Saleable: 733(sq. ft) @$14734
Gross: 855(sq. ft) @$12632
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 640(sq. ft) @$13516
Gross: 753(sq. ft) @$11487
Saleable: 578(sq. ft) @$13149
Gross: 683(sq. ft) @$11127
Saleable: 733(sq. ft) @$14325
Gross: 855(sq. ft) @$12281
Saleable: 954(sq. ft) @$14675
Gross: 1111(sq. ft) @$12601
Saleable: 652(sq. ft) @$16258
Gross: 767(sq. ft) @$13820
Saleable: 645(sq. ft) @$13333
Gross: 758(sq. ft) @$11346
Saleable: 648(sq. ft) @$16451
Gross: 763(sq. ft) @$13971
Saleable: 954(sq. ft) @$14906
Gross: 1111(sq. ft) @$12799
Saleable: 1018(sq. ft) @$16601
Gross: 1186(sq. ft) @$14250
Saleable: 583(sq. ft) @$14031
Gross: 688(sq. ft) @$11890
Saleable: 954(sq. ft) @$16457
Gross: 1111(sq. ft) @$14131
Saleable: 645(sq. ft) @$14109
Gross: 758(sq. ft) @$12005
Saleable: 583(sq. ft) @$13722
Gross: 688(sq. ft) @$11628
Saleable: 652(sq. ft) @$15368
Gross: 767(sq. ft) @$13064
Saleable: 733(sq. ft) @$15007
Gross: 855(sq. ft) @$12865
Saleable: 876(sq. ft) @$16756
Gross: 1020(sq. ft) @$14390
Saleable: 745(sq. ft) @$16107
Gross: 859(sq. ft) @$13970
Saleable: 648(sq. ft) @$14120
Gross: 763(sq. ft) @$11992
Saleable: 954(sq. ft) @$14885
Gross: 1111(sq. ft) @$12781
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
12/01/2025 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza 3期 2座 - (紫藤閣) Upper Floor FLAT E | 10.8M | 733sq. ft. / 855sq. ft. | $14734 / $12632 | -- | -- / -- |
Market Info |
13/12/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Grevillea Court (Block 4) 15/F FLAT D | 8.65M | 640sq. ft. / 753sq. ft. | $13516 / $11487 | 02/12/2008 | 3.8M / +128% | Land Registry |
24/10/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Orchid Court (Block 3) 6/F FLAT C | 7.6M | 578sq. ft. / 683sq. ft. | $13149 / $11127 | 26/11/2020 | 8.88M / -14% | Land Registry |
16/09/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Ivy Court (Block 2) 16/F FLAT E | 10.5M | 733sq. ft. / 855sq. ft. | $14325 / $12281 | 10/06/2019 | 12.88M / -18% | Land Registry |
02/09/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Ivy Court (Block 2) 20/F FLAT C | 14M | 954sq. ft. / 1111sq. ft. | $14675 / $12601 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
19/08/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Cotton Tree Court (Block 5) 23/F FLAT G | 10.6M | 652sq. ft. / 767sq. ft. | $16258 / $13820 | 26/08/2006 | 4.34M / +144% | Land Registry |
26/06/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Orchid Court (Block 3) 7/F FLAT H | 8.6M | 645sq. ft. / 758sq. ft. | $13333 / $11346 | 30/09/1998 | 3.3M / +161% | Land Registry |
12/06/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Orchid Court (Block 3) 24/F FLAT G | 10.66M | 648sq. ft. / 763sq. ft. | $16451 / $13971 | 29/06/2010 | 6.1M / +75% | Land Registry |
23/05/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Pittosporum Court (Block 1) 10/F FLAT B | 14.22M | 954sq. ft. / 1111sq. ft. | $14906 / $12799 | 26/08/2009 | 7.6M / +87% | Land Registry |
29/04/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Pittosporum Court (Block 1) 21/F FLAT D | 16.9M | 1018sq. ft. / 1186sq. ft. | $16601 / $14250 | 15/09/2020 | 17M / -1% | Land Registry |
23/04/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Cotton Tree Court (Block 5) 26/F FLAT B | 8.18M | 583sq. ft. / 688sq. ft. | $14031 / $11890 | 07/08/2020 | 8M / +2% | Land Registry |
19/04/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Pittosporum Court (Block 1) 15/F FLAT C | 15.7M | 954sq. ft. / 1111sq. ft. | $16457 / $14131 | 21/01/2013 | 13.5M / +16% | Land Registry |
05/04/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Orchid Court (Block 3) 13/F FLAT D | 9.1M | 645sq. ft. / 758sq. ft. | $14109 / $12005 | 24/07/2020 | 9.9M / -8% | Land Registry |
27/03/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Cotton Tree Court (Block 5) 26/F FLAT C | 8M | 583sq. ft. / 688sq. ft. | $13722 / $11628 | 16/08/2010 | 4.46M / +79% | Land Registry |
01/03/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Grevillea Court (Block 4) 19/F FLAT F | 10.02M | 652sq. ft. / 767sq. ft. | $15368 / $13064 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
01/03/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Pittosporum Court (Block 1) 20/F FLAT E | 11M | 733sq. ft. / 855sq. ft. | $15007 / $12865 | 21/09/2001 | 4.1M / +168% | Land Registry |
26/01/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Pittosporum Court (Block 1) 25/F FLAT A | 14.68M | 876sq. ft. / 1020sq. ft. | $16756 / $14390 | 03/03/1997 | 8.25M / +78% | Land Registry |
22/01/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Ivy Court (Block 2) 9/F FLAT E | 12M | 745sq. ft. / 859sq. ft. | $16107 / $13970 | 21/11/2013 | 8M / +50% | Land Registry |
02/01/2024 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Orchid Court (Block 3) 7/F FLAT F | 9.15M | 648sq. ft. / 763sq. ft. | $14120 / $11992 | 03/03/2011 | 6.28M / +46% | Land Registry |
27/10/2023 | Sha Tin | New Town Plaza Phase 3 Pittosporum Court (Block 1) 14/F FLAT B | 14.2M | 954sq. ft. / 1111sq. ft. | $14885 / $12781 | 30/01/2003 | 3.75M / +279% | Land Registry |