Constellation Cove Block 8 1/F FLAT A
$12.68M -12%

Saleable: 1093(sq. ft) @$11601

Gross: 1465(sq. ft) @$8655

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 5 10/F FLAT A
$8.88M -36%

Saleable: 1140(sq. ft) @$7789

Gross: 1530(sq. ft) @$5804

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 7 7/F FLAT A
$11.50M -21%

Saleable: 1101(sq. ft) @$10445

Gross: 1465(sq. ft) @$7850

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 8 5/F FLAT A
$8.60M +19%

Saleable: 1093(sq. ft) @$7868

Gross: 1465(sq. ft) @$5870

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 12 3/F FLAT B
$10.65M +16%

Saleable: 1098(sq. ft) @$9699

Gross: 1460(sq. ft) @$7295

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 1 10/F FLAT B
$12.10M +42%

Saleable: 1098(sq. ft) @$11020

Gross: 1460(sq. ft) @$8288

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 10 10/F FLAT B
$10.00M -3%

Saleable: 1026(sq. ft) @$9747

Gross: 1370(sq. ft) @$7299

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 7 9/F FLAT A
$28.00M +12%

Saleable: 2257(sq. ft) @$12406

Gross: 3090(sq. ft) @$9061

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 12 3/F FLAT A
$9.50M +117%

Saleable: 1089(sq. ft) @$8724

Gross: 1460(sq. ft) @$6507

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 2 8/F FLAT B
$10.80M -2%

Saleable: 1089(sq. ft) @$9917

Gross: 1460(sq. ft) @$7397

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove House 55 NO. 1 HOUSE 55 (HOUSE A29)

Saleable: 2717(sq. ft) @$16997

Gross: 3960(sq. ft) @$11662

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 8 3/F FLAT B
$10.50M +121%

Saleable: 1101(sq. ft) @$9537

Gross: 1465(sq. ft) @$7167

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove House 53 NO. 1 HOUSE 53 (HOUSE A30)

Saleable: 2717(sq. ft) @$13986

Gross: 3960(sq. ft) @$9596

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 7 3/F FLAT B
$10.50M +31%

Saleable: 1093(sq. ft) @$9607

Gross: 1465(sq. ft) @$7167

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 12 5/F FLAT B
$9.70M +134%

Saleable: 1098(sq. ft) @$8834

Gross: 1460(sq. ft) @$6644

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 10 8/F FLAT A
$13.28M +122%

Saleable: 1141(sq. ft) @$11639

Gross: 1530(sq. ft) @$8680

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 3 1/F FLAT B
$13.20M +10%

Saleable: 1101(sq. ft) @$11989

Gross: 1465(sq. ft) @$9010

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 11 9/F FLAT A
$28.00M +65%

Saleable: 2257(sq. ft) @$12406

Gross: 3090(sq. ft) @$9061

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove House 17 NO. 1 HOUSE 17 (HOUSE B8)

Saleable: 2216(sq. ft) @$15614

Gross: 3240(sq. ft) @$10679

  • Land Registry


Constellation Cove Block 15 3/F FLAT A
$11.28M +151%

Saleable: 1098(sq. ft) @$10273

Gross: 1460(sq. ft) @$7726

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

28 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
27/02/2025 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 8 1/F FLAT A
12.68M 1093sq. ft. / 1465sq. ft. $11601 / $8655 16/04/2018 14.38M / -12%
Land Registry
10/02/2025 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 5 10/F FLAT A
8.88M 1140sq. ft. / 1530sq. ft. $7789 / $5804 07/03/2017 13.83M / -36%
Land Registry
06/12/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 7 7/F FLAT A
11.5M 1101sq. ft. / 1465sq. ft. $10445 / $7850 02/03/2019 14.5M / -21%
Land Registry
16/10/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 8 5/F FLAT A
8.6M 1093sq. ft. / 1465sq. ft. $7868 / $5870 18/01/2006 7.2M / +19%
Land Registry
02/10/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 12 3/F FLAT B
10.65M 1098sq. ft. / 1460sq. ft. $9699 / $7295 07/07/2014 9.15M / +16%
Land Registry
13/09/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 1 10/F FLAT B
12.1M 1098sq. ft. / 1460sq. ft. $11020 / $8288 28/08/2008 8.5M / +42%
Land Registry
09/09/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 10 10/F FLAT B
10M 1026sq. ft. / 1370sq. ft. $9747 / $7299 07/06/2011 10.28M / -3%
Land Registry
03/06/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 7 9/F FLAT A
28M 2257sq. ft. / 3090sq. ft. $12406 / $9061 15/03/2022 25M / +12%
Land Registry
08/03/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 12 3/F FLAT A
9.5M 1089sq. ft. / 1460sq. ft. $8724 / $6507 20/11/2002 4.38M / +117%
Land Registry
04/03/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 2 8/F FLAT B
10.8M 1089sq. ft. / 1460sq. ft. $9917 / $7397 02/07/2015 11.03M / -2%
Land Registry
01/03/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
House 55 NO. 1 HOUSE 55 (HOUSE A29)
46.18M 2717sq. ft. / 3960sq. ft. $16997 / $11662 -- -- / --
Land Registry
01/02/2024 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 8 3/F FLAT B
10.5M 1101sq. ft. / 1465sq. ft. $9537 / $7167 18/09/2002 4.75M / +121%
Land Registry
12/12/2023 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
House 53 NO. 1 HOUSE 53 (HOUSE A30)
38M 2717sq. ft. / 3960sq. ft. $13986 / $9596 -- -- / --
Land Registry
27/11/2023 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 7 3/F FLAT B
10.5M 1093sq. ft. / 1465sq. ft. $9607 / $7167 21/06/2010 8M / +31%
Land Registry
30/08/2023 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 12 5/F FLAT B
9.7M 1098sq. ft. / 1460sq. ft. $8834 / $6644 05/11/2003 4.14M / +134%
Land Registry
06/06/2023 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 10 8/F FLAT A
13.28M 1141sq. ft. / 1530sq. ft. $11639 / $8680 23/10/2002 5.98M / +122%
Land Registry
02/05/2023 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 3 1/F FLAT B
13.2M 1101sq. ft. / 1465sq. ft. $11989 / $9010 10/10/2014 12M / +10%
Land Registry
16/02/2023 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 11 9/F FLAT A
28M 2257sq. ft. / 3090sq. ft. $12406 / $9061 18/08/2006 17M / +65%
Land Registry
22/12/2022 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
House 17 NO. 1 HOUSE 17 (HOUSE B8)
34.6M 2216sq. ft. / 3240sq. ft. $15614 / $10679 -- -- / --
Land Registry
21/12/2022 Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront
Constellation Cove
Block 15 3/F FLAT A
11.28M 1098sq. ft. / 1460sq. ft. $10273 / $7726 19/09/2002 4.5M / +151%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.