Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$10304
Gross: 620(sq. ft) @$7661
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$11236
Gross: 620(sq. ft) @$8355
Saleable: 661(sq. ft) @$10257
Gross: 891(sq. ft) @$7609
Saleable: 762(sq. ft) @$9449
Gross: 1043(sq. ft) @$6903
Saleable: 462(sq. ft) @$10303
Gross: 620(sq. ft) @$7677
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$11757
Gross: 620(sq. ft) @$8742
Saleable: 596(sq. ft) @$9564
Gross: 806(sq. ft) @$7072
Saleable: 762(sq. ft) @$9055
Gross: 1043(sq. ft) @$6616
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$11497
Gross: 620(sq. ft) @$8548
Saleable: 596(sq. ft) @$9899
Gross: 806(sq. ft) @$7320
Saleable: 431(sq. ft) @$11323
Gross: 576(sq. ft) @$8472
Saleable: 762(sq. ft) @$9843
Gross: 1043(sq. ft) @$7191
Saleable: 762(sq. ft) @$10052
Gross: 1043(sq. ft) @$7344
Saleable: 755(sq. ft) @$10927
Gross: 1032(sq. ft) @$7994
Saleable: 663(sq. ft) @$11026
Gross: 894(sq. ft) @$8177
Saleable: 594(sq. ft) @$12121
Gross: 803(sq. ft) @$8966
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$12972
Gross: 620(sq. ft) @$9645
Saleable: 461(sq. ft) @$13015
Gross: 620(sq. ft) @$9677
Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$14224
Gross: 623(sq. ft) @$10594
Saleable: 755(sq. ft) @$11921
Gross: 1032(sq. ft) @$8721
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
23/12/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 3/F FLAT F | 4.75M | 461sq. ft. / 620sq. ft. | $10304 / $7661 | 25/11/2013 | 3.75M / +27% | Land Registry |
05/12/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 25/F FLAT F | 5.18M | 461sq. ft. / 620sq. ft. | $11236 / $8355 | 22/07/2016 | 4.4M / +18% | Land Registry |
03/12/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 30/F FLAT J | 6.78M | 661sq. ft. / 891sq. ft. | $10257 / $7609 | 14/11/2019 | 8.5M / -20% | Land Registry |
27/11/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 23/F FLAT G | 7.2M | 762sq. ft. / 1043sq. ft. | $9449 / $6903 | 28/04/2017 | 7.78M / -7% | Land Registry |
13/11/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 2/F FLAT F | 4.76M | 462sq. ft. / 620sq. ft. | $10303 / $7677 | 21/07/2010 | 2.95M / +62% | Land Registry |
11/11/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 23/F FLAT F | 5.42M | 461sq. ft. / 620sq. ft. | $11757 / $8742 | 21/10/2009 | 2.82M / +92% | Land Registry |
08/10/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 18/F FLAT C | 5.7M | 596sq. ft. / 806sq. ft. | $9564 / $7072 | 12/03/2018 | 7.26M / -21% | Land Registry |
04/10/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 6/F FLAT G | 6.9M | 762sq. ft. / 1043sq. ft. | $9055 / $6616 | 23/01/2015 | 6.3M / +10% | Land Registry |
20/09/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 31/F FLAT F | 5.3M | 461sq. ft. / 620sq. ft. | $11497 / $8548 | 07/12/2020 | 6.18M / -14% | Land Registry |
10/07/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 23/F FLAT C | 5.9M | 596sq. ft. / 806sq. ft. | $9899 / $7320 | 19/11/2014 | 5.3M / +11% | Land Registry |
14/05/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 26/F FLAT E | 4.88M | 431sq. ft. / 576sq. ft. | $11323 / $8472 | 29/12/2009 | 2.84M / +72% | Land Registry |
30/04/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 32/F FLAT G | 7.5M | 762sq. ft. / 1043sq. ft. | $9843 / $7191 | 31/03/2010 | 4.88M / +54% | Land Registry |
19/04/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 33/F FLAT G | 7.66M | 762sq. ft. / 1043sq. ft. | $10052 / $7344 | 10/06/2021 | 9M / -15% | Land Registry |
16/04/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 23/F FLAT A | 8.25M | 755sq. ft. / 1032sq. ft. | $10927 / $7994 | 23/09/2009 | 4.66M / +77% | Land Registry |
07/02/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 31/F FLAT H | 7.31M | 663sq. ft. / 894sq. ft. | $11026 / $8177 | 09/12/2009 | 4.29M / +70% | Land Registry |
22/01/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 39/F FLAT D | 7.2M | 594sq. ft. / 803sq. ft. | $12121 / $8966 | 11/06/2010 | 4.26M / +69% | Land Registry |
04/01/2024 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 22/F FLAT F | 5.98M | 461sq. ft. / 620sq. ft. | $12972 / $9645 | 30/07/2009 | 2.76M / +117% | Land Registry |
30/10/2023 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 21/F FLAT F | 6M | 461sq. ft. / 620sq. ft. | $13015 / $9677 | 31/10/2016 | 4.95M / +21% | Land Registry |
22/08/2023 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 21/F FLAT B | 6.6M | 464sq. ft. / 623sq. ft. | $14224 / $10594 | 14/08/2015 | 4.8M / +38% | Land Registry |
18/08/2023 | Fanling / Queen's Hill | No. 8 Royal Green No. 8 Royal Green 40/F FLAT A | 9M | 755sq. ft. / 1032sq. ft. | $11921 / $8721 | 29/03/2010 | 5.45M / +65% | Land Registry |