Park Central Phase 1 Tower 8 9/F FLAT G
$5.45M +112%

Saleable: 438(sq. ft) @$12443

Gross: 581(sq. ft) @$9380

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 11 31/F FLAT E
$5.60M +37%

Saleable: 384(sq. ft) @$14583

Gross: 527(sq. ft) @$10626

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 9 49/F FLAT C
$5.95M +139%

Saleable: 406(sq. ft) @$14655

Gross: 546(sq. ft) @$10897

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 9 30/F FLAT F
$5.60M +218%

Saleable: 406(sq. ft) @$13793

Gross: 546(sq. ft) @$10256

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 7 31/F FLAT B
$6.20M -6%

Saleable: 437(sq. ft) @$14188

Gross: 581(sq. ft) @$10671

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 7 6/F FLAT C
$5.60M +202%

Saleable: 406(sq. ft) @$13793

Gross: 546(sq. ft) @$10256

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 3 19/F FLAT H
$6.10M +175%

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$13118

Gross: 617(sq. ft) @$9887

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 11 11/F FLAT D
$5.70M +130%

Saleable: 384(sq. ft) @$14844

Gross: 527(sq. ft) @$10816

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 2 15/F FLAT G
$8.00M -18%

Saleable: 684(sq. ft) @$11696

Gross: 908(sq. ft) @$8811

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 7 2/F FLAT A
$6.85M +187%

Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$12662

Gross: 726(sq. ft) @$9435

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 10 15/F FLAT F
$6.02M -15%

Saleable: 406(sq. ft) @$14828

Gross: 546(sq. ft) @$11026

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 5 37/F FLAT G
$8.55M +26%

Saleable: 690(sq. ft) @$12391

Gross: 908(sq. ft) @$9416

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 7 Upper Floor FLAT G

Saleable: 436(sq. ft) @$14862

Gross: 581(sq. ft) @$11153

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 12 Middle Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 638(sq. ft) @$13715

Gross: 847(sq. ft) @$10331

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 6 50/F FLAT F
$8.88M +163%

Saleable: 684(sq. ft) @$12982

Gross: 899(sq. ft) @$9878

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 11 11/F FLAT H
$7.00M +227%

Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$12939

Gross: 725(sq. ft) @$9655

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 3 30/F FLAT G
$8.45M +105%

Saleable: 687(sq. ft) @$12300

Gross: 908(sq. ft) @$9306

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 7 Upper Floor FLAT B

Saleable: 436(sq. ft) @$13303

Gross: 581(sq. ft) @$9983

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Park Central Phase 1 Tower 6 13/F FLAT G
$8.50M +166%

Saleable: 684(sq. ft) @$12427

Gross: 908(sq. ft) @$9361

  • Land Registry


Park Central Phase 2 Tower 2 19/F FLAT H
$6.78M +4%

Saleable: 465(sq. ft) @$14581

Gross: 617(sq. ft) @$10989

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

440 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
16/01/2025 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 8 9/F FLAT G
5.45M 438sq. ft. / 581sq. ft. $12443 / $9380 14/04/2010 2.57M / +112%
Land Registry
13/01/2025 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 11 31/F FLAT E
5.6M 384sq. ft. / 527sq. ft. $14583 / $10626 03/05/2013 4.08M / +37%
Land Registry
09/01/2025 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 9 49/F FLAT C
5.95M 406sq. ft. / 546sq. ft. $14655 / $10897 05/02/2008 2.49M / +139%
Land Registry
08/01/2025 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 9 30/F FLAT F
5.6M 406sq. ft. / 546sq. ft. $13793 / $10256 21/01/2005 1.76M / +218%
Land Registry
07/01/2025 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 7 31/F FLAT B
6.2M 437sq. ft. / 581sq. ft. $14188 / $10671 05/12/2017 6.6M / -6%
Land Registry
06/01/2025 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 7 6/F FLAT C
5.6M 406sq. ft. / 546sq. ft. $13793 / $10256 28/02/2005 1.85M / +202%
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 3 19/F FLAT H
6.1M 465sq. ft. / 617sq. ft. $13118 / $9887 05/06/2006 2.22M / +175%
Land Registry
03/01/2025 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 11 11/F FLAT D
5.7M 384sq. ft. / 527sq. ft. $14844 / $10816 23/05/2008 2.48M / +130%
Land Registry
27/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 2 15/F FLAT G
8M 684sq. ft. / 908sq. ft. $11696 / $8811 16/12/2019 9.75M / -18%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 7 2/F FLAT A
6.85M 541sq. ft. / 726sq. ft. $12662 / $9435 22/03/2006 2.39M / +187%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 10 15/F FLAT F
6.02M 406sq. ft. / 546sq. ft. $14828 / $11026 17/07/2020 7.1M / -15%
Land Registry
18/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 5 37/F FLAT G
8.55M 690sq. ft. / 908sq. ft. $12391 / $9416 07/01/2014 6.78M / +26%
Land Registry
16/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 7 Upper Floor FLAT G
6.48M 436sq. ft. / 581sq. ft. $14862 / $11153 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
16/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 12 Middle Floor FLAT C
8.75M 638sq. ft. / 847sq. ft. $13715 / $10331 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
16/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 6 50/F FLAT F
8.88M 684sq. ft. / 899sq. ft. $12982 / $9878 08/10/2007 3.38M / +163%
Land Registry
12/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 11 11/F FLAT H
7M 541sq. ft. / 725sq. ft. $12939 / $9655 27/03/2002 2.14M / +227%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 3 30/F FLAT G
8.45M 687sq. ft. / 908sq. ft. $12300 / $9306 14/02/2008 4.12M / +105%
Land Registry
09/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 7 Upper Floor FLAT B
5.8M 436sq. ft. / 581sq. ft. $13303 / $9983 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
06/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 1
Tower 6 13/F FLAT G
8.5M 684sq. ft. / 908sq. ft. $12427 / $9361 10/10/2007 3.2M / +166%
Land Registry
04/12/2024 Tseung Kwan O
Park Central Phase 2
Tower 2 19/F FLAT H
6.78M 465sq. ft. / 617sq. ft. $14581 / $10989 26/05/2020 6.5M / +4%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.