Bayshore Towers Tower 4 Middle Floor FLAT G

Saleable: 412(sq. ft) @$14563

Gross: 561(sq. ft) @$10695

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Bayshore Towers Tower 4 11/F FLAT B
$5.54M -8%

Saleable: 426(sq. ft) @$13000

Gross: 576(sq. ft) @$9615

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 2 26/F FLAT F
$8.27M +138%

Saleable: 555(sq. ft) @$14897

Gross: 739(sq. ft) @$11188

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 4 6/F FLAT G
$5.80M +41%

Saleable: 412(sq. ft) @$14078

Gross: 561(sq. ft) @$10339

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 1 9/F FLAT D
$5.50M +25%

Saleable: 438(sq. ft) @$12557

Gross: 578(sq. ft) @$9516

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 4 11/F FLAT F
$7.93M -17%

Saleable: 567(sq. ft) @$13986

Gross: 757(sq. ft) @$10476

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 3 23/F FLAT G
$5.87M +55%

Saleable: 412(sq. ft) @$14248

Gross: 561(sq. ft) @$10463

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 6 18/F FLAT C
$4.30M +102%

Saleable: 396(sq. ft) @$10859

Gross: 531(sq. ft) @$8098

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 3 7/F FLAT D
$5.41M +88%

Saleable: 389(sq. ft) @$13907

Gross: 530(sq. ft) @$10208

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 4 20/F FLAT E
$5.78M +189%

Saleable: 434(sq. ft) @$13313

Gross: 585(sq. ft) @$9877

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 3 7/F FLAT E
$6.00M +67%

Saleable: 434(sq. ft) @$13825

Gross: 585(sq. ft) @$10256

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 4 20/F FLAT F
$8.05M +39%

Saleable: 567(sq. ft) @$14198

Gross: 757(sq. ft) @$10634

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 4 12/F FLAT B
$5.70M +128%

Saleable: 426(sq. ft) @$13380

Gross: 576(sq. ft) @$9896

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 5 20/F FLAT C
$5.62M +115%

Saleable: 400(sq. ft) @$14050

Gross: 535(sq. ft) @$10505

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 4 23/F FLAT C
$5.43M -10%

Saleable: 389(sq. ft) @$13959

Gross: 530(sq. ft) @$10245

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 1 12/F FLAT C
$5.10M +190%

Saleable: 396(sq. ft) @$12879

Gross: 531(sq. ft) @$9605

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 3 9/F FLAT H

Saleable: 412(sq. ft) @$15049

Gross: 561(sq. ft) @$11052

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 5 22/F FLAT C
$5.40M +157%

Saleable: 400(sq. ft) @$13500

Gross: 535(sq. ft) @$10093

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 5 12/F FLAT D
$5.75M +93%

Saleable: 404(sq. ft) @$14233

Gross: 545(sq. ft) @$10550

  • Land Registry


Bayshore Towers Tower 1 22/F FLAT A
$8.38M +20%

Saleable: 582(sq. ft) @$14399

Gross: 783(sq. ft) @$10702

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

97 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
15/01/2025 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 4 Middle Floor FLAT G
6M 412sq. ft. / 561sq. ft. $14563 / $10695 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/01/2025 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 4 11/F FLAT B
5.54M 426sq. ft. / 576sq. ft. $13000 / $9615 22/11/2018 6M / -8%
Land Registry
02/01/2025 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 2 26/F FLAT F
8.27M 555sq. ft. / 739sq. ft. $14897 / $11188 24/11/2007 3.48M / +138%
Land Registry
10/12/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 4 6/F FLAT G
5.8M 412sq. ft. / 561sq. ft. $14078 / $10339 16/05/1997 4.1M / +41%
Land Registry
22/11/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 1 9/F FLAT D
5.5M 438sq. ft. / 578sq. ft. $12557 / $9516 02/05/2014 4.4M / +25%
Land Registry
14/11/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 4 11/F FLAT F
7.93M 567sq. ft. / 757sq. ft. $13986 / $10476 14/11/2019 9.5M / -17%
Land Registry
04/11/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 3 23/F FLAT G
5.87M 412sq. ft. / 561sq. ft. $14248 / $10463 16/04/2011 3.78M / +55%
Land Registry
13/09/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 6 18/F FLAT C
4.3M 396sq. ft. / 531sq. ft. $10859 / $8098 28/07/1995 2.13M / +102%
Land Registry
16/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 3 7/F FLAT D
5.41M 389sq. ft. / 530sq. ft. $13907 / $10208 01/03/2012 2.88M / +88%
Land Registry
11/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 4 20/F FLAT E
5.78M 434sq. ft. / 585sq. ft. $13313 / $9877 16/07/1999 2M / +189%
Land Registry
24/06/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 3 7/F FLAT E
6M 434sq. ft. / 585sq. ft. $13825 / $10256 10/08/2012 3.59M / +67%
Land Registry
20/06/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 4 20/F FLAT F
8.05M 567sq. ft. / 757sq. ft. $14198 / $10634 13/06/1997 5.8M / +39%
Land Registry
20/06/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 4 12/F FLAT B
5.7M 426sq. ft. / 576sq. ft. $13380 / $9896 15/01/2010 2.5M / +128%
Land Registry
17/06/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 5 20/F FLAT C
5.62M 400sq. ft. / 535sq. ft. $14050 / $10505 17/08/2010 2.62M / +115%
Land Registry
24/05/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 4 23/F FLAT C
5.43M 389sq. ft. / 530sq. ft. $13959 / $10245 24/11/2023 6M / -10%
Land Registry
08/05/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 1 12/F FLAT C
5.1M 396sq. ft. / 531sq. ft. $12879 / $9605 27/08/2001 1.76M / +190%
Land Registry
06/05/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 3 9/F FLAT H
6.2M 412sq. ft. / 561sq. ft. $15049 / $11052 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/04/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 5 22/F FLAT C
5.4M 400sq. ft. / 535sq. ft. $13500 / $10093 18/06/2009 2.1M / +157%
Land Registry
17/04/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 5 12/F FLAT D
5.75M 404sq. ft. / 545sq. ft. $14233 / $10550 17/10/2011 2.98M / +93%
Land Registry
02/04/2024 Ma On Shan
Bayshore Towers
Tower 1 22/F FLAT A
8.38M 582sq. ft. / 783sq. ft. $14399 / $10702 30/11/2016 7M / +20%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.