589(sq. ft) @$14941
Saleable: 633(sq. ft) @$18167
Gross: 797(sq. ft) @$14429
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
02/01/2025 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 36/F FLAT A | 11M | 642sq. ft. / 808sq. ft. | $17134 / $13614 | 21/11/2013 | 9.13M / +20% | Land Registry |
03/12/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 16/F FLAT H | 8.88M | 633sq. ft. / 797sq. ft. | $14028 / $11142 | 19/02/2010 | 5.23M / +70% | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 1 20/F FLAT B | 7.55M | 464sq. ft. / 589sq. ft. | $16272 / $12818 | 03/11/2017 | 7.95M / -5% | Land Registry |
07/11/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 1 22/F FLAT F | 6.9M | 464sq. ft. / 589sq. ft. | $14871 / $11715 | 10/09/2009 | 3.57M / +93% | Land Registry |
06/11/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 1 32/F FLAT D | 10.78M | 639sq. ft. / 804sq. ft. | $16870 / $13408 | 31/01/2011 | 7.16M / +50% | Land Registry |
01/11/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 28/F FLAT H | 10.28M | 633sq. ft. / 797sq. ft. | $16240 / $12898 | 03/09/2001 | 3M / +243% | Land Registry |
03/10/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 17/F FLAT G | 7.07M | 464sq. ft. / 589sq. ft. | $15237 / $12003 | 03/09/2001 | 1.92M / +267% | Land Registry |
31/07/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 20/F FLAT H | 9.6M | 634sq. ft. / 797sq. ft. | $15142 / $12045 | 10/09/2010 | 6.18M / +55% | Land Registry |
02/07/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 34/F FLAT C | 8.8M | 464sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. | $18966 / $14966 | 04/09/2001 | 2.66M / +231% | Land Registry |
24/04/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 37/F FLAT D | 10.8M | 639sq. ft. / 804sq. ft. | $16901 / $13433 | 04/05/2010 | 6.32M / +71% | Land Registry |
19/04/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 1 15/F FLAT H | 9.8M | 633sq. ft. / 797sq. ft. | $15482 / $12296 | 17/09/2001 | 2.86M / +243% | Land Registry |
01/03/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 1 29/F FLAT B | 8.8M | 464sq. ft. / 588sq. ft. | $18966 / $14966 | 30/07/2018 | 9.8M / -10% | Land Registry |
23/02/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 17/F FLAT A | 10.5M | 642sq. ft. / 808sq. ft. | $16355 / $12995 | 31/03/2011 | 7.2M / +46% | Land Registry |
12/01/2024 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 26/F FLAT H | 10.5M | 633sq. ft. / 797sq. ft. | $16588 / $13174 | 04/09/2001 | 2.83M / +271% | Land Registry |
27/12/2023 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 19/F FLAT A | 11M | 642sq. ft. / 808sq. ft. | $17134 / $13614 | 07/09/2001 | 3.05M / +261% | Land Registry |
12/12/2023 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 36/F FLAT D | 12.5M | 639sq. ft. / 804sq. ft. | $19562 / $15547 | 15/02/2005 | 3.6M / +247% | Land Registry |
03/10/2023 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 28/F FLAT A | 12.4M | 642sq. ft. / 808sq. ft. | $19315 / $15347 | 05/09/2001 | 3.55M / +250% | Land Registry |
22/09/2023 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 1 23/F FLAT G | 8.38M | 464sq. ft. / 589sq. ft. | $18060 / $14228 | 11/11/2010 | 4.4M / +90% | Land Registry |
16/08/2023 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 2 11/F FLAT B | 8.8M | 464sq. ft. / 589sq. ft. | $18966 / $14941 | 03/05/2019 | 9.35M / -6% | Land Registry |
16/08/2023 | Kennedy Town | Cayman Rise Block 1 22/F FLAT H | 11.5M | 633sq. ft. / 797sq. ft. | $18167 / $14429 | 25/09/2009 | 4.75M / +142% | Land Registry |