Saleable: 645(sq. ft) @$5271
Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$4116
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$5108
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$3980
Saleable: 645(sq. ft) @$5047
Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$3941
Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$7107
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$5545
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$7560
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$5890
Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$7481
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$5837
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$7491
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$5837
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$5523
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$4304
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$5235
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$4079
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$5325
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$4149
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$5632
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$4388
Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$7855
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$6128
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$5108
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$3980
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$5451
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$4248
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$5018
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$3910
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$8664
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$6751
Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$7357
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$5739
Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$8180
Gross: 514(sq. ft) @$6381
Saleable: 645(sq. ft) @$4775
Gross: 826(sq. ft) @$3729
Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$8123
Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$6329
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
27/12/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Hei King House (Block A) 35/F FLAT 4 | 3.4M | 645sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. | $5271 / $4116 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
10/12/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Fai King House (Block B) 26/F FLAT 9 | 2.83M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $5108 / $3980 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
03/12/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Fai King House (Block B) 20/F FLAT 2 | 3.26M | 645sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. | $5047 / $3941 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
26/07/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Fai King House (Block B) 17/F FLAT 6 | 2.85M | 401sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $7107 / $5545 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
23/07/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Hei King House (Block A) 33/F FLAT 2 | 4.19M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $7560 / $5890 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/07/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Hei King House (Block A) 29/F FLAT 8 | 3M | 401sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $7481 / $5837 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
21/06/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Hei King House (Block A) 5/F FLAT 7 | 4.15M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $7491 / $5837 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
17/06/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Fai King House (Block B) 20/F FLAT 10 | 3.06M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $5523 / $4304 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
06/06/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Yuk King House (Block C) 17/F FLAT 1 | 2.9M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $5235 / $4079 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
06/06/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Fai King House (Block B) 18/F FLAT 5 | 2.95M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $5325 / $4149 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/05/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Fai King House (Block B) 21/F FLAT 4 | 3.12M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $5632 / $4388 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
27/05/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Yuk King House (Block C) 17/F FLAT 10 | 3.15M | 401sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $7855 / $6128 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/05/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Yuk King House (Block C) 13/F FLAT 7 | 2.83M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $5108 / $3980 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/05/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Yuk King House (Block C) 30/F FLAT 1 | 3.02M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $5451 / $4248 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
30/04/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Hei King House (Block A) 24/F FLAT 7 | 2.78M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $5018 / $3910 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
10/04/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Hei King House (Block A) 1/F FLAT 2 | 4.8M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $8664 / $6751 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
25/03/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Fai King House (Block B) 35/F FLAT 8 | 2.95M | 401sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $7357 / $5739 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
15/03/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Yuk King House (Block C) 15/F FLAT 10 | 3.28M | 401sq. ft. / 514sq. ft. | $8180 / $6381 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
08/03/2024 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Fai King House (Block B) 15/F FLAT 7 | 3.08M | 645sq. ft. / 826sq. ft. | $4775 / $3729 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
07/12/2023 | Po Lam | King Ming Court Hei King House (Block A) 27/F FLAT 1 | 4.5M | 554sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. | $8123 / $6329 | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |