Saleable: 569(sq. ft) @$10545
Gross: 746(sq. ft) @$8043
Saleable: 569(sq. ft) @$10896
Gross: 746(sq. ft) @$8311
Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$10602
Gross: 548(sq. ft) @$8029
Saleable: 635(sq. ft) @$10236
Gross: 820(sq. ft) @$7927
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$11530
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$8770
Saleable: 463(sq. ft) @$11058
Gross: 605(sq. ft) @$8463
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$10884
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$8279
Saleable: 555(sq. ft) @$11405
Gross: 730(sq. ft) @$8671
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$10690
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$8131
Saleable: 422(sq. ft) @$13744
Gross: 556(sq. ft) @$10432
Saleable: 569(sq. ft) @$14148
Gross: 746(sq. ft) @$10791
Saleable: 679(sq. ft) @$13402
Gross: 880(sq. ft) @$10341
Saleable: 679(sq. ft) @$12342
Gross: 880(sq. ft) @$9523
Saleable: 635(sq. ft) @$12863
Gross: 820(sq. ft) @$9961
Saleable: 463(sq. ft) @$11436
Gross: 605(sq. ft) @$8752
Saleable: 463(sq. ft) @$12311
Gross: 605(sq. ft) @$9421
Saleable: 422(sq. ft) @$13981
Gross: 556(sq. ft) @$10612
Saleable: 422(sq. ft) @$14218
Gross: 556(sq. ft) @$10791
Saleable: 422(sq. ft) @$13626
Gross: 556(sq. ft) @$10342
Saleable: 422(sq. ft) @$13033
Gross: 556(sq. ft) @$9892
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
06/11/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 17 18/F FLAT E | 6M | 569sq. ft. / 746sq. ft. | $10545 / $8043 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
09/09/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 17 9/F FLAT E | 6.2M | 569sq. ft. / 746sq. ft. | $10896 / $8311 | 23/08/2013 | 4.95M / +25% | Land Registry |
26/07/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 18 25/F FLAT F | 4.4M | 415sq. ft. / 548sq. ft. | $10602 / $8029 | 12/12/1997 | 3.18M / +38% | Land Registry |
05/07/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 18 5/F FLAT A | 6.5M | 635sq. ft. / 820sq. ft. | $10236 / $7927 | 04/02/2019 | 7.8M / -17% | Land Registry |
04/06/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 17 18/F FLAT C | 5.35M | 464sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $11530 / $8770 | 01/04/2019 | 6.28M / -15% | Land Registry |
27/05/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 16 10/F FLAT C | 5.12M | 463sq. ft. / 605sq. ft. | $11058 / $8463 | 13/09/2010 | 2.58M / +98% | Land Registry |
30/04/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 17 16/F FLAT B | 5.05M | 464sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $10884 / $8279 | 03/02/2000 | 2.32M / +118% | Land Registry |
26/02/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 18 15/F FLAT D | 6.33M | 555sq. ft. / 730sq. ft. | $11405 / $8671 | 26/11/2007 | 2.73M / +132% | Land Registry |
26/01/2024 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 17 7/F FLAT C | 4.96M | 464sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $10690 / $8131 | 22/08/2008 | 1.94M / +156% | Land Registry |
18/10/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 16 25/F FLAT A | 5.8M | 422sq. ft. / 556sq. ft. | $13744 / $10432 | 25/08/2015 | 4.88M / +19% | Land Registry |
26/09/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 18 17/F FLAT H | 8.05M | 569sq. ft. / 746sq. ft. | $14148 / $10791 | 21/08/2016 | 6M / +34% | Land Registry |
23/06/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 18 19/F FLAT B | 9.1M | 679sq. ft. / 880sq. ft. | $13402 / $10341 | 24/12/2004 | 3M / +203% | Land Registry |
09/06/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 18 5/F FLAT G | 8.38M | 679sq. ft. / 880sq. ft. | $12342 / $9523 | 25/10/1996 | 3.88M / +116% | Land Registry |
03/05/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 18 9/F FLAT A | 8.17M | 635sq. ft. / 820sq. ft. | $12863 / $9961 | 20/01/2007 | 2.62M / +212% | Land Registry |
28/04/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 16 2/F FLAT C | 5.3M | 463sq. ft. / 605sq. ft. | $11436 / $8752 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/04/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 16 19/F FLAT G | 5.7M | 463sq. ft. / 605sq. ft. | $12311 / $9421 | 24/11/2017 | 6M / -5% | Land Registry |
28/03/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 16 22/F FLAT D | 5.9M | 422sq. ft. / 556sq. ft. | $13981 / $10612 | 23/11/2007 | 1.67M / +254% | Land Registry |
22/03/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 16 18/F FLAT D | 6M | 422sq. ft. / 556sq. ft. | $14218 / $10791 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/03/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 16 17/F FLAT H | 5.75M | 422sq. ft. / 556sq. ft. | $13626 / $10342 | 20/06/2017 | 5.8M / -1% | Land Registry |
06/03/2023 | Tai Po Market / Tai Wo | Serenity Park Phase 2 Block 16 12/F FLAT H | 5.5M | 422sq. ft. / 556sq. ft. | $13033 / $9892 | 06/10/2015 | 4.47M / +23% | Land Registry |