Saleable: 521(sq. ft) @$10557
Gross: 698(sq. ft) @$7880
Saleable: 524(sq. ft) @$10496
Gross: 698(sq. ft) @$7880
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 612(sq. ft) @$10621
Gross: 814(sq. ft) @$7986
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 766(sq. ft) @$10444
Gross: 1002(sq. ft) @$7984
Saleable: 523(sq. ft) @$10516
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$7914
Saleable: 560(sq. ft) @$10625
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$8561
Saleable: 521(sq. ft) @$10787
Gross: 698(sq. ft) @$8052
Saleable: 1041(sq. ft) @$10490
Gross: 1371(sq. ft) @$7965
Saleable: 481(sq. ft) @$10665
Gross: 632(sq. ft) @$8117
Saleable: 523(sq. ft) @$12046
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$9065
Saleable: 684(sq. ft) @$10525
Gross: 903(sq. ft) @$7972
Saleable: 680(sq. ft) @$10294
Gross: 903(sq. ft) @$7752
Saleable: 560(sq. ft) @$10179
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$8201
Saleable: 522(sq. ft) @$11111
Gross: 698(sq. ft) @$8309
Saleable: 560(sq. ft) @$10625
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$8561
Saleable: 521(sq. ft) @$10557
Gross: 698(sq. ft) @$7880
Saleable: 526(sq. ft) @$11521
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$8719
Saleable: 521(sq. ft) @$11228
Gross: 698(sq. ft) @$8381
Saleable: 684(sq. ft) @$11082
Gross: 903(sq. ft) @$8394
Saleable: 523(sq. ft) @$12199
Gross: 695(sq. ft) @$9180
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
06/03/2025 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 20/F FLAT D | 5.5M | 521sq. ft. / 698sq. ft. | $10557 / $7880 | 12/03/2015 | 5.6M / -2% | Land Registry |
28/02/2025 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 5 Upper Floor FLAT E | 5.5M | 524sq. ft. / 698sq. ft. | $10496 / $7880 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
27/02/2025 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea 2期 7座 Upper Floor FLAT H | 6.5M | 612sq. ft. / 814sq. ft. | $10621 / $7986 | -- | -- / -- |
Market Info |
07/02/2025 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 1 Block 2 16/F FLAT B | 8M | 766sq. ft. / 1002sq. ft. | $10444 / $7984 | 11/06/2013 | 6.9M / +16% | Land Registry |
27/01/2025 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 6 17/F FLAT C | 5.5M | 523sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $10516 / $7914 | 28/02/2020 | 7.35M / -25% | Land Registry |
13/12/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 7 50/F FLAT C | 5.95M | 560sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $10625 / $8561 | 20/07/2001 | 2.58M / +131% | Land Registry |
10/12/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 13/F FLAT D | 5.62M | 521sq. ft. / 698sq. ft. | $10787 / $8052 | 21/05/2009 | 2.3M / +144% | Land Registry |
09/12/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 1 Block 3 42/F FLAT A | 10.92M | 1041sq. ft. / 1371sq. ft. | $10490 / $7965 | 18/02/2002 | 4.28M / +155% | Land Registry |
05/12/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 7 28/F FLAT G | 5.13M | 481sq. ft. / 632sq. ft. | $10665 / $8117 | 12/06/2015 | 5.25M / -2% | Land Registry |
29/11/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 28/F FLAT C | 6.3M | 523sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $12046 / $9065 | 12/02/2001 | 2.6M / +142% | Land Registry |
25/11/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 6 48/F FLAT A | 7.2M | 684sq. ft. / 903sq. ft. | $10525 / $7972 | 26/01/2002 | 2.77M / +160% | Land Registry |
20/11/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 5 39/F FLAT A | 7M | 680sq. ft. / 903sq. ft. | $10294 / $7752 | 22/06/2009 | 3.56M / +97% | Land Registry |
05/11/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 9/F FLAT C | 5.7M | 560sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $10179 / $8201 | 14/02/2001 | 2.4M / +138% | Land Registry |
30/10/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 41/F FLAT D | 5.8M | 522sq. ft. / 698sq. ft. | $11111 / $8309 | 13/11/2009 | 2.9M / +100% | Land Registry |
25/10/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 6 30/F FLAT C | 5.95M | 560sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $10625 / $8561 | 09/06/2006 | 2.43M / +145% | Land Registry |
22/10/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 12/F FLAT E | 5.5M | 521sq. ft. / 698sq. ft. | $10557 / $7880 | 26/08/2016 | 5.24M / +5% | Land Registry |
04/10/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 49/F FLAT F | 6.06M | 526sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $11521 / $8719 | 07/10/2016 | 5.6M / +8% | Land Registry |
17/09/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 36/F FLAT D | 5.85M | 521sq. ft. / 698sq. ft. | $11228 / $8381 | 23/07/2014 | 4M / +46% | Land Registry |
10/09/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 5 57/F FLAT A | 7.58M | 684sq. ft. / 903sq. ft. | $11082 / $8394 | 22/02/2013 | 6.9M / +10% | Land Registry |
09/09/2024 | Hang Hau | Oscar By The Sea Phase 2 Block 8 21/F FLAT C | 6.38M | 523sq. ft. / 695sq. ft. | $12199 / $9180 | 09/01/2006 | 2.52M / +153% | Land Registry |