Saleable: 1085(sq. ft) @$9567
Gross: 1349(sq. ft) @$7695
Saleable: 1413(sq. ft) @$11465
Gross: 1756(sq. ft) @$9226
Saleable: 1175(sq. ft) @$10117
Gross: 1462(sq. ft) @$8131
Saleable: 2908(sq. ft) @$20633
Gross: 3361(sq. ft) @$17852
Saleable: 1175(sq. ft) @$10000
Gross: 1462(sq. ft) @$8037
Saleable: 1105(sq. ft) @$10570
Gross: 1376(sq. ft) @$8488
Saleable: 1736(sq. ft) @$12834
Gross: 2160(sq. ft) @$10315
Saleable: 1318(sq. ft) @$10622
Gross: 1628(sq. ft) @$8600
Saleable: 1413(sq. ft) @$12866
Gross: 1756(sq. ft) @$10353
Saleable: 1307(sq. ft) @$10865
Gross: 1628(sq. ft) @$8722
Saleable: 1692(sq. ft) @$13475
Gross: 2095(sq. ft) @$10883
Saleable: 1413(sq. ft) @$9908
Gross: 1756(sq. ft) @$7973
Saleable: 1705(sq. ft) @$16762
Gross: 2112(sq. ft) @$13532
Saleable: 1415(sq. ft) @$12283
Gross: 1754(sq. ft) @$9909
Saleable: 1307(sq. ft) @$11438
Gross: 1628(sq. ft) @$9183
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
31/12/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 5 1/F FLAT D | 10.38M | 1085sq. ft. / 1349sq. ft. | $9567 / $7695 | 10/03/2006 | 6.52M / +59% | Land Registry |
12/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Villas Tower 9 2/F FLAT C | 16.2M | 1413sq. ft. / 1756sq. ft. | $11465 / $9226 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
04/11/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 2 8/F FLAT A | 11.89M | 1175sq. ft. / 1462sq. ft. | $10117 / $8131 | 28/12/1998 | 8.85M / +34% | Land Registry |
09/09/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Villas House 18 NO. 4699 HOUSE 18 | 60M | 2908sq. ft. / 3361sq. ft. | $20633 / $17852 | 04/05/2000 | 28.5M / +111% | Land Registry |
03/07/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 2 5/F FLAT A | 11.75M | 1175sq. ft. / 1462sq. ft. | $10000 / $8037 | 03/05/2016 | 10.88M / +8% | Land Registry |
28/03/2024 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 1 5/F FLAT B | 11.68M | 1105sq. ft. / 1376sq. ft. | $10570 / $8488 | 24/12/2014 | 11.6M / +1% | Land Registry |
30/05/2023 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 5 10/F FLAT D | 14M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/05/2023 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 5 10/F FLAT E | 15.6M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
27/04/2023 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Villas Tower 7 1/F FLAT A | 22.28M | 1736sq. ft. / 2160sq. ft. | $12834 / $10315 | 25/02/2011 | 17M / +31% | Land Registry |
09/11/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 5 8/F FLAT C | 14M | 1318sq. ft. / 1628sq. ft. | $10622 / $8600 | 03/12/1997 | 16.28M / -14% | Land Registry |
21/10/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Villas Tower 8 5/F FLAT B | 18.18M | 1413sq. ft. / 1756sq. ft. | $12866 / $10353 | 21/12/1998 | 10.81M / +68% | Land Registry |
06/10/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 5 7/F FLAT C | 14.2M | 1307sq. ft. / 1628sq. ft. | $10865 / $8722 | 02/12/1997 | 17.44M / -19% | Land Registry |
23/09/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Villas Tower 8 2/F FLAT D | 22.8M | 1692sq. ft. / 2095sq. ft. | $13475 / $10883 | 21/05/2007 | 15.2M / +50% | Land Registry |
29/08/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Villas Tower 8 3/F FLAT C | 14M | 1413sq. ft. / 1756sq. ft. | $9908 / $7973 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
24/08/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 6 12/F FLAT B | 14M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
04/08/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 6 12/F FLAT A | 15M | -- / -- | -- / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
14/07/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Villas Tower 11 6/F FLAT D | 28.58M | 1705sq. ft. / 2112sq. ft. | $16762 / $13532 | 16/01/2002 | 11.5M / +149% | Land Registry |
16/05/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 6 1/F FLAT C | 17.38M | 1415sq. ft. / 1754sq. ft. | $12283 / $9909 | 15/08/2012 | 13.5M / +29% | Land Registry |
26/04/2022 | Tai Po Mid-levels / Waterfront | Deerhill Bay Deerhill Tower Tower 5 10/F FLAT C | 14.95M | 1307sq. ft. / 1628sq. ft. | $11438 / $9183 | 02/12/1997 | 17.72M / -16% | Land Registry |