Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$14310
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$10520
Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$14478
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$10644
Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$13131
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$9653
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$11872
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$8799
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$12626
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$9358
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$11397
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$8447
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$12793
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$9482
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$12011
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$8903
Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$14242
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$10470
Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$13771
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$10124
Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$11785
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$8663
Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$12458
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$9158
Saleable: 308(sq. ft) @$12201
Gross: 417(sq. ft) @$9012
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$12849
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$9524
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$13408
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$9938
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$13128
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$9731
Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$15825
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$11634
Saleable: 308(sq. ft) @$12922
Gross: 417(sq. ft) @$9544
Saleable: 358(sq. ft) @$13408
Gross: 483(sq. ft) @$9938
Saleable: 297(sq. ft) @$13468
Gross: 404(sq. ft) @$9901
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
27/01/2025 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 4 28/F FLAT G | 4.25M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $14310 / $10520 | 17/06/2010 | 2.18M / +95% | Land Registry |
23/01/2025 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 3 4/F FLAT G | 4.3M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $14478 / $10644 | 27/07/2018 | 5.58M / -23% | Land Registry |
10/01/2025 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 4 9/F FLAT H | 3.9M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $13131 / $9653 | 12/10/2012 | 3.29M / +19% | Land Registry |
02/01/2025 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 3 5/F FLAT A | 4.25M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $11872 / $8799 | 13/07/2018 | 6M / -29% | Land Registry |
02/01/2025 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 2 25/F FLAT A | 4.52M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $12626 / $9358 | 23/02/2018 | 5.52M / -18% | Land Registry |
23/12/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 1 5/F FLAT E | 4.08M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $11397 / $8447 | 30/03/2009 | 1.68M / +143% | Land Registry |
23/12/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 1 27/F FLAT A | 4.58M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $12793 / $9482 | 20/02/2020 | 5.63M / -19% | Land Registry |
16/12/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 3 20/F FLAT B | 4.3M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $12011 / $8903 | 30/04/2010 | 2.18M / +97% | Land Registry |
26/11/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 4 27/F FLAT G | 4.23M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $14242 / $10470 | 05/01/2011 | 2.42M / +75% | Land Registry |
15/11/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 4 18/F FLAT G | 4.09M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $13771 / $10124 | 18/05/2018 | 5.81M / -30% | Land Registry |
31/10/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 1 16/F FLAT H | 3.5M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $11785 / $8663 | 31/08/2011 | 2.46M / +42% | Land Registry |
25/10/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 2 18/F FLAT H | 3.7M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $12458 / $9158 | 07/07/2022 | 5.5M / -33% | Land Registry |
25/10/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 2 10/F FLAT C | 3.76M | 308sq. ft. / 417sq. ft. | $12201 / $9012 | 31/07/2007 | 1.13M / +233% | Land Registry |
21/10/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 2 16/F FLAT E | 4.6M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $12849 / $9524 | 04/11/2014 | 4.4M / +5% | Land Registry |
26/09/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 3 7/F FLAT E | 4.8M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $13408 / $9938 | 02/02/2011 | 2.83M / +70% | Land Registry |
05/09/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 3 19/F FLAT A | 4.7M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $13128 / $9731 | 22/08/2016 | 4.2M / +12% | Land Registry |
04/09/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 4 24/F FLAT G | 4.7M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $15825 / $11634 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/08/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 3 18/F FLAT C | 3.98M | 308sq. ft. / 417sq. ft. | $12922 / $9544 | 16/03/2012 | 2.63M / +51% | Land Registry |
10/07/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 2 17/F FLAT F | 4.8M | 358sq. ft. / 483sq. ft. | $13408 / $9938 | 11/03/1998 | 2.26M / +112% | Land Registry |
03/06/2024 | Sha Tin | Wai Wah Centre Block 3 6/F FLAT H | 4M | 297sq. ft. / 404sq. ft. | $13468 / $9901 | 02/08/2010 | 1.97M / +103% | Land Registry |