Saleable: 764(sq. ft) @$10602
Gross: 1113(sq. ft) @$7278
Saleable: 1119(sq. ft) @$10170
Gross: 1602(sq. ft) @$7104
Saleable: 646(sq. ft) @$9675
Gross: 953(sq. ft) @$6558
Saleable: 789(sq. ft) @$9252
Gross: 1092(sq. ft) @$6685
Saleable: 770(sq. ft) @$9481
Gross: 1067(sq. ft) @$6842
Saleable: 657(sq. ft) @$10046
Gross: 941(sq. ft) @$7014
Saleable: 646(sq. ft) @$9288
Gross: 953(sq. ft) @$6296
Saleable: 764(sq. ft) @$9660
Gross: 1113(sq. ft) @$6631
Saleable: 662(sq. ft) @$9562
Gross: 968(sq. ft) @$6539
Saleable: 702(sq. ft) @$9313
Gross: 978(sq. ft) @$6685
Saleable: 646(sq. ft) @$9752
Gross: 937(sq. ft) @$6724
Saleable: 839(sq. ft) @$9774
Gross: 1187(sq. ft) @$6908
Saleable: 1119(sq. ft) @$10170
Gross: 1602(sq. ft) @$7104
Saleable: 839(sq. ft) @$9154
Gross: 1187(sq. ft) @$6470
Saleable: 662(sq. ft) @$9215
Gross: 968(sq. ft) @$6302
Saleable: 842(sq. ft) @$8988
Gross: 1190(sq. ft) @$6360
Saleable: 739(sq. ft) @$9581
Gross: 1029(sq. ft) @$6880
Saleable: 662(sq. ft) @$9063
Gross: 968(sq. ft) @$6198
Saleable: 849(sq. ft) @$11072
Gross: 1217(sq. ft) @$7724
Saleable: 789(sq. ft) @$10494
Gross: 1092(sq. ft) @$7582
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
13/12/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 Abbey Court (Block 1) 26/F FLAT B | 8.1M | 764sq. ft. / 1113sq. ft. | $10602 / $7278 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
11/12/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 2 Delite Court (Block D) 20/F FLAT C | 11.38M | 1119sq. ft. / 1602sq. ft. | $10170 / $7104 | 30/06/2005 | 7.68M / +48% | Land Registry |
04/12/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 Abbey Court (Block 1) 24/F FLAT G | 6.25M | 646sq. ft. / 953sq. ft. | $9675 / $6558 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
29/11/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 3 Juniper Court (Tower 3) 16/F FLAT F | 7.3M | 789sq. ft. / 1092sq. ft. | $9252 / $6685 | 20/08/2021 | 9.6M / -24% | Land Registry |
14/11/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 3 Iris Court (Tower 2) 6/F FLAT F | 7.3M | 770sq. ft. / 1067sq. ft. | $9481 / $6842 | 21/01/2011 | 4.65M / +57% | Land Registry |
13/11/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 2 Galaxy Court (Block A) 6/F FLAT B | 6.6M | 657sq. ft. / 941sq. ft. | $10046 / $7014 | 04/01/2010 | 3.35M / +97% | Land Registry |
12/11/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 Abbey Court (Block 1) 21/F FLAT G | 6M | 646sq. ft. / 953sq. ft. | $9288 / $6296 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
05/11/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 Abbey Court (Block 1) 13/F FLAT C | 7.38M | 764sq. ft. / 1113sq. ft. | $9660 / $6631 | 06/11/2003 | 2.43M / +204% | Land Registry |
01/11/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 Belleve Court (Block 2) 10/F FLAT E | 6.33M | 662sq. ft. / 968sq. ft. | $9562 / $6539 | 24/03/2017 | 7.3M / -13% | Land Registry |
01/11/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 3 Hillview Court (Tower 1) 4/F FLAT B | 6.54M | 702sq. ft. / 978sq. ft. | $9313 / $6685 | 09/01/2006 | 3.5M / +87% | Land Registry |
18/10/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 Capilano Court (Block 3) 6/F FLAT G | 6.3M | 646sq. ft. / 937sq. ft. | $9752 / $6724 | 28/03/2019 | 7.4M / -15% | Land Registry |
07/10/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 2 Forum Court (Block B) 10/F FLAT F | 8.2M | 839sq. ft. / 1187sq. ft. | $9774 / $6908 | 23/09/2011 | 7.4M / +11% | Land Registry |
26/09/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 2 Elegant Court (Block C) 18/F FLAT C | 11.38M | 1119sq. ft. / 1602sq. ft. | $10170 / $7104 | 04/08/2010 | 8.05M / +41% | Land Registry |
25/09/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 2 Galaxy Court (Block A) 14/F FLAT F | 7.68M | 839sq. ft. / 1187sq. ft. | $9154 / $6470 | 01/06/2007 | 4.52M / +70% | Land Registry |
04/09/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 Abbey Court (Block 1) 21/F FLAT H | 6.1M | 662sq. ft. / 968sq. ft. | $9215 / $6302 | 11/08/2003 | 1.57M / +289% | Land Registry |
03/09/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 2 Forum Court (Block B) 13/F FLAT G | 7.57M | 842sq. ft. / 1190sq. ft. | $8988 / $6360 | 23/05/2022 | 8.6M / -12% | Land Registry |
01/08/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 3 Juniper Court (Tower 3) 6/F FLAT A | 7.08M | 739sq. ft. / 1029sq. ft. | $9581 / $6880 | 14/01/2010 | 5M / +42% | Land Registry |
23/07/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 Capilano Court (Block 3) 24/F FLAT E | 6M | 662sq. ft. / 968sq. ft. | $9063 / $6198 | 08/10/2005 | 2.7M / +122% | Land Registry |
31/05/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 1 BELLEVE COURT (BLOCK 2) 28/F FLAT D | 9.4M | 849sq. ft. / 1217sq. ft. | $11072 / $7724 | 29/06/2010 | 4.55M / +107% | Land Registry |
24/05/2024 | Shek Mun | Pictorial Garden Phase 3 JUNIPER COURT (TOWER 3) 23/F FLAT F | 8.28M | 789sq. ft. / 1092sq. ft. | $10494 / $7582 | 11/03/2016 | 6.85M / +21% | Land Registry |